About This Quiz
Buenos días! Brush up on your Spanish and the quirky, wise, and meaningful sayings that are found in the language. Like English, sayings in the Spanish language touch on a variety of subjects. Most Spanish sayings have an English counterpart that may directly or indirectly translate. There are even a few that don't really mean much or make sense in English at all. What is your favorite Spanish saying?
Do you know what "Al mal tiempo, buena cara" means in English? Do you know what the wise "Más vale solo que mal acompañado" means when translated into English? How about the simple choice of "plata o plomo"? Know your conjugations and your key Spanish words to figure out these sayings!
Can you translate the saying, "Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente"? What about the wise saying, "Moro viejo nunca será buen cristiano"? Do you know the translation of the pleasant saying, "Del tal palo, tal astilla"? If those are too easy, do you know the true meaning of the popular phrase "despacito"? These sayings may not be what you think they are!
If you're fluent in Spanish, or if you're talented at translation, this quiz will put you to the test. Take it to see how well you really know your Spanish sayings!