Can We Guess How Long You Have Been a Christian?

By: Tasha Moore
Estimated Completion Time
8 min
Can We Guess How Long You Have Been a Christian?
Image: Krisanapong detraphiphat/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

You are cordially invited to take this intriguing personality test about your Christian habits. Answer a series of church-heavy questions and see if we can guess how long you've been a Christian. No matter what church you attend or denomination to which you adhere, there are always certain personality types that are consistent everywhere.

Some folks gravitate to certain tasks, like kitchen help, carpooling or prayer leadership. Others would rather watch it all go down from a safe distance. Maybe you pray mostly in the day, pray all day or pray only when you remember. There are no right or wrong answers here. Just take comfort in knowing that there are others like you out here fighting the good fight. Newcomers to the faith as well as seasoned pros can appreciate the degree of relevancy these personality questions have regarding Christian life. You are strongly encouraged to see for yourself just how so. And when we accurately guess your Christian tenure, share this quiz with your friends to see how they fare. Trading some of your best memories is a great way to filter down some of your most prominent habits.

Go on and see which answers await you!

How well do you know Biblical scriptures?
My favorite scripture is, "The Lord is my shepherd..." Uh...
I memorized one healing scripture: "By His stripes we are healed."
I know most basic scriptures by verse.
I know all salvation scriptures by verse AND by reference.


How familiar are you with church hymns?
I'm not familiar with the hymns at all.
I'm only familiar with some of the hymns that my mother sang when I was growing up.
I know a few words of the popular hymns, like "Amazing Grace."
I know all of the hymns by heart.


What are your views on church seating arrangements?
I have no special seat in church.
I hold the "good" seats for my friends, and they hold them for me. For what else are church bulletins and friends supposed to be used?
I prefer to sit in the back so I can keep my eyes on just about everything that's happening.
My seat has my name engraved on it, and it's way up in the front of the church.


How would you describe your relationship with the pastor?
I'm not concerned with having a relationship with the pastor.
I give up opportunities to have a relationship whenever the pastor starts asking me too many questions about my life. Of course, I'm "saved." You see me here just about every Sunday, don't you?
My relationship with the pastor could be better.
Solid. My pastor's phone number is programmed on my cellular phone, right after 9-1-1.


How special are church holidays to you?
I avoid the holiday crowd.
I get excited about planning for holidays, just like when I was a kid.
Church holidays are just like any other day.
I look forward to special holiday services because that's when my special seat is decorated so nicely.


How do you feel about new people who visit the church?
I don't know who's new and who isn't.
I greet new visitors with a polite smile and watch them during the service to figure out their "stories."
I warmly embrace new visitors.
I see all new visitors as potential members. I embrace them as long as they don't sit in my special seat.


Do you take the initiative to pray for others?
I always want prayer warriors to pray for me.
I pray mostly for myself and certain family members.
I stand as a ready "intercessor." Praying extemporaneously is my gift.
I'm the "intercessor!" They should all come to me! I know every prayer in the Good Book by heart!


Do you give advice to church members or do you take advice?
I seek as much advice as possible from others.
No one seeks me for advice, and the feeling is mutual.
I am seldom asked to give advice.
I seek the Lord, and others seek me for advice.


What type of clothes do you wear to church?
I wear street clothes.
I wear casual church clothes.
I wear designer church clothing.
I think it's appropriate for someone of my "rank" in the church to wear official ministry clothing.


What's your take on the unspoken church culture?
I don't know of any "unpoken church culture."
I embrace whatever is happening at the moment.
A select few members and I create and follow our own subculture.
I create the code for others in the church to follow.


What was, or is, the reason for your church membership?
I was just curious.
I want to get back to the habits my parents taught me, and going to church was a big part of that.
The church size inspired me to join.
I keep my church membership out of habit, and it's the best habit there ever could be!


How would you describe your relationships with other church members?
I only know other church members by their faces.
I consider my friends and family "special." Everyone else? I don't know.
I treat other church members as family.
I know everyone's names by heart, even the visitors.


Do you take the time to visit other churches?
I seldom go with the church family when they visit other churches.
I go because I have many friends who are members at other churches.
I go to give a good impression of my own church family.
I visit other churches when invited because it's the polite thing to do.


Do you participate in church carpooling?
I don't get involved with carpooling.
I only make arrangements for family members and friends. Everyone else? I don't know.
I volunteer my time and my car to gather members for church.
I provide the best mode of transportation information.


Do you ever make yourself available as a pastor's aide?
I'm a pastor's aide in training.
I'm excited about helping the pastor. He has the best gossip, I mean "church news."
I assist the pastor in all matters.
I retired 10 years ago from assisting the pastor.


If you see a piece of trash lying in the church vestibule, what do you do?
I pretend I don't see the trash.
I only pick up the trash if I know others are watching me.
I leave the trash for the chuch sexton or usher to pick up.
If I can stoop down that low, I pick up the trash because I take great pride in the appearance of MY church!


Do you talk during church service?
I sometimes whisper to a companion about something important.
I whisper bits of info to friends about what's happening at service, but nobody ever hears us.
I never talk during service, no matter what.
I talk to MY God and MY pastor during service. That's it!


Do you participate in after-service collation?
I prefer not to mingle after service.
I'm first in the food line all the time.
I make sure that others eat before I do.
I have a special seat in the collation room.


Do you help in the church kitchen?
Where's the church kitchen?
I'm always on kitchen clean-up duty, so I can find out who cooked which dish, and who did or did not eat it.
I'm always busy in the kitchen.
I'm available to give advice to kitchen helpers. That's why they save me a plate every Sunday.


Do you ever voluntarily cook for the church?
I offer something store-bought.
Yes, I lay my dish out. But I usually bring it back home untouched for whatever reason.
I prepare dishes for church that require the least amount of effort.
I'm "church famous" for my cooking.


What's your stance on getting the latest church gossip?
I go to church to gather bits of gossip.
I go to church just to gossip.
I avoid gossip.
I don't consider "conversational talk" to be gossip.


How would you describe your church prayers?
I stand up with hands lifted up as I bow my head.
I pray face-to-floor, and I peek every once in a while to see who's watching me.
I'm a very physical prayer warrior. I don't stay in one place when I pray.
I sit in my special seat with hands clasped and head down. It's my special prayer pose.


Do you wear hats to church?
I don't wear hats to church.
I wear a simple hat or a prayer cloth.
I have the biggest hats of the congregation.
My hats have the fanciest ornaments of the congregation.


How much of an offering do you give during church service?
I give a 10 percent tithe.
I only give a budgeted amount of my choosing.
I give the most of everyone else during the offering.
I'm always willing to contribute extra whenever I can do it.


Do you move around during church service or do you remain in one place?
I only go outside to make important phone calls.
I move around when the choir sings my favorite song. Any other song? I don't know.
I only move to use the restroom.
I stay put in my special seat.


If someone is absent from their church duties, what, if anything, do you do to help out?
I refuse to be taken advantage of. I don't volunteer at all.
They beg me to fill in for kitchen clean-up instead of the cooking. I wonder why?
I'm ready to fill in any choir post.
The only thing I "fill in" is my special seat.


How do you deal with ushers in the church?
I never leave my post without the head usher's permission.
If I spot anyone else stepping out of line, I don't call the usher. I just pretend not to see them.
If I spot someone stepping out of line, I don't call the usher. I just correct them myself.
I assign ushers their posts.


Do you ever serve as church secretary?
How much does it pay?
They seek me out to spill the church gossip, I mean, to read the church "news."
They seek me out whenever something needs to be written.
I oversee, assign and approve (or not) all church communication.


Is your church life as active as your personal life?
I wish my personal life was less active, like my church life.
Church banquets give me life!
I maintain a good church life-personal life balance.
My church life and my personal life are one in the same.


Do you participate in your church's rituals?
I don't trust rituals.
I add my own special touch to church rituals. Everybody likes the way I do them, even the pastor.
I participate in all church rituals.
I police all church rituals and make sure that nothing changes.


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