Can We Guess Your MBTI?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess Your MBTI?
Image: SHutterstock

About This Quiz

When it comes to personality tests, one stands out above all the rest. The MBTI, also known as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, is a psychological test based on the theories of the famous psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, and is based on 16 different personality types, which he thought of as stereotypes.

It is still used widely to this day, and millions of people have taken it to find out more about themselves. It might sound kind of heady and intimidating, but it actually is really fun to do. 

Are you someone who is into people and things, or are you more into ideas and information? Do you like dealing with facts and reality, or are you more into possibilities and potential? Are you logical and someone who always seeks the truth, or are you into values and relationships? 

Are you the kind of person that likes a well-structured lifestyle, or one that goes with the flow? If you ever do take the MBTI, you will probably find out a lot of things about yourself that you would never have guessed, but you know who wants to take a big long test when you can just take a quick quiz and find out right now? 

How do you feel when you interact with someone you've never met before?
I'm excited to meet someone new.
I feel stressed.
I don't feel any different.
It really depends on the person I meet.


When taking on a challenge, how do you feel?
I'm realistic about what lies ahead.
I'm positive about the outcome.
I'm lost with the details
I'm just following the actions of others and hoping for the best.


What do facts mean to you?
Facts are obviously certain details.
Facts are a matter of perspective.
Facts can help explain the truth, but may not include all the details.
Facts are only relative to the situation at hand and can frequently change.


You screwed up and are going to upset your significant other. How do you tell them?
I tell it straight.
I try to divert the negative onto someone else, so I don't look so bad.
I deny, deny, deny.
I try to be gentle and charming.


How can someone get in your good graces?
If they are straightforward and factual.
If they are nice to me.
If they suck up to me.
If they flirt.


How do you like to complete projects at work or home?
I like to work with a detailed list with no deadlines.
I'm a firm believer in deadlines.
I try to remember and get things done as I am nagged to finish.
I go down a list from top to bottom.


How do you make important decisions?
I go over all the facts and make a careful decision.
I use my gut.
I'll listen to the details and make a casual decision.
I will defer my decision to someone else.


What type of books intrigues you the most?
Realistic books I can see myself in.
Fantasies that are fun, but could never happen.
I only read nonfiction.
I prefer self-help books.


Who are you at a party?
I'm the host.
I'm the wallflower.
I'm probably hiding in the bathroom until my friends are ready to leave.
I'm the life of the party.


How do you decide if you like someone when you first meet them?
I weigh what they say. I might even toss in a few test questions.
It's all gut instinct.
I use blind faith and trust everyone until the prove themselves wrong.
I like them if they act the same as me.


What kind of first impression do you think you give to others?
I'm probably a bit awkward, but settle down as we speak.
I stick to being professional.
I'm everyone's best friend.
I go about it casually, which I know makes some people uncomfortable.


What is the best part of an adventure?
The preparation.
The adventure itself.
Completing the adventure.
Telling the stories years later.


You have a date, when do you show up?
I get there early to reserve a table and order drinks.
I'm right on time.
I'm usually late.
I may never show up.


Why do you enjoy social media?
So I can stay up to date with my friends.
To share photos with friends.
It's something to do when I am bored.
My wife told me I need to open an account.


Someone asks you to do a new task. How do you do it?
I ask for explicit directions.
I wing it.
I watch someone else do the task first, then try to replicate it.
I Google the task and pretend I already know what to do.


Which do you value the most?
Long-lasting friendships.
Me. Myself. I.


How open are you to change?
I'm not for change at all.
I'm willing to listen, but am not fond of change.
If change makes sense, I'm for it.
I'd take a sponge bath in change.


How do you see your overall personality?
I'm very serious.
I'm fun at home, but serious at work.
I'm pretty easy going.
I'm happy, but most people think I am too quiet.


Which kind of a communicator are you?
I'm a chatterbox.
I am more of a listener.
I like to talk, but also know when to listen.
If I'm passionate about the topic I may control the conversation.


Someone disappoints you. How do you react?
I'm reasonable and tell them it's a learning experience.
I'm pretty hard on the person.
I feel empathetic to their concern.
I don't really care as much as they think I will.


Which word describes your parenting style?


How would you describe your personal space?
Very organized.
It's pretty, but everything is shoved into drawers.
It's an obvious mess.
Depends what day it is.


How do you act in an elevator with others?
I try to hide in a corner.
I make an awkward joke no one responds to then I say nothing in embarrassment.
I make a new friend.
I will talk only if someone else initiates the conversation.


What do you think of kids?
They're annoying.
They're creative.
They're fun to play with.
They're a bit difficult, but worthwhile venture.


When your team makes a decision, what is your role?
I make the decision.
I go to the bathroom hoping the decision is made before I get back.
Pretend like I am deliberating, but am really wondering if my red sock was tossed into my white laundry.
I'm wondering when lunch is arriving.


What occupies your mind?
I worry about the past.
I worry about the future.
What my next meal will be.


How would you consider the majority of your friends?
As acquaintances.
Highly trusted soulmates.
It depends on how close they are to me.
I try to keep myself out of friendships.


How do you tell a story?
I am very factual.
I love details.
I am general.
I love to color the story as much as I can, factual or not.


Which is a trait you embrace?
Being practical.
Being witty.


How do you drive?
I'm a speed demon.
I am very defensive.
I prefer to be the passenger.
I drive the speed limit, but am careful about those around me.


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