Can We Guess the Worst Kind of Job for You?

By: Isadora Teich
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can We Guess the Worst Kind of Job for You?
Image: Jon Feingersh Photography Inc/DigirtalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

When it comes to jobs, finding the perfect one can be incredibly tricky. While there are more obvious careers that everyone thinks of, just because something is obvious doesn't mean it is right for you. People often think of careers in teaching and medicine, because many of us grew up surrounded by both, but they are actually incredibly difficult fields that are not meant for everyone. Not all people can handle large groups of children day in and day out, or be ready to perform heart surgery in a flash.   

Every person is different, which means that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to finding the best or the worst kinds of jobs. After all, while some people might find the danger of being a fireman utterly terrifying, others thrive in high-stakes situations and work brilliantly under pressure. While some people might find a desk job incredibly boring, others might find the routine and structure of a nine-to-five comforting and motivating.

Tell us all about yourself, and we will pick the absolute worst kind of job for your personality, lifestyle and goals. Take this quiz if you want to know what career traps to avoid on your job journey.   

Would you be comfortable in a position of authority?
That's my goal.
I would love it.
Never in a million years
I don't think so.
Are you good with your hands?
On occasion
I'm very handy.
Not at all
Would you ever want a job where you might be around death?
I couldn't handle it.


How much of a people person are you?
Not at all
I like people.
I can be, in small doses.
I'm super extroverted.
Which is the biggest job dealbreaker for you?
Weird hours
High risk
How artistic are you?
Not at all
Incredibly artistic
I dabble.
I appreciate art.


Would you ever want to work for yourself?
No way
I would if I could.
That's my goal.
Not really
How do you think you would handle working from home?
It would not be great.
Extremely well
I would do OK.
Is having to wear a uniform a dealbreaker for you?
Depends on the uniform
I prefer that.
100 percent
I wouldn't like it.


What was your most hated school subject?
Do you do your own taxes?
I enjoy doing them.
I don't even try.
I used to.
What is your learning style?


Which element do you resonate with most?
How do you feel about public speaking?
It makes me want to die.
I love it.
It's not my favorite.
I'm comfortable with it.
If something in your house is broken, what do you do?
Fix it myself
Call someone to fix it
Ignore it
Break it trying to fix it


If your job involved getting dirty, how would you feel about that?
I would deal.
I would love it.
I would not like it.
I would quit.
Around how old were you when you got your first job?
In my 20s
Late teens
Early teens
A kid
Have you ever worked in a restaurant?
All of it
Front of house
Back of house


How bad is your stage fright?
It's pretty intense.
Stage fright? Don't know her.
Pretty minor
I live for the limelight.
Are you good at keeping secrets?
I can keep a secret to the grave.
Depends on the secret
I'm terrible at that.
Not usually
How are you in the kitchen?
Totally lost
Not that confident
On a professional level
A solid home cook


How does having a very strict routine work for you?
I need one to function.
I'm OK with it.
It would stress me out.
Routine = dying of boredom.
Does it bother you if there are rumors going around about you?
Why would there be?
A lot
Not at all
A little bit
What aspect of taking care of a home do you excel at the most?
Paying bills on time
Fixing broken things
Decorating it
Keeping it clean


Do you know how to change a tire?
I could figure it out.
Kind of
Not at all
How good are you with money?
It depends.
Not great
How into social media are you?
I hate it.
I don't use it.
I love it.
It's OK.


Are things like skincare, working out and eating healthy a big part of your life?
No way
Every day
A pretty big part
I do what I can.
On a scale of 1-4, with 4 being the most, how clumsy are you?
How much of a night owl are you?
Not at all
I stay up late sometimes.
I would rather be in bed early.
I'm super nocturnal.


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