Can You Tell Me How to Get...100% on This Sesame Street Characters Quiz?

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5 min
Can You Tell Me How to Get...100% on This Sesame Street Characters Quiz?
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Did you know Bert has an identical twin brother named Bart? (He hasn't appeared on the show since 1974.) Or that Big Bird ran for President? You might not remember the small quirks of their personalities, but can you remember who these beloved "Sesame Street" characters are? Until next time, as Jackman Wolf would say, "Todolooooooooooo!"
Big Bird
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Big Bird
Big Bird, who may or may not be a canary, is an 8-foot tall yellow bird who lives in a nest next door to 123 Sesame Street -- right near Oscar the Grouch's trash-can home. He's about 6 years old, and best friends with "Snuffy" Snuffleupagus. He was also the first Muppet to appear on the show.
Mr. Snuffleupagus
Oscar the Grouch
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Big Bird
Kermit the Frog
Oscar the Grouch
Before he was the lovable trash-loving muppet we know today to be green, Oscar was originally an orange grouch. Green or orange, he sure can fit a lot in his trash can. Since the beginning of the show, Oscar has mentioned his bowling alley, farm, ice rink, piano, and swimming pool -- as well as his pet elephant, pet worm, and, we can assume, a lot of trash. And you may not think of him as sentimental, but Oscar once fell in love with the Wicked Witch of the West, when Margaret Hamilton made an appearance on "Sesame Street" in 1976.
Bert and Ernie
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Alice and Aloysuis Snuffleupagus
Bert and Ernie
Bert and Ernie, like the Odd Couple of Sesame Street, are best friends. The two Muppets have shared an apartment at 123 Sesame St. since Season 1.
Big Bird and Mr. Snuffleupagus
Grover and Super Grover


Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
For years, beginning in the 1970s, the lovable, cute, and furry blue monster, Grover, worked as a waiter at Charle's Restaurant, where he would inevitably frustrate Mr. Johnson, a regular, with his service. In addition to customer service jobs, Grover also worked as a taxi driver, a photographer, a flight attendant, and a singing telegram artist. And, of course, he also has a superhero identity, Super Grover.
Herry Monster
Simon Soundman
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Abby is a playful 3-year-old and the daughter of the Fairy Godfather. She's a fairy-in-training and has a segment called, "Abby's Flying Fairy School." She teaches kids how to rhyme -- and works on her magic spells.
Baby Bear
Cookie Monster
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster has been part of the "Sesame Street" Muppet cast since the very first season. You may not know that while all "Sesame Street" Muppets have just four fingers on each hand, Cookie Monster has five.
Little Murray Sparkles
Telly Monster


Alice Snuffleupagus
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Alice Snuffleupagus
Alice Snuffleupagus is Snuffy's 2-year-old sister. The Alice puppet had one cool feature when she debuted: her eyes were controlled off-camera by remote control -- the first on "Sesame Street." You won't see her as part of today's cast, though. Alice appeared in season 19 through season 31.
Kermit the Frog
Super Grover
Guy Smiley
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Charlie the Chef
Count von Count
Guy Smiley
Guy Smiley, nicknamed "America's favorite game show host," hosted "Here Is Your Life" and "Name that Sound!" among other game shows. The Guy Smiley Muppet was introduced early in the show, in 1969.
Sam the Eagle
Mr. Hooper
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Mr. Hooper
Mr. Hooper, one of the original human characters on "Sesame Street," ran the neighborhood's corner store, where he sold things such as birdseed milkshakes. A long-time character on the show, when actor Will Lee passed away in the early '80s, producers consulted with child psychologists to help children handle his death.


Roosevelt Franklin
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Ferlinghetti Donizetti
Kingston Livingston III
Roosevelt Franklin
In 1970, "Sesame Street" introduced to its cast an African American puppet, Roosevelt Franklin. Roosevelt educated kids about Africa, but was also shown as rowdy, and often had after-school detention. In 1975, the character was removed after parents complained he promoted negative stereotypes of black children.
Simon Soundman
The Amazing Mumford
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
The Amazing Mumford
His catchphrase, "À la peanut butter sandwiches!," is key to the Amazing Mumford's magic tricks -- especially since many of them don't work out the way he'd hoped.
Bip Bippadotta
Captain Vegetable
Sonny Friendly
Mr. Snuffleupagus
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Big Bird
Mr. Snuffleupagus
Until 1985, the adults on "Sesame Street" had never seen Mr. Snuffleupagus, or "Snuffy" to his friends (but Aloysius is his real name), and assumed he must be Big Bird's imaginary friend. Finally, Snuffy's timing was right, and the 4-year-old pachyderm met the adults of the neighborhood. The decision to make the change was made to avoid teaching kids that adults won't believe them when they tell them something important.


Sonny Friendly
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Al Roker
Pat Playjacks
Sonny Friendly
Sonny Friendly, known as "America's Friendliest Game Show Host," used the catchphrase, "Are we having a nice day or what?" Those who watched the early seasons of the show may remember when Guy Smiley was named Sonny Friendly.
Vincent Twice
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Ernie, voiced by Jim Henson, sings a song about his toy rubber duck, Rubber Duckie. Remember how it goes? "Rubber Duckie you're the one. You make bath time lots of fun. Rubber Duckie, I'm awfully fond of you." The song actually reached No. 16 on the Billboard "Hot 100 Singles" chart in 1970. Maybe that's why Ernie, one of the show's original Muppets, is the only Muppet to face his days with a built-in smile.
Telly Monster
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
In the early 1980s, "Sesame Street" introduced a blind Muppet named Aristotle to the neighborhood to encourage inclusiveness of people (and Muppets) with visual impairment. Aristotle, for instance, in one memorable segment, introduces Big Bird to Braille.
Big Jeffy


Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Barkley, a Muppet originally named "Woof-Woof," knew how to speak some American Sign Language. How? Barkley was Linda's dog, and Linda was hearing impaired. Barkley understood Linda when she signed "sit" and "stay."
Captain Woof
Dawg the Dog
Countess von Backward
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Countess von Backwards
Throughout the seasons, we've met a few of Count von Count's lady friends, including Countess Dahling von Dahling, Lady Two, and, simply, The Countess. In 1996, during Season 28, we were introduced to Countess von Backwards, who very much liked to count backwards.
Count von Count
Countess Dahling von Dahling
Lady Two
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Betty Lou
Rosita la Monstrua de las Cuevas (the Monster of the Caves), a blue Muppet who came to Sesame Street from Mexico, isn't the first bilingual Muppet to appear on the show -- but she is the first full-time cast member to speak both English and Spanish.


Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Bunny the Grouch
Grundgetta, a Grouch, is the longtime friend and girlfriend of Oscar the Grouch. She nicknamed him "Oskie," and he has been known to call her, "Grungie."
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
In 2002, "Sesame Street's" South African edition, called "Takalani Sesame," introduced a Muppet named Kami, an HIV-positive character, whose mother had died of AIDS. When she was created, Kami was the world's first HIV-positive Muppet. Since her debut, Kami has grown into a global figure for HIV awareness and acceptance.
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Cookie Monster
These friendly monsters are called Honkers, and have been a part of "Sesame Street" since 1979. Honkers, created in several colors, had horns instead of ears, and had honkable horns as noses.
The Martians
Yip Yips


Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Miss Piggy
Zoe, a yellow-orange monster with a pet rock named Rocco, was introduced to the show in 1993. Her tutu, which she wears all the time, as any 3-year-old might, was sent by her Aunt Gizelle from Swan Lake.
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
In 2015, a new Muppet was introduced to "Sesame Street" -- a 4-year-old girl named Julia. Julia's introduction to the show was significant because she was the first Muppet with autism. She was designed to help normalize how those living on the autistic spectrum interact with their peers, and vice versa. Julia became a regular part of the show in 2017.
Humphrey and Ingrid
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Bert and Ernie
Humphrey and Ingrid
Muppet monsters Humphrey and Ingrid are the parents of baby Natasha. Natasha's fondness for baby babbling makes her a hit among the little ones in the audience.
Maria and Luis
Wanda and Wayne


Count von Count
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Arlene Frantic
Count von Count
In the segment called "Number of the Day," Count von Count chooses -- you guessed it -- the number of the day. The criteria for being selected? Any number between zero and 20.
Sherlock Hemlock
Super Grover 2.0
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Ernie's best friend, Bert -- whose favorite saying is, "Yes, I do mind!" -- enjoys the simple things in life. You'll find him collecting bottle caps and paper clips, making oatmeal, and watching the pigeons.
Hubert the Human Cannonball
Jerome the Garden Gnome
Nick Normal
The Bears
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
The Bears
A step forward, a step backward, a step forward, a step backward, then a shimmy, and stepping from side-to-side is the dance of the Bear family, including Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Baby Bear, and Curly Bear. Baby Bear is best friends with Telly Monster, and is the member of the family who appears most often.
The Grouches
The Robinsons
The von Counts


Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
In the mid-1980s, Ernie's baby cousin, Ernestine, began to occasionally appear on the show. Although she yells, "Bert!" when he's trying to teach her to say, "Ernie," he can at least be comforted that the two share the same laugh.
Sherlock Hemlock
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Sherlock Hemlock
Known to refer to himself as "the world's greatest detective," Sherlock Hemlock was based on the fictional detective character of Sherlock Holmes. Most of his work was done in the 1970s and 1980s, when he was known to exclaim, "Egad!," every time he made a discovery. Hemlock hasn't made an appearance in years.
Harvey Kneeslapper
Detective Alfie Betts
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
When he was first introduced to the show in Season 2 in 1970, Slimey the Worm didn't have much to say ​and spent most of his time wiggling and wriggling. But Slimey was destined for greater things, including the Olympics, skydiving, being shot from a cannon, and becoming the first worm in space. Unlike other Muppets, Slimey's voice was someone other than his puppeteer. Emmy Award-winning (he won 25!) sound effects mixer and foley artist Dick Maitland, who began working on "Sesame Street" in its infancy, in 1969, voiced Slimey the worm.


Prairie Dawn
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Betty Lou
The Cereal Girl
Prairie Dawn
Prairie Dawn is a little older than many of the other Muppet kids on the show. A 7-year-old, she loves to write and direct school pageants and wants to be a journalist when she grows up. You may not know she has a pet snake named Sammy the Snake.
Lyle and Talbot
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Lyle and Talbot
Bert's favorite pet is his pigeon, Bernice. But he has a number of goldfish swimming in his aquarium tank. Although we don't learn all their names, we do know that two of the fish are called Lyle and Talbot. "Mulm-mulm-mulm."
Yvette and Danielle French Toast
Betty and Melissa Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
Chip and Dip
Alistair Cookie
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Alistair Cookie
Cookie Monster, as his alter ego, the smoking jacket-clad Alistair Cookie, hosts a show called "Monsterpiece Theater" on "Sesame Street." The segment is a parody of "Masterpiece Theatre," hosted by Alistair Cooke.
Dan Rather-not
Frank Lloyd Left
Wormsmith Black Mambazo


Captain Breakfast
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Captain Breakfast
While Captain Vegetable may be more popular, it was the orange, furry superhero, Captain Breakfast, who tried to teach us about the most important meal of the day: breakfast. He failed, but not for a lack of enthusiasm about breakfast foods.
Captain Cabbage
Captain Schnook
Captain Vegetable
Buster the Horse
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Buster the Horse
Forgetful Jones' horse, Buster, not only helps his friend remember things, he can also brush Forgetful Jones' teeth, drive a Jeep, play the piano, and sing. Buster was introduced in 1980, and was a regular until 1995.
Fred the Wonder Horse
Harry the Horse
Whatshisname the Horse
Big Jeffy
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Big Jeffy
The bearded Muppet who sings bass with the band, Little Jeffy and The Monotones, is Big Jeffy. He also sings with the band, Little Chrissy and The Alphabeats.
Dr. Teeth
Little Jerry
Simon Soundman


Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
"Sesame Street" introduced the blue-haired Alex in 2013, as a way to help kids deal with the stigma of having a parent in jail. Alex, whose dad is in prison, has a big role in the Sesame Workshop's online toolkit, "Little Children, Big Challenges: Incarceration."
Kermit the Frog
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Hoots the Owl
Kermit the Frog
"Hi-ho, this is Kermit the Frog of Sesame Street News ..." began Kermit during each report for the segment, "Sesame Street News Flash." The segment was a regular part of the show from 1972 until Jim Hensen's death in 1994. In closing, "this is Kermit the Frog returning you to your regularly scheduled program."
Murray Monster
Two-Headed Monster
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Thomas, Tessie, and their kids, Timmy and Tina, are a family of Twiddlebugs living in Ernie's windowbox. Nearby, in Elmo's windowbox, you'll find Twiddlebug Town.


Bristly and Pastey
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Baby Tooth and the Funky Funk
Bristly and Pastey
Bristly and Pastey are a set of oral hygiene products -- Bristly, a toothbrush, and Pastey, a tube of toothpaste -- used to teach kids about preventing tooth decay. Look for them in the "Here is Your Life" segment.
Crummy and Yucchy
Violin and Bow
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
When Brandeis, a yellow Labrador retriever, learns about service dogs from his friend, Gina, he knows it's what he was meant to do. After training, he achieves his goal and becomes a service dog -- and eventually becomes a helper to Liliana, who uses a wheelchair.
Dawg the Dog
Bon Bon
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Bon Bon
Bon Bon, a parody of the character Ulton from "The Avengers," wants to destroy all vegetables in the world because they are healthy foods. Ultimately, he doesn't succeed when he's stopped by The Aveggies.
Carol Carrot
Corny the Corn
Liz Lemon


The Beetles
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
The Beetles
The musical group, The Beetles, is made up of four insects. You'd recognize their songs, "Letter B," "Thinking of U," "Hey Food" and "There's a Lot of Different Ways to Get to School."
The Fantabulous Four
Ftatateeta and the Bats
Murray Monster
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Cousin Monster
Fenwick la Touche
Hilton Creamer
Murray Creamer
Murray is a friendly monster who has lived in the neighborhood since 2005. He's really good with words, and helps kids learn letters and basic vocabulary.
Dr. Nobel Price
Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Doc Holiday
Dr. Feel
Dr. Edwynn
Dr. Nobel Price
Dr. Nobel Price, his name a play on words (Nobel Prize), is a scientist who appeared on the show from 1979 until 1988. While Dr. Price works hard at his inventions, they are things that already exist, such as Snuffleupaguses and rabbits, and his "discovery" of gravity ... in 1983.


Sesame Street is known for its friendly neighbors. Which character is this?
Elmo is the one and only puppet to have testified before Congress. In 2002, he testified before the House Education Appropriations Subcommittee, urging Congress to spend more money on music education programs in schools.
Kermit the Frog
Oscar the Grouch
Sam Eagle
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