Firearms Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Firearms Quiz
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About This Quiz

From war to hunting to self-preservation, firearms have helped shape the world we live in - literally. In fact, it was the hit-and-run military tactic of guerrilla warfare during the Revolutionary War, using small arms and muskets, which helped to sway and eventually win American independence from the British. It was that same type of warfare which nearly destroyed the same country 80 years later and eventually led to the end of the American Civil War. 

But you're a firearms expert, so this quiz shouldn't be a problem for you, should it? For example, would you know what an 18th-century coachman would have carried to ward off highway bandits? Do you remember the weapons that famous sleuths like Dirty Harry and James Bond preferred? How about the most popular weapon on the planet? You might be surprised.

This is a quiz that will test your knowledge of the firearms industry and the history of firearms, as well as popular social stories, such as which firearm was found propped against a Nevada tree in 2015? It's an awesome story you'll be eager to look up after this quiz. And there are many more. 

Ready? Take aim and get ready to fire - this is going to be one of the most challenging and fun quizzes you've taken in a long time. 

Name the most popular weapon on the planet, with more than 75 million made since the 1940s.
Can you hear the familiar kalash klack? That's the sound of a soldier (or terrorist) preparing his AK-47 for operation. It's not the most elegant weapon, but the AK-47, developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov for the Soviet Red Army, is cheap to make and flat out works in any condition or environment.
StG 44
Which weapon was hailed by Gen. Patton as "the greatest battle implement ever devised"?
M1 Garand
In World War I, infantrymen relied on bolt-action rifles, such as the Mauser Gewehr 1898 and the Springfield M1903. By World War II, soldiers had something better -- semi-automatic rifles capable of automatic reloading. U.S. troops used the M1 Rifle, which became known as the M1 Garand after John C. Garand, the Canadian who developed the weapon.
Spencer carbine
What does the "AR" stand for in the popular AR-15 civilian rifle?
advanced recoil
ArmaLite rifle
A lot of people get this wrong, so don't feel bad if you guessed "assault rifle." In reality, AR is an abbreviated form of "ArmaLite rifle." ArmaLite refers to the company that came up with the original design in the 1950s.
assault rifle


When someone thinks "shotgun," this is the firearm the person most likely imagines.
Franchi SPAS 12
Remington M870
Remington introduced the Model 870 pump-action shotgun in 1950. Since then, more than 9 million 870s have been manufactured for hunters, sportsmen, law enforcement officers and soldiers. It's especially popular as a riot gun because it's more likely to wound than kill at moderate to long range.
Pancor Jackhammer
If you were an 18th-century coachman, which weapon would you likely carry to repel highway bandits?
Flintlock shotguns were popular in the 18th century. One such gun featured a flared muzzle and went by the name blunderbuss, which was Dutch for "thunder gun." This short-barreled rifle fit nicely under a coach seat and could be loaded quickly, even on a bumpy carriage ride, through its wide muzzle opening.
Gatling gun
tommy gun
Which handgun did Dirty Harry make famous?
Colt Detective Special
Smith & Wesson M29
"Go ahead, make my day." The Smith & Wesson Model 29 has been around for nearly 50 years, but it was Dirty Harry's immortal words, spoken as he leveled this weapon, that made it famous. Chambered for .44 Magnum ammunition, the M29 can crack a truck engine block with a single shot.
Walther PPK


The Australian Army used this weapon to fight against emus.
a Lewis gun
The Australian Army used Lewis machine guns in an attempt to fight off rampaging emus. The emus won ... or, at least, the army stopped trying to shoot them.
a Gatling gun
hand cannons
Which of these innovations did Samuel Colt bring to the world of weapons production?
He invented the revolver.
He used an assembly line rather than individual gunsmiths.
Colt's use of assembly line mass-production led to the Colt Frontier Six Shooter's dominance in the American West.
He invented the safety catch.
Which firearm became especially popular with Prohibition-era gangsters?
AK-47 assault rifle
Henry rifle
Thompson submachine gun
Designed by a U.S. army general, the Thompson submachine gun may be the most recognizable firearm of all time. Gangsters of the 1920s often wielded their tommy guns right before they said, "Eat some lead, copper!"


Which self-loading pistol established the parabellum round as the world standard?
Beretta Model 1934
Colt M1911
In 1900, George Luger introduced what would become a firearm classic -- the P-08. The P stands for "parabellum," a 9 mm round that has been widely adopted by other gun manufacturers. Most people today refer to the weapon as a Luger, and it remains popular among collectors and enthusiasts looking for an accurate pistol that's comfortable to shoot.
Which of the following best describes the sequence of events that occur when the trigger of a semi-automatic weapon is pulled?
fire - eject - load
If you have an itchy trigger finger, you don't want an automatic weapon -- it will fire bullets as long as you squeeze the trigger or until the magazine empties. A better option might be a semi-automatic, or self-loading, gun, which fires a single round, ejects the spent cartridge and then loads the next round every time the trigger is pulled.
fire - eject - load - fire
Which firearm, used during the Civil War, fired the .58-caliber Minié bullet?
Dreyse needle gun
LeMat "Grapeshot" Revolver
Springfield Model 1855 rifle-musket
Soldiers wearing both blue and gray used a rifle-musket known as the Springfield, after the armory in Springfield, Mass., where many were produced. The rifle fired a conical-shaped bullet named after its French inventor, Claude-Étienne Minié. Unlike solid balls, which passed cleanly through a human body, the Minié bullet flattened and deformed on impact, shattering bones and shredding organs along its path.


Which semi-automatic weapon with a large-capacity magazine became infamous after appearing in surveillance footage of the Columbine massacre?
Ingram MAC10
Intratec TEC-DC9
A frame taken from a video surveillance camera in the Columbine cafeteria clearly shows Dylan Klebold carrying a TEC-DC9, or TEC-9, in one gloved hand. In the aftermath of the shooting, the TEC-9 became a potent symbol for the gun-control lobby and was included in the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons ban.
A dedicated sniper would most likely use this type of a firearm.
automatic machine gun
bolt-action rifle
Snipers prefer accuracy over rapid-fire capabilities, and a bolt-action rifle fitted with a telescopic sight can be a lethal combination. During World War II, Russian snipers used Mosin-Nagant rifles -- bolt-action but with internal magazines -- to kill more than a few Axis soldiers.
semi-automatic rifle
What kind of weapon was named after Davy Crockett in the 1950s?
a .950-caliber fully-automatic rifle
a recoilless nuclear rifle
With a top range of 2.5 miles and a 0.01-kiloton payload, the Davy Crockett was a tactical recoilless nuclear rifle that was deployed with the U.S. Army until 1971.
a shoulder-firing missile launcher


What famous firearm was found propped against a tree in Nevada in 2015?
a Colt Peacemaker
an M2 Browning
a Winchester Model 1873
A 132-year-old Winchester Model 1873, nicknamed "The Gun That Won the West," was found in Great Basin National Park purely by happenstance.
What is James Bond's pistol manufacturer of choice?
James Bond's favorite pistols are Walther PPK, P5 Compact, P99 and PPK/S.
Which submachine gun is nicknamed the Chicago Typewriter?
the Heckler & Koch MP5
the Colt 9mm SMG
the Thompson submachine gun
Also called the Tommy gun (and a number of other nicknames), the Thompson submachine gun is known as the Chicago Typewriter in real life and in "Resident Evil 4."


What do you call the spiral grooves cut into the bore of a gun?
Early firearms had smooth bores and fired projectiles with little or no spin. These projectiles had to have a stable shape to keep them from tumbling. Then came rifling, or spiral grooves cut into the inside of the barrel. Grooves impart spin to a bullet moving down the barrel, and a spinning bullet has greater accuracy over a long distance.
If you lived in 13th-century China, your weapon of choice was probably:
a hand cannon
Hand cannons were commonly used in 13th-century China and eventually caught on in Europe as well.
a mortar
a falconet
Which firearm can rightfully be called the first assault rifle?
Heckler & Koch G3
Sturmgewehr 44 (StG 44)
Germany introduced the Sturmgewehr ("Storm Rifle") 44 rifle in 1943. With a 30-round detachable box magazine and fully automatic firing, the StG 44 launched the assault rifle category and spawned a number of similar designs, including the AK-47 and M16.


Those pistols at dawn were probably:
Famous for their use in dueling, the pistols drawn at dawn were most likely to be flintlock.
percussion cap
Name the first gun made mostly from plastic.
Colt Detective Special
Glock 17
Heckler & Koch VP70
When Gaston Glock introduced the Glock 17 in 1982, it was hailed as a "plastic pistol" and sent ripples of panic through air travelers who thought the weapon would remain invisible to airport security scanners. In reality,the Heckler & Koch VP70 predates it by more than a decade.
An 1835 attempt to assassinate President Andrew Jackson with two derringers failed because:
The assassin couldn't get them through the metal detector.
The assassin had forgotten to load them.
The pistols didn't fire.
Richard Lawrence, probably under the effects of lead poisoning, failed to assassinate President Andrew Jackson when neither pistol he had brought with him successfully fired. Congressman Davy Crockett then tackled the would-be assassin.


Which 9 mm submachine gun was developed for the Israeli army?
Maj. Uziel Gal developed his 9 mm submachine gun, the Uzi, in 1948. Its design made it easy to manufacture, and it also was remarkably reliable and accurate. As a result, more than 10 million have been made over the years.
Sten Mk II
Which conflict saw the first widespread use of the M16 assault rifle?
Civil War
Korean War
Vietnam War
The U.S. introduced the M16 during the Vietnam War as a rifle that never needed cleaning. This proved to be wishful thinking, especially with early designs. Still, the lightweight nature of the M16, combined with its low recoil, made it a popular weapon.
Which pistol did John Browning design to accept the .45-caliber cartridge, which was developed first in 1904?
Beretta 92F
Colt M1911
First, John Browning designed the .45-caliber cartridge, a larger type of ammunition with greater stopping power. Then he developed what some say is one of the finest weapons ever made: the Colt semi-automatic, .45-caliber pistol. The U.S. Army adopted Browning's new pistol in 1911 and designated it the M1911.
Glock 17


A 1975 attempt to assassinate President Gerald Ford with a Colt .45 failed because:
The assassin hadn't chambered a bullet.
When "Manson family" member Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme tried to assassinate Ford in Sacramento, California, she did not realize she needed to chamber a round before firing.
The assassin had forgotten to load it.
The firing pin was defective.
Where was the first gunpowder weapon developed?
According to scholars and archaeologists, China gave the world what it needed for spaghetti and spaghetti Westerns. The first firearms that used gunpowder to launch a projectile came from the Yuan dynasty in the 13th century. These bronze hand cannons weren't very accurate, but they must have scared the heck out of their enemies.
Which weapon was known as the Peacemaker?
Colt M1873
Samuel Colt put the revolver on the map during the U.S. Civil War when he made 100,000 of the weapons for the Army and Navy. After the war, the Army version -- also known as the Peacemaker or Colt .45 -- became the symbol of frontier life and outlaw justice.
Smith & Wesson Model 10
Springfield Model 1855 rifle-musket


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