Can We Guess Your Celtic Animal Sign?

By: Amanda Monell
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess Your Celtic Animal Sign?
Image: Somogyvari/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Sure, we've all heard of astrology and Chinese astrology, but one of the more fascinating astrological trees is Celtic astrology. Even though the most popular way to read a Celtic astrology chart is to use the tree chart, if trees aren't your thing, there is an alternative set of signs depicting animals. Instead of using mythology, the Celts relied on the animals that surrounded them to account for most signs. On top of this, instead of using the solar calendar or birth year, the Celts relied on the lunar calendar, giving them a total of 13 signs instead of 12. This gave them extra wiggle room to provide information for each sign's profiles, and because these animals were surrounding them, studies of an animal's behaviors came into play.

Those born under the swan sign are known for its fidelity and grace. Given that swans mate for life and they glide across the water effortlessly, you can see the animal's influences on the description of the sign. Another example is the butterfly sign, whose profile description is that they are supposed to be able to chat it up with almost anyone. When butterflies gather pollen, they flutter from flower to flower, which probably provided the Celts with their inspiration.

So are you ready to see what Celtic animal sign we think you should belong to? Put up those complicated charts and take this quiz!

Everyone has sat through an interview at one point or another. Which of these statements would you use as a true statement to a future employer?
"I am pretty flexible when I work on a project."
"I will do anything to make sure that my team accomplishes their goal."
"I really like to build a rapport with my colleagues."
"I work really well under pressure."
Happy birthday! Your friends want to take you out to party it up, but they have no idea where to go. Where do you suggest?
A sporting event
One of their houses
A concert
A posh club
What would you do if you got a flat tire?
I'd call one of my friends for help.
I'd change it myself.
I don't know, but I'll figure it out!
I'd call my auto club.


Do you find yourself queasy at the sight of needles?
At first, I might be, but I'd get used to it.
If I see a needle, I leave the room.
Ugh! You're stuck in a line at the grocery store. What do you usually do?
I try to find a shorter line.
I look at the people around me, offering my spot to someone with fewer items than I have.
I chat with the others around me.
I make sure I have my bank card ready.
Of the below, what adventurous activity have you tried or are willing to try?
Scuba diving
Mountain climbing
Hang gliding
Cliff diving


If you could, would you cheat on your significant other?
Yes, especially if they have done it to me.
No, I've been hurt before.
It depends on what the state of my relationship is.
After what feels like their millionth fight, your bestie tells you that they and their bae have reunited. What do you do?
I gauge the situation; if they're happy, I'm happy.
I tell them that I'm happy for them, but offer to be there if it happens again.
I tell them that I'm happy for them (even though I may not really feel that way).
I pray that my bestie doesn't tell their partner about what smack I talked about them.
What do you usually do after a long day at work?
Chat with my friends
I change into comfy clothes and chill.
I make a good dinner for me and my family.
I read a book.


Let's go to the spa. What treatment are you looking forward to getting?
Time to break out your yearbooks! What type of clique did you belong to?
I was a jock.
I didn't really have a clique.
I was an honors student.
I was a popular kid.
Would you say that you're flexible?
Not really, but somehow things work out for me.
I am pretty flexible when I need to be.
It takes me a while to get used to new things.


When was the last time you treated yourself and had a me day?
About three months ago
I really don't like to do that.
Maybe a week ago
Out of the following, which of these outdoor locations would make you feel the most calm?
A beach
A forest
A valley
A pond
Time to get our sweat on! What kind of exercise would you feel best doing?
Anything that makes me sweat
Group classes
Strength training


Which of these high profile jobs would you think you'd be best at?
Costume designer
Rock star
You're rushing out the door and halfway to your destination you realize you left something at home. What is it?
My house keys
My sunglasses
My cell phone
My wallet
Most people have a place in their homes where they can retreat and shut out the world. Where is yours?
My family room; I love to be with my family.
My bedroom
My kitchen
My bathroom


If you won a cruise around the world and could take only one person, who would it be?
My child
My sibling
My bestie
My spouse
Kids as a whole are great at making messes. What do you do if you found a child drawing on the wall?
If it wasn't in the main room, I'd help design a cool mural.
I'd tell them that I enjoy that they're being creative, but they shouldn't have marked up my wall.
After scolding the child, I would go to the hardware store and ask what kind of paint covers up crayon or marker the best.
I would let their parents scold them, and ask them to pay my painters to repair the wall.
How many friends do you have?
I lost count of how many friends I have.
I have one really close friend.
I have a few close friends.
I consider my family my friends.


If your bae wanted to treat you to a night out, where would you want to go?
A beach
An outdoor eatery
A botanical garden
Does my bedroom count?
Which of these exotic pets would you consider owning?
A dogfish shark
A horse
A tarantula
A parrot
A couple of your friends get into a fight. What do you do?
I stay out of it.
I'm sympathetic towards both of them.
I try to get them to forgive one another.
It would depend on what the argument was about.


No one likes to clean house. What chore is your least favorite?
Scrubbing the toilet
While walking down the street, you find someone's wallet. What do you do?
I go to the police and turn it in.
I check to see if there was a driving license, so I can identify who it belongs to.
I try to see if anyone is looking around for a lost item.
I'm not sure.
What length is your hair?
I shave my head.
It's long and flowing.
It's short.
It's medium length.


Let's head out to the carnival! What attraction are you going to head to first?
Face painting tent
Ring toss
Ferris wheel
If you were at a party, what would you likely be found doing?
Helping the host
Chilling with my friends
Serving drinks
Eep! You've been invited to a pot luck dinner and completely forgot! What dish do you bring?
Chips and salsa
Cheese plate
Fruit salad
Soda or other drinks


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