Can You Guess If This Horror Movie Character Survived?

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Can You Guess If This Horror Movie Character Survived?
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Watching a horror movie can be a heart-pounding process, and usually leaves viewers screaming "Don't go down there!" as the unwitting characters split up and wander down dark hallways. Take our quiz to see if you can remember which of these horror movie characters made it out alive.
Gage - Pet Semetary
Did Gage make it to the closing credits in "Pet Sematary?"
didn't make it
Not only did Gage die in the 1989 horror film "Pet Sematary," but he actually is one of only a scattering of movie characters to ever die twice in the same flick. After he was hit by a truck, his father finds a dangerous way to bring him back to life -- only to have to kill Gage himself when he turns out to be a terrible monster after his rebirth.
Randy - Scream 2
Did Randy make it to the closing credits in "Scream 2?"
didn't make it
Poor Randy Loomis suffered from a serious crush on Sidney Prescott. He managed to make it out alive in "Scream" before he was stabbed to death by Mrs. Loomis in the 1997 sequel.
Ripley - Alien
Did Ripley make it to the closing credits in "Alien?"
Sigourney Weaver plays Officer Ripley in the 1979 thriller "Alien." She and the crew aboard the Nostromo struggle to survive against an evil alien. Fortunately, Weaver blasts the creature off into space and sets course for home at the end of the film.
didn't make it


Jack - The Shining
Did Jack make it to the closing credits in "The Shining?"
didn't make it
All work and no play makes Jack a murderous father and husband. After losing his mind at an isolated hotel, he tries to kill his wife and child. Luckily, they both survive and leave Jack to freeze to death in the maze outside.
Regan - The Exorcist
Did Regan make it to the closing credits in "The Exorcist?"
Regan, played by Linda Blair, went through an awful lot during the 1973 film "The Exorcist," including vomiting, head-spinning and crab-walking down the stairs. Fortunately, a determined priest managed to expel the demon from her body and she survived the film.
didn't make it
Carol Anne - Poltergeist
Did Carole Anne make it to the closing credits in "Poltergeist?"
Carol Anne ends up being drawn into a mysterious portal in her own home, and her family only figures out what's happening when they hear her voice coming through the television static. Her mother manages to bring her home, but only after the two end up covered in icky ectoplasm.
didn't make it


Laurie - Halloween
Did Laurie make it to the closing credits in "Halloween?"
Jamie Lee Curtis stars as Laurie in the 1978 horror classic "Halloween." After a long night of hiding from Michael Myers, she somehow survives. Unfortunately, so does Michael -- even after he is shot repeatedly by Loomis.
didn't make it
Mrs. Voorhees - Friday the 13th
Did Mrs. Voorhees make it to the closing credits in "Friday the 13th?"
didn't make it
After her son Jason drowns at Camp Crystal Lake, Mrs. Voorhees is determined to get revenge by killing a bunch of counselors. She is killed when Alice decapitates her with a machete.
Clarice - The Silence of the Lambs
Did Clarice make it to the closing credits in "The Silence of the Lambs?"
Young FBI agent Clarice Starling takes on notorious killer Hannibal Lecter in the 1991 film "The Silence of the Lambs. Clarice manages to survive the film -- but so does Lecter, and he's on the run.
didn't make it


Casey Becker - Scream
Did Casey Becker make it to the closing credits in "Scream?"
didn't make it
The 1996 movie "Scream" opened with Drew Barrymore home alone. As Casey Becker, she is tormented by the killer, and soon, both she and her boyfriend end up dead.
Nancy - A Nightmare on Elm Street
Did Nancy make it to the closing credits in "A Nightmare on Elm Street?"
Played by Heather Langenkamp, Nancy is one of the few to survive "A Nightmare on Elm Street." Marge nearly makes it too, but is killed by Freddy in the film's final scenes.
didn't make it
Will - The Invitation
Did Will make it to the closing credits in "The Invitation?"
In the 2015 film "The Invitation," Will and girlfriend Kira head to a dinner party at his ex-wife's house. Though he ends up shot in the shoulder, he does manage to walk out of the house alive as the film ends.
didn't make it


Esther - Orphan
Did Esther make it to the closing credits in "Orphan?"
didn't make it
Turns out Esther wasn't a nine-year old girl at all; in fact, she was a 33-year old psycho with a hormonal condition that made her look much younger. Her adopted mother finally figured things out and left her "daughter" to drown in a frozen pond.
Annie Wilkes - Misery
Did Annie Wilkes make it to the closing credits in "Misery?"
didn't make it
Kathy Bates played an obsessed fan who "rescues" her favorite writer in the 1990 film "Misery." After spending much of the film terrorizing Paul Sheldon, she is killed after Paul hits her in the head with a typewriter.
Marion - Psycho
Did Marion Crane make it to the closing credits in "Psycho?"
didn't make it
Marion Crane embezzled money from her boss and checked into a sleepy motel in the 1960 Hitchcock classic "Psycho." Unfortunately, her nice relaxing shower at the motel ended with one of the most memorable murder scenes in the history of movies.


Steven Price - House on Haunted Hill 1999
Did Steven Price make it to the closing credits in "House on Haunted Hill?"
didn't make it
Rich eccentric Steven Price invites a group of strangers to spend the night in a haunted house in the 1999 "House on Haunted Hill." Unfortunately, Price eventually realizes that the house actually is haunted and sacrifices himself to save the remaining guests.
Sidney - Scream 3
Did Sidney make it to the closing credits in "Scream 3?"
Roman shoots Sidney in the chest at the end of "Scream 3," but she manages to survive because she was wearing a bullet-proof vest. The film ends on a happy note, with the long-suffering Gale and Dewey getting engaged.
didn't make it
Julie - I Know What You Did Last Summer
Did Julie make it to the closing credits in "I Know What You Did Last Summer?"
"I Know What You Did Last Summer" ends with Julie away at college. She walks out of the shower, only to scream when she spots ominous words written in the steam on her mirror. She does manage to survive the film and star in its sequel "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer."
didn't make it


RIpley - Aliens
Did Ripley make it to the closing credits in "Aliens?"
After surviving an alien attack in the first "Alien" movie, Ripley awakens from her suspended state and finds that no one believes her story. This leaves the door wide open for aliens to attack again in this 1986 sequel, forcing Ripley to save the crew by blasting the creature off into space.
didn't make it
Dr. Crowe - The Sixth Sense
Did Dr. Crowe make it to the closing credits in "The Sixth Sense?"
didn't make it
Bruce Willis plays Dr. Malcolm Crowe, a psychologist trying to help a young boy haunted by ghosts in "The Sixth Sense." In one of the biggest twists in the history of movies, Crowe -- and viewers -- learn that Malcolm actually died at the opening of the film, and has been a ghost the entire time.
Rachel - The Ring
Did Rachel make it to the closing credits in "The Ring?"
After watching a haunted videotape, Rachel finds herself doomed to die in the 2002 film "The Ring." She manages to survive by making a copy of the video for an unwitting victim to find.
didn't make it


Norman Bates - Psycho
Did Norman Bates make it to the closing credits in "Psycho?"
Killer Norman Bates survives after going on a murderous rampage at the family motel. He blames his actions on his dead mother, then takes on her personality as he's locked in an asylum.
didn't make it
Leatherface - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Did Leatherface make it to the closing credits in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?"
"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" doesn't exactly have a happy ending. Sure, Sally survives -- but so does Leatherface, an insane killer armed with a chainsaw.
didn't make it
Rose - Get Out
Did Rose make it to the closing credits in "Get Out?"
didn't make it
While Chris made it to the end of "Get Out," his girlfriend Rose wasn't so lucky. She was killed by a gun wielded by a mind-controlled former "boyfriend."


The Shark - Jaws
Did the shark make it to the closing credits in "Jaws?"
didn't make it
A giant shark is eating people on Amity Island. Sheriff Brody blows up the shark using a pressurized diving tank in the Steven Spielberg classic.
Ash - The Evil Dead
Did Ash make it to the closing credits in "The Evil Dead?"
Bruce Campbell plays Ash Williams in the 1981 classic "The Evil Dead." The film ends as Ash emerges into the morning sun, covered in blood. Sure, there's a jump scare at the very end, but viewers can take comfort in knowing Ash survived to make a sequel.
didn't make it
Rosemary - Rosemary's Baby
Did Rosemary make it to the closing credits in "Rosemary's Baby?"
Rosemary Woodhouse, played by Mia Farrow, survives the 1968 horror flick "Rosemary's Baby," but is left to play mommy to the son of the devil himself.
didn't make it


Heather - The Blair Witch Project
Did Heather make it to the closing credits in "The Blair Witch Project?"
didn't make it
Viewers watched Heather Donahue give a realistic performance as a terrified filmmaker, with her closeup speeches into the camera serving as particularly memorable moments. She and her two companions were killed before the credits rolled in the 1999 flick "The Blair Witch Project."
Sergeant Howie - Wicker Man
Did Sergeant Howie make it to the closing credits in "The Wicker Man?"
didn't make it
In the 1973 classic "The Wicker Man," Sergeant Howie is sent to Summerisle to search for a missing girl named Rowen. Turns out, the missing girl was a ploy to get Howie to the island so the villagers could burn him alive inside a giant wooden statue.
George - It
Did George make it to the closing credits in "It?"
didn't make it
Not only did George die in "It," but he died pretty much as soon as the film began. He's the kid in the yellow raincoat who chases a paper boat into a sewer infested with one seriously scary clown.


Roger - Dawn of the Dead
Did Roger make it to the closing credits in "Dawn of the Dead?"
didn't make it
Roger's death in "Dawn of the Dead" hit viewers hard. After he was bitten and started to turn into a zombie, Peter was forced to kill him by shooting him in the head.
Carrie - Carrie
Did Carrie make it to the closing credits in "Carrie?"
didn't make it
In the 1976 film "Carrie," Sissy Spacek played Carrie White. The title character managed to survive terrible bullying and getting doused with pigs' blood before she ended up being stabbed in the back by her own demented mother.
Damien - The Omen
Did Damien make it to the closing credits in "The Omen?"
After his adoptive parents Robert and Katherine are killed, Damien -- a spawn of the devil himself -- is adopted by the President of the U.S. in the 1976 film "The Omen."
didn't make it


Micah - Paranormal Activity
Did Micah make it to the closing credits in "Paranormal Activity?"
didn't make it
Micah and Kate are bothered by strange happenings in their home in the 2007 film "Paranormal Activity." Unfortunately, Micah doesn't survive the film after Kate kills him and disappears, apparently possessed by an evil spirit.
Chris - Get Out
Did Chris make it to the closing credits in "Get Out?"
The 2017 film "Get Out" put an innovative twist on horror. Star Daniel Kaluuya plays Chris, a college guy who goes home to meet his girlfriend's creepy parents, but manages to survive thanks to his TSA buddy Rod.
didn't make it
MacReady - The Thing
Did MacReady make it to the closing credits in "The Thing?"
In the 1982 flick "The Thing," Kurt Russell plays A.J. MacReady, an American helicopter pilot working at a remote research station in Antarctica. He and co-worker Childs manage to survive til the end, each wondering if the other is harboring a horrible monster within himself.
didn't make it


Carolyn Perron - The Conjuring
Did Carolyn Perron make it to the closing credits in "The Conjuring?"
In the 2013 film "The Conjuring," Roger and Carolyn Perron move into a new home with their five daughters. While Carolyn soon finds herself possessed by a spirit named Bathsheba, she and her family survive the film relatively unscathed.
didn't make it
Buffalo Bill - The Silence of the Lambs
Did Buffalo Bill make it to the closing credits in "The Silence of the Lambs?"
didn't make it
In a heart-pounding scene in "The Silence of the Lambs," serial killer Buffalo Bill uses night-vision goggles to stalk Clarice in the dark. Luckily she hears the click of his gun and kills him before he can shoot her.
Ellison - Sinister
Did Ellison make it to the closing credits in "Sinister?"
didn't make it
If you were looking for happy endings, "Sinister" probably wasn't the best place to look. Ellison Oswalt, played by Ethan Hawke, and his entire family are killed when his daughter is possessed by a demon.


Jim - 28 Days Later
Did Jim make it to the closing credits in "28 Days Later?"
The 2002 zombie classic opens with Jim waking up in an abandoned hospital. It ends with he, Selena and Hannah managing to outrun the zombie horde and survive to be rescued.
didn't make it
James - The Strangers
Did James make it to the closing credits in "The Strangers?"
didn't make it
In the 2008 film "The Strangers," Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman play a couple named James and Kristen who are attacked randomly by a gang of teens. Both are stabbed, but Kristen survives while James is killed.
Amelia - The Babadook
Did Amelia make it to the closing credits in "The Babadook?"
Hardworking mom Amelia and her son Sam are terrorized by a creature known as the Babadook in the 2014 thriller. They manage to survive the film, but are stuck carrying for the Babadook, who ends up locked in their basement.
didn't make it


Kristy - Hellraiser
Did Kristy make it to the closing credits in "Hellraiser?"
Kristy manages to survive the 1987 film "Hellraiser" and dispose of the cursed puzzle box that brought on all the horror -- only for someone else to rescue the box so it could be passed onto the next unsuspecting victim.
didn't make it
Christine - Drag Me to Hell
Did Christine make it to the closing credits in "Drag Me To Hell?"
didn't make it
The 2009 film "Drag Me to Hell" made viewers think that main character Christine just might survive a terrible gypsy curse. That is, until the very end of the film when she falls onto some railroad tracks and descends into the fires of hell as the closing credits roll.
Ben - Night of the Living Dead
Did Ben make it to the closing credits in "Night of the Living Dead?"
didn't make it
Poor Ben. He survived a tough night surrounded by zombies in a rural farmhouse only to emerge in the morning and be shot by a posse who thought he was one of the undead.


Grace - The Others
Did Grace make it to the closing credits in "The Others?"
didn't make it
Nicole Kidman plays Grace, a woman trying to care for her children while her husband is away at war, in the 2001 film "The Others." At the end of the movie, viewers learn that Grace and her kids have been dead the entire time, because Grace herself killed them all.
Dr. Robert Neville - I Am Legend
Did Dr. Robert Neville make it to the closing credits in "I Am Legend?"
didn't make it
After a zombie apocalypse, Dr. Robert Neville works tirelessly to find a cure for the infected. He sacrifices himself at the end of "I Am Legend" so Anna can get away with a vial that just might save the world.
Killer Spirit - It Follows
Did the spooky spirit make it to the closing credits in "It Follows?"
The terrified teens in "It Follows" try to kill the murderous spirit that's stalking them by luring it into water and electrocuting it -- no, really. Turns out, it doesn't work, and the spirit lives on to kill the next frisky couple.
didn't make it


Ed - Shaun of the Dead
Did Ed make it to the closing credits in "Shaun of the Dead?"
Despite the fact that Ed was bitten by a zombie and became a zombie himself, he was still alive and kicking at the end of "Shaun of the Dead." His buddy Shaun kept him tethered up tightly in the garage so that the two best friends could still hang out, despite Ed's hunger for human flesh.
didn't make it
Helen - The Candyman
Did Helen make it to the closing credits in "Candyman?"
didn't make it
In the 1992 horror classic "Candyman," Helen thinks calling for the Candyman is just a game. Her "game" ends with both she and the Candyman burned to death in a bonfire.
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