Do You Have What it Takes to Survive 21 Days "Naked and Afraid?"

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Do You Have What it Takes to Survive 21 Days "Naked and Afraid?"
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

"Naked and Afraid" is a riveting Discovery Channel reality TV show that follows one man and one woman as they struggle to survive for 21 days in the wild, completely naked. Do you think you have what it takes to complete this ultimate survival challenge? Play on to find out!
Do you have any primitive survival training?
Besides what I've learned from TV shows, I have no training.
Yes, I have loads of primitive survival experience.
I was in girl scouts, boy scouts, or a similar organization. Does that count for something?
I have some basic survival training, but not much.


Do you work well with others?
Yes, I can work with almost anyone.
Usually, but if I have to work with someone who is rude or lazy, I might struggle a bit.
It just depends on the people I'm supposed to be working with.
Not really, no.


Do you have any dietary restrictions?
None whatsoever.
Yes, but nothing that should be a factor in a survival setting.
I have a sensitive stomach, so I have to watch what I eat.
I'm a vegetarian or vegan.


Which survival tool would you bring with you?
A fire starter kit.
A pot.
A knife.
A mosquito net.


Have you ever started a fire without the help of an accelerant?
Yes, many times.
Yes, I've done it a number of times, but I'm not the best.
Once or twice, sure.


Are you comfortable with being naked in front of others?
Sure, naked is our natural state of being as humans.
Plenty of people have seen me naked.
No, but I could get used to it.
Not at all, but I might be able to get over that.


Are you sensitive to mosquito or other bug bites?
No, those sorts of things don't bother me.
Yes, but it won't get in the way of my success.
Yes, but I'm sure I could handle it.
I can handle itchiness, but I'm not so sure about painful stings or bites.


When's the last time you were "hangry" (hungry and angry)?
I don't get "hangry."
It's been awhile.
Within the last two days.
Earlier today.


You haven't had more than 3 hours of sleep in 48 hours, what level of cranky are you?
I've gone much longer with proportionate amounts of sleep.
It depends on whether I've eaten or not in that time.
I'd be borderline crazy, but I might be able to keep it together.
Extremely, unbelievably nuclear-level cranky.


How do you feel about gender roles?
They're annoying af and irrelevant in survival situations.
I do my own thing, regardless of my gender.
They exist for a reason.
I'm not sure how to answer this question.


Do you have any primitive hunting experience?
Yes, I'm a veteran hunter.
I have experience with a number of primitive hunting techniques.
No, but I've hunted with modern methods.
I've never hunted before.


What do you think is the most important item for your camp?
Clean drinking water.


How many different climate types have you trained in?
Pretty much every possible type.
I've trained in quite a few different climates.
I've trained in about three different climates.
I've trained in one or two climate types.


Are you more patient or impulsive?
I'm always patient; never impulsive.
I'm usually patient, but I've been known to be impulsive at times.
I'm more on the impulsive side, but I'm working on my patience and self-control.
I lack impulse control.


Are you afraid of the dark?
The dark is nothing to be afraid of, but the animals that lurk in it are.
No, but it can creep me out sometimes.
Yes, but it's nothing I can't handle.
I am terrified of the dark.


Has anyone ever called you a quitter?
Not to my face.
Yes, but it's only happened once or twice.
Yes, but I didn't think it was fair.


Do you know how to swim?
I'm an experienced strong swimmer.
Yes, I'm pretty skilled at swimming.
Yes, but I tire out fairly quickly.
I'm not confident in my swimming abilities.


How often do you exercise?
My lifestyle revolves around whole person health and fitness.


Do you know how to properly cook different species of wild animals?
Yes, I have experience with hunting and cooking a wide variety of animal species.
Yes, but I still have a lot left to learn.
I've read enough about it that I think I have a decent idea of how to do it.
No, but how hard can it be? Burn it if need be.


When's the last time you built a shelter or fort?
I'm always building new types of shelters.
Within the last few months.
When I was a kid.
Do pillow/blanket forts count?


What's the longest you've gone without eating?
Two weeks,
One week.
Four to five days.
Two and three days.


If you had no other options, would you eat bugs?
I'd eat bugs even if I had other options; they're a great source of nutrients.
Sure, why not? I've done it before.
I'd have to be really desperate to eat a bug.
I'm not sure, maybe.


How much time do you spend outdoors?
I'm outside almost every day.
I'm outside as much as possible.
I spend an average amount of time outside.
I prefer the indoors.


Can you handle being sick?
Yes, nothing slows me down.
Yes, but that doesn't mean I won't be miserable.
It depends on what I'm sick with.
No, I turn into a baby.


How often do you travel?
I'm a frequent flyer.
I travel as often as I can get away.
I don't have much time for traveling.
I don't like to travel.


Do you have any rock climbing experience?
Yes, I'm an experienced climber.
I have some experience.
I have basic indoor climbing experience.


How much do you know about botany?
I'm very familiar with the plant life of many different regions.
I'm no expert, but I know a little about a lot when it comes to botany.
No, but I'm sure I could pick it up pretty quick.
What's botany?


Are you squeamish?
Not at all.
There are few things that can freak me out.
I'm squeamish when it comes to certain things.


What's the longest amount of time you've spent in the wild?
A weekend camping trip.


Can you deal with sudden and extreme changes in temperature and/or weather?
Yes, that's what fire and shelter are for.
I think so, but it depends on a number of factors.
I'm not sure, but I'd probably be able to figure out a way to deal with it.
If I have clothing/attire to accommodate the changes, I'll be fine.


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