Can We Guess Which Crystal You Are?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess Which Crystal You Are?
Image: Brigitte Blättler/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

On the science side, a crystal is a solid mass made up of repeating patterns of geometric shapes. The pattern happens during the crystallization process as molecules within a liquid pull together. However, some crystals form when magma cools at a rapid pace. Fun fact, crystals are used in quartz watches, and this is what gives accurate time! 

On the holistic side, crystals are said to have healing power. This is because they can stimulate the bodies' energies. Spiritualists believe that certain crystals have the power to help you overcome difficulties, heal internal illness, or improve your life overall. But the millennial generation obsessed with taking the perfect mindful Instagram is not the first to realize the power of crystals, and it seems like the science side of things is finally catching up with the spiritual.

Ancient Egyptians used crystals for protection, health and even buried their dead with them for protection in the afterlife. The Ancient Greeks rubbed themselves with hematite before going into battle thinking that it would make them infallible. In India, the Hindu Vidas mentions crystals many times as a form of treatment for medical ailments and even good luck. Indigenous tribes, the ancient Chinese, and so many more are among the history of the healing power of crystals. So, which crystal matches you best? Let's find out!

How do you handle stress?
Face it head on
Get a massage
Go for a run outside
What is a typical morning like for you?
I take the mornings really slow. No routine.
Wake up, drink coffee, work
Wake up, shower, get dressed, put makeup on
Up with the sun, tea, breakfast
Do you like your life?
It's been really good so far.
Sometimes I wish I didn't have to work, but overall my life is great.
Sometimes I wish people took me more seriously.
If the sun is shining, I'm happy.


What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Avocado toast
What would you tell your past self?
Once you find yourself, all will be right.
The little people matter too.
You will grow out of your awkward years.
It gets better.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
No longer tied to a 9 to 5 job
Hopefully living abroad somewhere
Married with kids
Teaching yoga in Bali


What is one thing about yourself you wish you could change?
Sometimes I wish I wasn't so nice.
I wish I got out more.
I am learning to love my body.
I wish I didn't have so much anxiety.
What has been the hardest thing in your life so far?
Finding a place that feels like home
Making friends
I was bullied a lot in school.
Seasonal affective disorder really gets to me.
How do you like to dress on a daily basis?
Business casual
Tailored business
Jeans and a T-shirt


How do you like your coffee?
With whole milk
Maple syrup or honey and milk
Coconut milk
When do you normally wake up?
8 a.m.
9 a.m.
7 a.m.
5-5:30 a.m.
What is a relationship deal breaker for you?
Doesn't like to talk things out
Doesn't have patience
Cheats on me
Lives on a completely different schedule


What is closest to your college major?
What do you order at happy hour?
Flavored iced tea
Mozzarella sticks
Do you like your job?
I am self-employed and I love it.
It stresses me out sometimes.
I work with some really awesome people, but the job itself doesn't necessarily fulfill me.
It brings me so much joy.


Why did you cry most recently?
I saw a really sweet old couple.
I just got really overwhelmed.
I am having a lot of skin issues and it's making me really insecure.
The weather has been so gray and dreary I can't take it.
What is your favorite thing to cook?
Homemade pasta, meatballs and red sauce
Whole fish and roasted veggies
Black bean brownies
Breakfast! Any kind of breakfast.
What were you like as a child?
Very sociable
A nervous nelly


How often do you pray?
Every once in a while when I'm feeling really tested
Not really my thing
I go to church on holidays with my family, but that's about it.
I prefer sending vibes out into the universe
What types of movies do you like?
Movies where people deal with real problems.
I enjoy documentaries.
Movies that make me laugh are my favorite.
Don't judge me, but movies for kids are still the best.
What is one thing you want to teach you children?
To be kind
How to deal with hardships
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
To never dull someone else's light


What is your remedy for dry skin?
Coconut oil
I let nature take its course.
Shea butter
Do you think actions speak louder than words?
I think words can be backed up with action.
Oh yes, that's my life motto.
I think they can be totally unrelated.
It honestly depends on the situation.
What is your best friend like?
We are basically the same person.
The yin to my yang
Wild and inspiring
A breath of fresh air in a dark world


What is the best workout for you?
Lifting weights
What do you want to be like when you're 80?
A firecracker
Pigging out on junk food
Hopefully still active
With the love of my life
What do you want your ashes turned into?
A diamond
A reef
Planted with a tree
A tattoo


Where do you want your next adventure to be?
The Amalfi Coast
What is your opinion on mediation?
I don't do it.
It has helped immensely with my anxiety.
It's difficult.
Not for me, but to each their own.
Do you like social media?
I actually get a lot of inspiration from it.
It can be a really good thing or a really bad thing.
It's so nice seeing so many beautiful, smiling faces in the world.
I've gotten some really good workout ideas!


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