Could You be a Vegetarian?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Could You be a Vegetarian?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

With the state of industrial agriculture and factory farming, more and more people are turning to a vegetarian lifestyle for a guilt-free diet for relief and comfort. Do you have what it takes to give up meat? Let's find out!
How often do you eat meat?
At least once daily.
A couple times a day.
Rarely or never.
What do you always make sure you include in your favorite entree?
Lots of meats.
Lots of bread or carbs.
A balance of essential nutrients.
Lots of sugar.
Do you take care of any pets or animals?
Yes, I have a dog, cat, or hamster.
No, they are too messy.
I'd never purchase an animal, but I'd rescue them.
I wish.


What interests you about vegetarianism?
The health benefits.
The dietary benefits.
Preventing the cruel treatment of animals in commercial industrial agriculture.
I've yet to find a compelling enough reason to be a vegetarian.
What is your favorite vegetable?
I have too many favorites.
I don't have a favorite: I dislike them all.
I love all vegetables, equally.
Which ones are the vegetables?
Do you like salad?
Only the ones with meat in them, like Chicken Caesar Salad.
Yes, I eat salads all the time.
I wouldn't say I like them, but I do eat them.
Salads are alright.


Do you like tofu and/or tempeh?
What's that?
Thinking about it makes me gag...gross!
Yes, I love both.
Sure, they're tasty enough.
Do you think you could be a vegetarian?
If I wanted to, sure, but I don't want to.
It'd be a piece of cake...but, could I still eat cake?
Yes, I've done it in the past.
Yes, I've already taken steps to cut meat out of my diet.
What do you think a vegetarian diet excludes?
All meat products.
All meat and dairy products.
All of the foods that actually taste good.
I'm not sure.


Do you like to cook?
No, it's the worst!
I like when other people cook for me.
Yes, it's a hobby of mine.
It's a necessary evil.
Where do you get most of your protein?
Meat products, of course, because you need meat to survive.
Eggs and/or dairy products.
A variety of nutritious sources that aren't meat.
Where does your food come from?
The grocery store.
Locally sourced organic farms and farmers markets.
Your home garden.
Anywhere that sells prepared foods and meat.


Have you tried to be a vegetarian in the past?
Yes, unsuccessfully, though.
I've thought about it, but never acted on it.
Yes, and successfully so.
No way! Why would I? I love meat!
How strong is your willpower?
This is irrelevant. I don't wish to resist meat temptations.
Are you an animal rights activist?
I'm more of an apologist or supporter.
Yes, and I regularly participate in protests/rallies.
I'd like to learn more about the issues involved.
Animals have the right to be eaten.


What type of fictitious death upsets you the most?
Animal deaths.
Human deaths.
Animal deaths and child deaths are equally upsetting.
I'm not really affected by dramatized or fictional portrayals of death.
Do you care about all animals?
Yes, of course.
I care about my pets, but not so much about the rest.
Mainly just the cute ones.
No, I don't care about animals.
Where does gelatin come from?
I don't care.
It's an artificial additive.
Animals' bones.
I'm not sure.


What's your opinion on veggie burgers?
That's an oxymoron.
They aren't for me.
They aren't my favorite thing to eat.
I love veggie burgers.
How often do you eat fruits or vegetables?
Multiple times per day.
I try to eat at least one serving per day.
Does the lettuce and tomato on my BLT count?
Are you friends with any vegetarians?
Not that I'm aware of.
Yes, one or two.
I feel like I'm surrounded by vegetarians.
No, but I have vegan friends.


Do you have people who would support you if you were to practice vegetarianism?
Why would I need someone's support?
I'm not sure, but probably.
No, I'd be seen as a joke by my family and friends.
Yes, I'd have plenty of people supporting me.
Do you know of any local vegetarian hotspots?
What is a vegetarian hotspot?
Yes, I've been to a few of the restaurants and grocery stores.
Yes, I'm a regular customer.
No, but I'm sure I'd be able to find some.
Do you ever think about the fact that your chicken dinner was once a living breathing being?
It's never crossed my mind.
Yes, but I try not to think about that.
Yes, all the time.
Yes, which is why I've started to cut meat out.


How often do you eat fast food?
Rarely or never.
Weekly or monthly.
Frequently and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Whenever I'm avoiding grocery shopping or doing the dishes and I am a bit ashamed to admit it.
What do you think about the phrase "Meat is Murder"?
Utter nonsense.
It is.
I don't get it.
I'm inclined to agree.
How do you feel about carnists?
What is a carnist?
They're apathetic murderers.
They just don't understand what's at steak...I mean stake.
I'm indifferent, it's their choice.


What's your favorite type of meat?
Red meats.
I don't eat meat.
How do you feel about hunting?
I'm against it because there's no need for it anymore.
I think animal population control is our responsibility.
I'm a proud hunter.
It's murder.
What are your thoughts on factory farming?
It's a disgusting, cruel, and unforgivable injustice.
What's factory farming?
I'm all for it because we need to produce enough meat for everyone.
It makes me tremendously sad to think about it, and it must stop.


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