Can We Guess What Kind of Storm Is Brewing in Your Soul?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess What Kind of Storm Is Brewing in Your Soul?
Image: Yulkapopkova / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Inside every one of us, there's a storm brewing in our souls. As the winds of life blow us their way, a meteorologic-like phenomenon takes place, and we are left to function like a hurricane at its peak power. The question is—which kind of storm is helping you churn your way through your days? 

While we are not trained weather professionals here, we are very keen on personalities and souls. The research we have put into the traits of storms will come in handy when comparing them to the qualities possessed by your soul. As you go through our questions, try to answer without thinking. After all, the wind doesn't think before it blows!

After you have churned your way through, we will examine the things you have in common with the most frequent types of storms we experience here on planet Earth. Whether your inner world spins like a tornado or creeps in like a blizzard, we are certain we'll be able to nail down the kind of storm that keeps you moving forward. 

Do you think you're more like a blizzard than a firestorm? Once you know for sure, you'll be able to handle yourself with the accuracy of a five-day forecast. Which storm will it be? 

Which kind of weather is the worst kind of weather for driving?
Blaring sunlight
What is the first thing you do when you get a thunderstorm warning?
I get out some candles.
I go outside to watch.
I head to a small, interior room.
I love sleeping during thunderstorms.
Do you think lightning can strike twice?
Lightning can do what it wants.
It's nearly statistically impossible.
It's not impossible.
I'm not willing to go out and find out!


What is your favorite wintertime activity?
I love building snowmen.
Staying indoors is my favorite thing to do in winter.
I like all the holiday gatherings.
I'm always hitting the slopes.
Do you see more sunsets or more sunrises?
I really don't see much of either.
I see a lot more sunsets.
I'm an early bird.
When I'm at the beach, I try to watch both.
How do you usually check the weather?
I look outside.
I use a weather app.
I have Siri or Alexa fill me in.
I watch the news.


Which weather-related accessory is your favorite?
Rubber boots
Snow boots
Would you ever go tornado chasing?
I'll pass.
I have been tornado chasing.
I would love to check it out.
No, but I've seen one.
Which U.S. state do you think has the wackiest weather?


What do you have in common with a hurricane?
I tend to move fast.
I have moments of calm when I'm raging.
I'm not sure I have anything in common with a hurricane.
I do have a mighty roar.
When your soul is in turmoil, how do you calm down?
I take a few deep breaths.
I give myself a pep talk.
I talk to a friend.
I take a few naps and feed myself well.
Which kind of storm do you find most frightening?
Electrical storm
Tropical cyclone


Would you ever want to be a meteorologist?
I'm not scientific-minded enough for that.
I would love to try it out!
I am an amateur meteorologist.
I would rather be the sports anchor.
Which type of space weather sounds most fascinating?
Radio blackouts
Solar radiation storms
I don't know anything about space weather.
Geomagnetic storms
What is your favorite thing to do on a sunny day?
I like to go fishing.
Sunbathing is my favorite thing.
I like to go for walks.
I always try to finish up yard work.


How many umbrellas do you own?
I never have one when I need one.
I have one.
I have an assortment.
I have a couple of umbrellas.
Are you as loud as thunder when you are angry?
I'm always quiet when I'm mad.
You bet!
I have my moments.
I'm as loud as hail hitting the roof.
Which of the seasons do you prefer?


Do you unplug electronic devices when it's storming?
I have surge protectors instead.
Experience has taught me to do so.
I've never thought of it, but I will now.
We don't get those kinds of storms here.
How cold is too cold?
Anything below 40F is too cold.
If it's below 70F, it's too cold.
I actually enjoy the cold weather.
I'm a fan of tropical heat.
Which type of natural disaster is scariest?


Other than checking the weather, how do you know it's going to rain?
The frogs do a lot of chirping.
I can tell by the clouds.
My body always tells me.
I usually hear about it from coworkers.
Are you adequately prepared for a power outage?
I have a three-day supply for power outages.
I could be better prepared.
I'm totally unprepared.
I could survive for a few months.
Do you keep a raincoat in your car?
I don't have one.
I do keep on in my car.
I have one on my coat rack.
I have a poncho, but I do not have a raincoat.


If you were stuck outside during a downpour, what would you do?
I would dance in the rain.
I would seek shelter.
I would get out my umbrella.
I would curse the gods of rain.
What do you do to stay warm during a cold snap?
I wear extra clothes.
I usually start a fire in the fireplace.
I stay under the covers.
I turn the heat up more.
When is the last time you splashed in a puddle?
I think I was a kid.
It was recently.
I cannot remember.
I'm looking for a puddle right now!


Do you dress yourself according to the weather?
If it's cold, I do.
I wear what I wear all year.
I do check the weather before getting dressed.
I wear certain shoes depending on the weather.
Do you look at the radar map when you check the weather?
It's really the only way to tell.
I tend to look at the hourly feature.
I never check the weather.
I check the radar and the forecast.
What is the scariest thing about forest fires?
They are out of control.
They are usually started by humans.
They destroy all of nature's beauty.
They are necessary for regrowth sometimes.


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