How Blue Collar Are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How Blue Collar Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

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Some people think that being blue collar just has to do with your job, but they are wrong, it is more than that, it is a way of life. How blue collar do you think you are?
Can you drive a manual transmission?
Of course, I have been driving stick since I was 12.
Yes, it was a little hard at first but I learned.
Not that well, but I can in an emergency
No, but I have friends who can that can drive me in an emergency.


Do you like Country Music?
Yes, it is my favorite kind of music of all.
Sure, doesn't everyone?
Not much, but I can get into it sometimes.
I hate it.


How Far did you go in school?
I went to high school and then went work.
I went to college for a bit, but then thought it was a waste of time.
I have a college degree, everyone in my family does.
I went to grad school, I needed it to compete in my profession.,


How conservative are you politically?
My whole family has always been republican.
I am a republican but I sometimes vote democrat.
I always vote Democrat.
Green Party all the way.


How funny do you think Jeff Foxworthy is?
He is hilarious, I love him.
He is pretty funny, I am a fan.
I don't like his humor.
Who is Jeff Foxworthy?


Can you change your oil in your car?
Of course. Can't everyone?
Yes, but I would rather pay someone to do it.
I technically know how, but I wouldn't do it.
Why would I possibly want to know how to do that?


Do you hunt?
As much as I possibly can. I can't wait for hunting season.
Sure. but not often.
I think hunting is wrong, but I still eat meat.
Hunting is for savages.


Do you mow your own lawn?
Yes. Who else is going to mow it?
Yes, It is part of owning a home to take care of it.
Yes, I have a riding mower.
No. I pay someone to do it.


How often do you eat fast food?
All the time.
Quite a bit, a few times a week.
I try not to, but I do sometimes.
I never eat fast food.


What do you think of people that are conceited?
I can't stand people that are stuck on themselves.
I think they are irritating. Doesn't everyone?
I don't like them, but I have to admit they are usually successful
Some people have a right to be conceited.


Do you own a gun?
Of course I do, I own several.
Yes, I have one for protection of my home.
No, but I respect peoples right to have one.
Of course not.


How much time do you spend on the Internet?
Not much, but I do know how to use it.
I try and avoid it, but I am comfortable on it.
I use it all the time for work.
I am connected to the Internet almost constantly.


What do you do for exercise?
I get my exercise at my job.
I play a lot of sports with my friends.
I jog and have a gym membership.
I work out with my personal trainer.


Where did you meet your romantic partner?
We met in high school.
At work
A dating site like
Tinder or snapchat


What time do you go to work?
I try and get there as soon as the day breaks.
My boss wants me there before 8.
I work 9 to 5.
I either work from home or use flex time at the office.


What is your typical dinner at home?
Frozen Pizza
I usually grill up a burger.
I make a healthy dinner from scratch.
I usually eat out, if I eat at home it is organic or vegan.


What do you watch most on TV?
Anything really, but I like reality shows.
I like shows like Breaking Bad or Walking Dead.
I don't watch TV.


What kind of alcohol do you drink?
Nothing but Domestic beer.
I usually drink domestic beer but sometimes I have craft beer or wine.
I like local beer and craft cocktails.
I don't drink.


What do you like to read?
I don't read much at all..
I might pick up a magazine here and there.
I like best sellers, and thrillers.
I tend to read literature and classics.


What is your favorite sport?
I don't watch sports


What do you wear to work?
Regular work clothes, jeans or overalls.
Casual clothes
I wear casual but sometimes I wear a tie for a meeting.
When I go to the office I wear a suit.


Where do you go on vacation?
I haven't taken a vacation in years.
I usually rent a camp or go camping.
I take the family to theme parks.
I go abroad to Europe or someplace tropical


What kind of car do you drive?
I drive a truck.
I drive domestic cars like ford or Chevy.
A foreign car with a good rating like VW or Volvo.
Luxury cars like BMW or Mercedes


Where do you live?
A mobile home.
A house in a development.
A condo
An expensive house.


What music would you rather listen to?
Hank Williams Jr.
Rage Agains the Machine


What is in your front yard?
A couple of my trucks.
Nothing, but my lawn needs to be mowed soon.
Some of my kids toys.
A lovely garden.


What are directions to your house like?
Go past the mailbox then take a right on the dirt road.
Go past a field then take a right into a subdivision.
Take the train and get off in the suburbs.
Take the elevator to the penthouse.


Did you watch the World Cup?
The what?
No I didn't see any of it.
I saw some in a bar I was at.
As much as possible.


What do you think of Trump?
He isn't bad for a rich guy.
He wants to help America get back to being great.
I would not vote for him but I get some of where he is coming from.
He is a buffoon.


How many girlfriends have you had?
Just 1 and I married her.
3-5, I dated a little before I settled down.
10-15 and i am still single.
I stopped keeping track 10 years ago.


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