Can We Guess the True Color of Your Heart?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Can We Guess the True Color of Your Heart?
Image: terrababy/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The human heart may look like a bold red color to medical personnel, but we have the ability to see right into the true color of your heart. This is dependent on your personality traits, how you behave around others and your reactions to various types of scenarios. So don't think too much, because we want to know how your instincts guide you in life.

Here are a few examples of colors and what they mean about your personality. If you have a yellow type of heart, this may signal to us that you exude happiness, joy and energy around your friends and family. Yellow is also associated with feelings of optimism, which means that you tend to look at life in a positive manner. But what about the opposite of this? 

What if your heart is a darker and more mysterious color, like jet black? While this doesn't mean that you're evil, you may have some confused or pessimistic thoughts about life. Those with a black heart may also have a tough time showing various types of emotions to other people due to being very sensitive. Whether or not you resonate with a black or yellow heart, this personality quiz will reveal your heart's real color!

Would you ever pay $100,000 to have your life extended by another 100 years?
I don't have that kind of money.
No way, I don't want to live that long.
I'm not so sure about this.
Of course!
Are you the type of person who becomes easily overwhelmed in life, or can you handle stress pretty well?
It depends on what I'm going through.
I'm easily overwhelmed in life.
I get stressed out quite a bit, but I manage it pretty well.
I can handle stress pretty easily.
Which of the following Winnie the Pooh characters does your personality accurately resemble?
Winnie the Pooh


Let's say that you notice a person who is eating alone at a restaurant. Are you going to approach them for a casual conversation?
It depends on my mood.
No way
I would sit near them so they can talk to me.
Sure, why not?
Be honest with yourself for a moment. Do you tend to take things for granted in life or do you appreciate what you've been given?
I appreciate some things in life.
It depends on the type of day I'm having.
I tend to take things for granted.
I always appreciate what I've been given in life.
If a stranger on the street asked you for $10, would you give it to them or keep walking past them?
It depends on why they need the money.
I don't really carry cash on me.
I wouldn't give them any cash.
I would definitely give them $10.


Is it better to learn lessons from your past mistakes or from the mistakes of other people?
I'm not really sure.
The mistakes of others
My own mistakes
Do you feel like you've changed as a person from who you used to be or has your personality remained the same?
I guess it depends on the day I'm having.
I've grown in worse types of ways.
I'm pretty much the same person.
I think I've grown into a better person.
In a perfect world, do you imagine yourself as more beautiful, more wealthy or more happy?
All three
More happy
More wealthy
More beautiful


Your past memories are either filled with joy or sadness. Which side of the spectrum does your past fall within?
A mix of both
Something else
Would you be happier with all the money in the world or with the love of your life?
Can I choose both?
Neither one sounds that great.
Money is more important than love.
I would choose the love of my life over money.
Do you think that life challenges are necessary for growth or do they just get in the way of success?
I guess we'll find out when I'm successful.
It just tends to get in the way of success.
It depends on the life challenge.
They're 100% necessary.


If you were trying to solve a difficult problem in life, would you ask for support or solve it on your own?
It depends on the problem.
I would try to solve it on my own.
I would ask for some hints from others.
I would definitely ask for help.
Are you the type of person who likes to brag when they achieve something or do you remain quiet about your achievements in life?
I like to brag in a subtle type of way.
I tend to stay quiet.
I prefer to brag about myself.
It depends on the type of achievement.
Would your friends and family members describe you as a photogenic person or are you the enemy of a camera?
I don't know, you would have to ask them.
I'm not photogenic at all.
I'm somewhat photogenic.
I think I'm definitely photogenic.


It's time to give you a tattoo! Which of the following tattoos would you like?
If you were going to judge a book by the cover, what would you tend to look for?
Great blurbs
Beautiful imagery
A cool title
Who the author is
Laughter may be a great type of medicine, but what else helps you feel happy in life?
My hobbies
Great food


Do you tend to follow the rules of life or do you believe that rules should be broken?
It depends on my mood.
It depends on the type of rule.
I tend to break many rules in life.
I follow all of the rules of life.
Everyone gets their inspiration from somewhere, but what inspires you the most?
The beauty of the world
My friends and family
Think carefully for a moment. Do you think that death is a concept that should be feared or are you more at peace with it?
I'm more curious about it.
I'm terrified of death.
I try not to think about it too much.
I'm at peace with it.


There are many wonderful aspects about people, but what is the most beautiful thing about them?
Their subtle behavior
Their smile
Their eyes
Their personalities
Do you really think that actions speak louder than words or do words have more power than we think?
Actions > words
Words > actions
I'd have to think about this more.
Both are equally important to me.
Which of these phrases resonates with you the most: Live to work or work to live?
Both of these resonate with me.
Neither one resonates with me.
Live to work
Work to live


If you were being interviewed for a job and the interviewer asked you if you are an extrovert or an introvert, what would you say to them?
I would be vague about my answer.
I would say that I'm an introvert.
I would say that I'm a bit of both.
I would tell them that I'm an extrovert.
Does love at first sight exist to you or does this only exist in movies and books?
Maybe it exists, but I haven't found such love.
I'm not really sure.
It only exists in movies and books.
I think love at first sight exists.
You've come across a time machine that can either take you 200 years into the past or 200 years into the future. Which one will you choose?
Can I go back and forth between these two?
Into the past
Into the future
Neither, I like the present.


Everyone has a certain type of negative quality about them and we want to know what yours is!
I can be kind of mean sometimes.
I'm not very honest with people.
I'm a little bit selfish.
I'm very lazy.
If you could spend the next 10 hours immersed in one of these hobbies, which one would you choose?
Watching TV
Playing video games
Playing sports
When it comes to knowledge, would you rather acquire more intelligence or more wisdom?


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