About This Quiz
Not everyone is the same kind of intelligence. In fact, a 1983 study found that there are nine basic kinds of smart! Because food feeds your brain and your brain powers your intelligence, we are going to conduct our own study about how smart your food choices make you.Â
Make no mistake, we're not asking how healthy you eat. If you want to spend your life eating nothing but Twinkies and potato chips, that's your business. We are simply going to relate your food choices to the way you view the world. Our minds power our perception, and seeing which foods make it on to your plate will tell us all we need to know.Â
When you see the question we ask, let your stomach pick the answer that you like most. Recent discoveries have shown that your digestive system has a lot to do with the way your brain functions, and you can trust your stomach to be truthful. Will we be able to figure out the kind of intelligence you use to navigate through your days? Or, will we need to do some more digging about the relationship between you and your plate? Let's get started and find out!Â
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