Go on a Summer Road Trip and We’ll Guess Which Truck Matches Your Personality

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Go on a Summer Road Trip and We’ll Guess Which Truck Matches Your Personality
Image: Jacobs Stock Photography / Photodisc / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The great American road trip is a time-honored tradition that brings people together over summer vacation all across the country. It's one of the last great adventures a person can go on in a world where nearly everything has already been discovered, and there's no real frontier left.

What is left is the freedom of the open road and 1,001 places you've probably never been to. The fun of the road trip is not just the destination but the journey. You get to see all the things you never see when you're traveling by plane. You can visit all those little towns, stop at all those diners, and really just experience what life is like.

Everyone should go on a road trip at least once in their lives, ideally in a fun, reliable truck. It can tell you a lot about yourself. Your sense of adventure, your ability to take on new challenges, your desire to just be a part of something more. In fact, it won't just tell you about yourself; it'll tell us about you, too. Why not buckle up and take our little road trip quiz here with us and we'll use that info to tell you just what kind of truck matches your personality? 

You want to make sure the road you're traveling is a road you actually like. What type of country do you want to be driving through?
Up in the mountains
Farm country
Big cities
Where do you want to stop and eat when you're on the road?
Little, local restaurants
Truck stops
Anyplace from "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives"
Fast food joints
Listen, no one likes it when nature calls on the road but it's going to happen. Where are you stopping?
A corn field
Gas station
Public rest stop


How much time are you willing to commit to your road trip experience?
A couple of days
All day
As long as it takes
Most of a day
Who's going to be coming with you on this road trip adventure?
My significant other
I'm driving solo.
My friends
My family
Are you planning on a specific destination or multiple stops along the way until you're back home again?
There are a few places I want to visit.
I want a specific destination.
I'm just going wherever seems cool.
I have no big plan.


There are plenty of mountains you can swing by on your trip. Where do you want to go the most?
Sierra Nevadas
The Rockies
Great Smoky Mountains
Let's say this road trip takes all night and then some. Where do you plan to spend the night?
A cheesy motel
Holiday Inn
We're going to swap driving duties so one sleeps while the other drives.
A nice B&B
You need some road tunes on a road trip. What's on your playlist?
Something high energy
Whatever's on terrestrial radio.
I plan on making a playlist before I leave.
I'm putting on some oldies.


Road trip movies are usually a little crazier than real life road trips. What's the ultimate road trip movie?
"National Lampoon's Vacation"
"Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle"
"Thelma and Louise"
If it's summer, you should be hitting the beach, right? What beach do you want to go to?
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Clearwater Beach, Florida
Coronado, California
Kauna'oa Bay, Hawaii
The classic family road trip is going to take you to all the best landmarks. What one is an absolute must-see?
The Alamo
Mount Rushmore
The Statue of Liberty
Grand Canyon


There's more stuff to see in America than you can shake a stick at. What kind of things are you most interested in seeing?
New and interesting people
Tourist spots
Historical sites
It's your first meal on the road, what are you going to stop for?
A big, greasy breakfast
Something quick and cheap
Some slow-cooked BBQ
A classic cheeseburger
You're going to be in the car for a while so you better be comfortable. What's your road trip outfit?
Something loose and casual
I'll be in my jeans.
You know I've got something fun and summery on.
Just shorts and a T-shirt


Since you're on the road anyway, why not hit up a party city? Which of these places would you choose?
New Orleans
New York City
Las Vegas
Miami Beach
What part of the country do you want to visit the most?
The South
East Coast
West Coast
There are some majestic bodies of water you can visit as you cross the country. What do you want to see the most?
Atlantic Ocean
The Mississippi River
Pacific Ocean
Great Lakes


What kind of environment do you want to find yourself in first thing in the morning as the sun rises?
I want to be in the desert.
I'd like to see the sun rise over some giant redwoods.
Sunrise and mountains sound good to me.
I want to smell the sea air as the sun rises.
Do you have an interest in getting to know some new people out on the road?
I'll chat folks up, sure.
I like talking to people at restaurants and tourist spots.
I'm more interested in seeing the sights.
Is there any kind of big event you'd be willing to drive cross country to see?
Mardi Gras
Spring Break


You have to take pictures to remember the event, right? What do you usually snap pictures of?
All the cool sights and tourist spots
Lots of selfies
Any crazy stuff I see
My friends and family
Is this trip all about fun or are you doing for experiencing a little culture as well?
This is less about education and more about a good time.
I want to check out places where history went down.
I want to experience everything.
I'm willing to hit up a museum.
Are you more of a highway and interstate driver or do you take the back roads?
Give me those back roads!
I like to stick to the main roads.
A little of each sounds good to me.
I'll stay on the interstate as much as I can.


What's going to make you avoid a gas station in the middle of the night?
If it's super sketchy, of course.
Bad lighting
A lack of decent snacks
High prices
How do you plan to handle the summer heat out on the open road?
The heat is part of the fun!
Cold drinks
Open windows and a nice breeze
I've got air conditioning.
What happens if you're in the middle of nowhere and you run out of gas?
You know I have a can in the back.
Looks like I'm walking to a gas station.
No offense, but that just wouldn't happen.
I'll call for help.


So do you want to be the driver as much as possible or would you rather sit back and enjoy the ride?
I kind of like just being a passenger sometimes.
I'd like to do most of the driving.
Whatever works out best is cool with me.
I'm happy to share the driving duties.
What's the plan if you find yourself stuck in some crazy traffic?
Listen to the radio, I guess.
Take another route as soon as possible.
Just go with the flow.
Hopefully, my GPS will warn me before that happens.
Are you willing to take this road trip international and visit Canada or Mexico?
Definitely, let's see the world.
I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.
You better believe it.
I'd rather not.


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