Can We Guess Your Soulmate Destiny?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess Your Soulmate Destiny?
Image: PeopleImages/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Although there's much in life that cannot be predicted, there are a few things that we can find out. Once you've completed this soulmate destiny quiz, we will be able to tell you when your one real and true soulmate is going to make themselves known in your life. End the suspense by answering our questions! 

A soulmate is supposed to be the person who gets your more than any other person on earth. You are said to have a special, cosmic bond with at least one person throughout your life, but waiting to meet them can feel like torture. We're here to help you find out when it might happen for you, but we'll need you to open up your soul and share your personality and relationship preferences with us. 

Finding out your soulmate destiny will not only give you something to look forward to in the future, but it will also back up the fact that there is someone out there meant just for you. Once you know when they will come into your life, you can start to approach your future differently. You can begin to picture your lives together, and you can look forward to the day it finally happens. When will it be? Let's find out!

How many long-term relationships have you had?
I've never had a long-term relationship.
I've had one too many.
I have been in a few long-term relationships.
I have only had one serious relationship.
Have you experienced love at first sight?
I thought it was love, but it was lust.
I have, but it wasn't mutual.
It was a beautiful experience.
I hope it happens soon!
Do you think that we only get one true soulmate?
I have yet to find out.
I think we can have more than one.
Our needs and our soulmates change in life.
I'm still not convinced that I believe in soulmates.


In one word, what was your last relationship like?
When you're interested in someone, do you tell them?
I let my friends tell them.
I march right up and say it.
I keep it to myself until they figure it out.
I'm sure I give myself away.
Do you see yourself having children with your soulmate?
I already have children.
I guess I'll see what the future holds.
Kids are not in my plans.
My soulmate will have to have some input on that.


Which first date activity sounds like the most fun?
Karaoke is a good way to get someone's fun side.
Dinner and a conversation make good starters.
I like going dancing to check out their moves.
It's always fun to go to an arcade.
Would you like to get married in the future?
I'll let the future decide.
I've been dreaming about since I was young.
Marriage is a little too scary for me.
I guess it depends on my soulmate.
Does it take you a long time to trust someone?
I usually fall hard and fast.
I do not trust easily.
I like to get to know them before I open up.
I'm cautious, but love changes me.


Are best friends and soulmates two separate things?
They are kind of the same.
Soulmates have deeper relationships than best friends.
Soulmates are more like twins.
I think they can be the same thing.
What would you consider a soulmate dealbreaker?
Lying would do me in.
I don't like competitiveness.
People who brag all the time annoy me.
Vanity is not something I want in a soulmate.
Which aspect of your personality should your soulmate appreciate the most?
My sense of humor is pretty good.
I'm always fair-minded.
I'm a really supportive person.
I am a total extrovert.


Do you really believe in destiny?
I believe in fate.
I think you control your own destiny.
You can't control everything.
You have to allow your destiny to happen.
When you have a crush, do you check your zodiac compatibility?
That's a great idea!
I turn into the FBI.
I do check our compatibility.
I do not believe in that kind of thing.
How do you think your last ex would describe your heart?


What do you think would be the best thing about having a soulmate?
It would be great to have someone I could trust.
Getting old with someone is my hope.
An endless supply of cuddles sounds divine.
Having a soulmate with benefits would make life great.
How do you think you'll know when you've met your soulmate?
I think I'll feel it in my gut.
My friends will probably have to point it out to me.
I will probably discover that it's someone I know.
When I meet my soulmate, I'm sure I will need convincing.
What is your communication style like in a relationship?
I tell my partner everything little thing.
I tend to let things build up and explode.
I like to talk things out like adults.
Everyone has their secrets.


Do you think happily ever after is possible?
Happiness takes work.
I think it's possible.
I've seen it happen in my family.
Life will always have ups and downs.
Are you clingy when you are in a relationship?
I have clingy moments.
I'm too hands-off sometimes.
I am a little needy, I'll admit it.
I'm only clingy when I'm sick.
Can animals also be soulmates?
I was hoping for a human.
I think my dog might be my soulmate.
I think a soulmate is a human concept.
I think they can be soulmates for each other.


Which word currently sums up your love life?
What part of your life could a soulmate help you with?
I don't need any help.
What does a good relationship need to work?
Good relationships need a lot of sex.
Communication is the most important.
You have to be a team player.
Accepting one another's flaws is crucial.


Should a soulmate be more passive or aggressive in the romance department?
I can work with either.
I like aggressive people.
I prefer to be the aggressive one.
We can take turns.
How important is physical attraction in a soulmate relationship?
It's not everything.
It should be a big part of it.
It plays a small part.
It's all about attraction and vibes.
Which date would you and your soulmate make a big deal out of?
Our anniversaries would rock.
My soulmate needs to love Halloween.
Every birthday would be a celebration.
We would never miss Valentine's Day.


What is the first physical feature you notice in others?
Are you working towards your future goals?
I'm leaving them up to destiny.
I'm working as hard as I can.
One step forward - two steps back.
I should work a little harder.
Do you think you are fully prepared to meet your soulmate?
I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
I need a little more time before I get serious.
I'm beyond prepared.
I'm ready, willing, and able.


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