Can You Identify All of These Ancient Symbols?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Identify All of These Ancient Symbols?
Image: Anthony Bradshaw / Stockbyte / Getty Images

About This Quiz

As archaeologists unearth more and more items from ancient cultures, they also dig up ancient languages, codes and symbols that add mystery to the people who created them. These codes and symbols represent everything from knowledge and written language to entertainment and art. They give us insight into what the people of the time period valued and how they perceived higher powers. They show us the methods that were used for education, discipline and war. Additionally, some of the symbols found from thousands of years ago are still thought to have power or meaning in cultures around the world. They are doorways into different worlds that valued magic and mysticism before science was even a thing. They are attached to myths that explain origins and happiness and failure. They're ultimately the charms that our society needed to get from belief to knowledge.

From the Ajna to the Yin Yang, we've found 40 symbols that you might see all the time, but we're more interested in whether or not you know what they're called. Don't worry, we won't add any weak Dan-Brown-style similes, but we will give you cool information about what these symbols represent and where they came from. Start the quiz now to see just how much you know about these ancient symbols and images.

Do you know what this upside down triangle is?
Arrowheads hold a lot of meaning in Native American culture. While the arrow itself represents protection or defensive techniques, the arrowhead represents alertness and vigilance.
Bird track
mashuk / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
This is one of the oldest Celtic symbols. Do you recognize it?
Three heads
Flip luck
Though Catholics will tell you that the shamrock was used to teach the Holy trinity, Druids who came before the Catholics will tell you that it represents the earth, sky and sea as well as the stages of life and moon phases.
Lucky charm
Eye of Providence
Wiki Commons by Andrew Dunn
This symbol is found on American money. What is it called?
The Eye of Providence
The Eye of Providence, also known as the All-Seeing Eye, represents the eye of God gazing over humanity. While there are many conspiracy theories surrounding this symbol, it actually originates from Christian iconography.
Pyramid Eye
The Eye in the Sky
The Eye of Horus


Solar cross
Wiki Commons
Though it is simple, this symbol is often thought of as the oldest religious symbol. What is it?
The Celtic cross
The crosshairs
The solar cross
There are several different cross symbols from long ago. The Solar cross has appeared in Asian, European, American and Indian religious art. It represents the solar calendar, the way the sun moves and the solstices.
The cross hatch
Vergina Sun
Wiki Commons by MacedonianBoy
Can you identify this Greek symbol?
Vergina Sun
Throughout Greek art, this sun has appeared to have 8, 12 or sixteen rays. For the most part, this symbol is seen in Greek and Macedonian art representing the sun god, Helios.
Virginia Sun
Myopic Sun
Grecian Sun
Spirit ship
Wiki Commons by Christian Bickel
Do you know the name of this symbol found throughout Norse mythology?
The skull ship
The known ship
The eagle ship
The spirit ship
The spirit ship has been found on stone carvings and is directly associated with what the people of the time would call tombstones or funeral monuments. It represents the journey to the afterlife.


Web of Wyrd
Wiki Commons
It may look like just a bunch of lines, but do you know what this symbol is?
Rune foundation
Foundational rune
Web of Wyrd
The Web of Wyrd comes from Norse mythology and contains every possible symbol on the runestones that are used for divination. Because it contains all of these symbols, the Web of Wyrd represents all of the past, present and future possibilities.
Ring stone symbol
Wiki Commons
This might be a tough one, but can you guess what this symbol is?
The nine-pointed star
The ring stone symbol
It's called the ring stone symbol because most people who subscribe to and follow the Baha'i beliefs wear rings with this symbol stamped on it. The three horizontal lines are for the three worlds (God, God's manifestation and man), and the vertical line connects these worlds.
The seven-pointed star
The amulet of Buddhism
Patriarchal Cross
Wiki Commons by RickP
What is the name of this cross that looks like a cross on top of another?
Patriarchal Cross
The patriarchal cross is the symbol of power in Christian culture. This cross represents either a bishop or archbishop, and it can be found on the clothing and artwork depicting this rank within the church.
Latin Cross
St. Andrews Cross
Greek Cross


Circled dot
Wiki Commons by Melian
Do you know what this alchemy symbol is?
Circled dot
A circle with a dot directly in the center is an alchemical symbol that represents the sun and sun gods. Because it is such a basic symbol, it also represents gold in some interpretations.
Knights Templar
The Great Eye
Bear claw
CSA-Archive / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
This Native American symbol looks intimidating. Do you know what it is?
Bear paw
Bear claw
Nearly every Native American tribe respects the bear as a highly regarded animal. The bear claw symbol represents protection and connection to bears. Generally, this symbol was worn and revered by those who wanted to be leaders.
Warrior hand
Handed claw
When people were portrayed upside down in Native American culture, what did it represent?
A strong warrior
There are Native American symbols for nearly everything that they can communicate. In order to depict a dead man, many tribes chose to draw him upside down, as it showed the man was no longer upright.


An X with a zig-zag line over it is the symbol for what in ancient Native American culture?
The symbol for fire in Native American culture also represents a temporary stop or a camp fire for an overnight rest. These were often used during long hunts and scouting missions.
Yin Yang
Wiki Commons by Sarang
Can you identify this symbol that was popular on jewelry in the 1990s?
Balance Ball
Yin Yang
While many know that the Yin Yang symbol is based on Chinese religion and philosophy, few realize what the colors represent. The Yang is the light portion, representing brightness and growth while the Yin is the dark portion, representing shadows and femininity.
Miracle Swoosh
lushik / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
This symbol is usually a dragon or snake eating its own tail. Do you know what it's called?
The ouroboros symbol was found in Egyptian culture, and in later settlements of Greek magical tradition. It soon became a symbol of alchemy and symbolizing eternity and the life cycle.


Papal cross
Wiki Commons by Gunter Küchler
Do you know what kind of cross this is?
St. Peter's cross
Papal cross
Known throughout Christian religions as the emblem for the office of the Pope, the papal cross has three horizontal, perpendicular lines near the top. It represents the highest office of the Christian faith.
Holy Trinity cross
Holy Ghost cross
Eye of Horus
Wiki Commons by Jeff Dahl
Can you identify this Egyptian eye symbol?
The Eye of Horus
The Eye of Horus is also known as the Wadjet. It holds a lot of meaning and often symbolizes protection, power and good health. It is mostly seen in burial chambers of pharaohs as it was meant to keep them safe in the afterlife.
The Eye of Solomon
The Eye of Newt
The Eye of Tut
Tree of life
Wiki Commons by Лобачев Владимир
This intricate tree symbol has roots in Norse mythology. Do you know what it's called?
The tree of life
Not only does the tree of life represent new beginnings and fresh starts, but it also symbolizes immortality through reproduction. The tree itself may die, but it spreads its seed in order to gain immortality.
The roots of death
The family tree
The willow branch


Triple moon
Wiki Commons by AnonMoos
One symbol can represent three things at once. Do you know what this symbol is called?
Triple star
Triple moon
The triple moon is also known as the triple goddess sign because it represents the maiden, the mother and the crone. In some cultures, it also represents the waxing moon, the full moon and the waning moon.
Triple sun
Triple hex
Hecate's circle
Do you recognize this wheel-like symbol with a six-pointed star in the center?
Hades's circle
Ra's circle
Hecate's circle
In Greek mythology, the goddess Hecate was connected to various magics, the moon and even necromancy. This symbol represents the power of both life and knowledge. The three altars holding up the six-pointed star represent the maiden, the mother and the crone.
Mary's circle
Wiki Commons by Stannered
Many mistake this symbol as evil. What is it?
The pentacle is often found in pagan beliefs. Each point on the star represents a different element: earth, fire, water, air, and the spirit. The circle that holds the star represents how all of these things are connected and needed for balance.


Wiki Commons by Inowen
Which Egyptian symbol represents life?
The ankh may be one of the most recognizable Egyptian symbols. Though the meaning of the symbol originated as life or living, it later evolved into meaning eternal life or immortality within the Egyptian culture.
Wiki Commons by Madboy74
This symbol has crossed many cultures throughout the world and during ancient history. Can you identify it?
Triple dutch
While many see this symbol and immediately recognize the Holy Trinity, its origin dates back before Christianity itself. It has been seen in Germanic, Nordic, Swedish and Celtic art and writings.
Knotted leaf
Wiki Commons
What is the name of this Buddhist symbol?
Elemental swirl
The triskele represents different things to different cultures and has been found all over the world, including neolithic stones that were found in Europe and Ireland. The Celtic meaning for the symbol is a representation of the earth, sky and sea.
Elemental cross


Wiki Commons by Flanker
Also known as the faery star, do you know what this is called?
The heptagram goes by many different names, including the faery star and the elven star. This symbol represents different things depending on which path of paganism you subscribe to. It can represent the chakras or the days of the week, or even notes on a music scale.
Seven-pointed helix
Helix star
The sun
Do you know what this maze symbol is called?
A labyrinth itself is a maze, and this symbol represents life itself. Though humans have only one way into the world and one way out, we still have a path. For this reason, the labyrinth symbol represents the paths we take.
Hedge maze
Star path
Horned god
Wiki Commons by Otourly
Can you identify this symbol that looks like a partial moon over a full moon?
Horned god
Though many consider this to be a satanic symbol, it actually represents wilderness and a man's life and spirituality. The horned god himself is the one who takes people to the afterlife once they have died.
Ring of life
Spring of life


Though this symbol looks a lot like an ankh, it's not. Do you know what it is?
The Ajet
The Mjet
The Tjet
The Tjet is an ankh-looking symbol with arms on the sides. It is also known as the Blood of Isis or the Knot of Isis. It's clearly associated with the goddess Isis, but it's also a representation of female genitalia.
The Njet
Wiki Commons by Lokal_Profil
This symbol represents Thor's hammer. Do you know its name?
While many think of this symbol as a simple means of protection, it has other meanings as well. When seen in Norse art and writings, it represents growth, fertility and good fortune.
Wiki Commons by Flanker
Can you name this early cross that was used in the Christian religion?
Papal cross
Morning cross
Combining the Greek symbols for "tau" and "rho," or "t" and "p," this symbol was actually an abbreviation for the word cross in Greek. It is sometimes thought to be representative of Abraham, who fathered Isaac when he was 100.


Wiki Commons by Fibonacci
You may see this symbol on bumper stickers. Do you know what it's called?
Morning fish
Little swimmer
This fish represents quite a few different myths in the Christian faith. Because the miracles of Jesus included fish, it has become an essential image in the faith. Additionally, the symbol is said to represent Jesus himself.
Alpha and Omega
Wiki Commons by Trlkly
These two Greek letters next to each other have a significant meaning. What are the letters?
Alpha and Delta
Delta and Omega
Alpha and Omega
Alpha and Omega is another symbol that is seen throughout Christian art and text. These two letters together represent Jesus as he said: "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last" in "Revelations." The symbol also represents the eternity of Christ.
Delta and Pi
Wiki Commons by Dylan Lake
Do you know what this Christian symbol is known as?
The Chi-Rho combines the Greek symbols for "X" and "P." These are the first two letters of "Christ" in Greek. The symbol itself represents Jesus as a person, a savior and the son of God.


Wiki Commons by MesserWoland
This symbol represents hope. What is it?
The anchor symbol is usually found in Christian theology. It is an adapted symbol that stands for the hope that followers have in Jesus himself. It is meant to show that Christians can always find power in him when they don't have said power.
bubaone / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Can you name this symbol that looks like a lot of candles?
G-D symbol
Heart fire
The menorah isn't just a tool used to celebrate Chanukah; it is also used throughout the Jewish faith to symbolize light and bringing of light. It can be seen in synagogues, letterheads and art.
Etrog and Lulav Branch
haya_p / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
You can find this symbol in the Jewish faith. Do you know what it's called?
Mingres and Hadas Branch
Etrog and Lulav Branch
The Etrog and Lulav Branch is a symbol found on coins from early 132-135 CE. The branches can also be seen throughout early Jewish artwork as an allusion to God based on the writings of the faith.
Palmer Branch
Coco Tree


Star of David
Wiki Commons by Zscout370
What is this six-pointed star?
The Star of David
The Star of David is a highly recognizable symbol in the Jewish faith. It is generally associated with Jewishness, and it can be seen throughout synagogues, artwork and illustrations dating back millennia.
The Star of Lileth
Trapper Star
The Star of Josiah
Monas Hieroglyphica
Wiki Commons by PRiis
While this symbol may look a little wicked, it actually has a different representation. Do you know what it is?
Monas Hieroglyphica
The Monas Hieroglyica was designed by John Dee, who was an alchemis under Elizabeth I. It represents all of the images shown here, including the moon, the elements, fire and the sun.
The Horned God
Eye of Providence
Leviathan Cross
Wiki Commons by Razorbliss
This odd symbol is used in Satanism. Do you know what it's called?
Morris Cross
Horned Cross
Leviathan Cross
The Leviathan Cross looks very much like a patriarchal cross sitting on top of an infinity symbol. It is also known as Satan's cross, and it's used throughout satanic rituals and artwork.
Malfer Cross


Unicursal hexagram
Wiki Commons by Elembis
Can you name this six-pointed star symbol?
Unicursal hexagram
The unicursal hexagram, or the six-pointed star that can be drawn with one line, is found under the spiritual philosophy of Thelema. It's a more contemporary religion that believes that love is the law.
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Anthony Bradshaw / Stockbyte / Getty Images