Are You and Your Significant Other Headed for Happily Ever After?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Are You and Your Significant Other Headed for Happily Ever After?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Love blinders are a real thing! And if we're wearing ours, it can be hard to see the crack in our relationships. We ignore the little things so much that we don't know we're headed for disaster until it's too late. While there are quizzes all over the internet that claim to examine whether your relationship is healthy or not, we at Zoo pride ourselves on being one of the best. So, if you want to find out if you and your prince or princess are destined for happiness, take our quiz!

Will your answers reveal that you are living a fairytale dream? Are things as really good as they seem? Will your truths tell us that you guys are solid, with a few hiccups here and there? Because that is actually normal and healthy. Will your answers say that you guys have more bad times than good? Do you argue more than you smile? Or will your responses tell us that there's nothing but rocky roads ahead? And we're not referring to the ice cream here!

If you're desperate to find out the truth, take our quiz. It may just give you the answers you've been searching for inside yourself. 

How would you describe your physical intimacy with your partner?
We are all over each other.
It's definitely hot.
We go through phases of intensity.
It's pretty nonexistent.


Which description best fits how you spent the last Valentine's Day?
We didn't do anything special. It's just a Hallmark holiday anyways.
We stayed in, but it was kind of romantic.
We went out for a nice evening together.
We each had something special planned for each other.


Do you consider your partner to be your best friend?
It's a toss-up between my partner and a friend I've had for many years.
My partner is a friend, but I wouldn't call them my best friend.
My partner is absolutely my best friend.
Honestly, they have been more like my nemesis lately.


How much does your partner know about you?
They know every detail about me.
My partner knows a few juicy details about me, but I'm holding back on some of the more difficult stuff.
I haven't shared all that much about myself with them.
I have a couple secrets, but they know almost the whole story.


Is your relationship filled with more laughter or tears?
It's just about equal parts laughter and tears.
There are moments of crying, but it's mostly filled with laughter.
Lately, it seems like all we do is cry.
We laugh all the time.


How long have the two of you been together?
I'm not even sure you could say that we are together.
We've been together for many years.
We just started dating within the last year.
We've been a couple for a few years now.


Do you share a lot of the same interests as your partner?
We have a lot of the same interests and are constantly doing things together.
We do have a number of activities that we are both interested in, but we do have hobbies that are our own.
We have a couple things that we do together, but we tend to go our separate ways on most things.
We have almost none of the same interests in common.


Does your significant other's family like you?
Nope. I'm pretty sure they despise me.
It's a little hard to say.
I think they like me well enough.
They absolutely adore me.


How financially secure are the two of you?
We have some money left over at the end of the month.
We are able to pay the bills, barely.
We are very comfortable financially.
We both struggle to get by.


Do you both pull equal weight or does one partner do a lot more than the other?
It's definitely an equal partnership.
It's a little lopsided, but I don't mind (most of the time).
I do everything in the relationship.
There are times where each of us does a little more, but it balances out over time.


How strong are your communication skills in the relationship?
We definitely have moments where we don't talk as much as we need to, but it's generally pretty good.
They could be a bit better, but they are fairly strong.
We're pretty terrible at talking with each other.
We have built an amazing ability to communicate with one another.


How often do you fight?
Once in a while.
A couple times a week.


When was the last time one of you asked the other to sleep in another room?
I can't remember that ever happening.
It's been a long time since that happened.
It's been a few months since that occurred.
That happened within the last week.


Would you say that you both have a similar sense of humor?
We never seem to laugh at the same joke.
Once in a while we will find the same thing to be funny, but it's rare.
There are some areas where one will laugh and not the other, but it's pretty rare.
We're always laughing at the same stuff.


Did either of your parents get a divorce?
One set of parents has gotten divorced, but not the other one.
Both sets of parents have been divorced once.
Both of our parents are still together or never got divorced.
Both of our parents got divorced multiple times.


How open are the two of you about your feelings to each other?
We are very open about how we feel.
We pick our moments to share our feelings. It's actually pretty rare.
I think we keep our feelings to ourselves most of the time.
We talk about our feelings a lot, not as much as one partner would like, but a lot.


Would you describe your love life as more boring or exciting?
It's become pretty boring.
There are times where it is very exciting and others where it is pretty lame.
There would have to be a love life first.
It is amazing, so full of excitement and passion.


How often do you do something special for your significant other?
I can't remember the last time I did.
It happens about once a week.
I'd say that this might happen a few times a year.
We do little things throughout the week, but we do something really special at least once a month.


How good of a kisser is your partner?
My partner is an amazing kisser.
They are actually pretty good.
My partner has moments where they seem to know what they are doing.
It's pretty much a disaster.


How deep is your love for your partner?
We're hanging out in the shallow end of the pool.
It's getting deeper by the day.
It is pretty deep.
Our love is so deep that it is unfathomable.


How many kids do you want to have with your partner?
I could definitely see having a few kids with them.
I suppose it's possible that we might have a kid or two.
I want to have a big family with my partner.
Let's not go there.


Which romantic getaway is most appealing for the two of you?
Las Vegas.
We'll probably just stay home.


Do you finish each other's sentences?
It's pretty rare for that to happen.
It does happen once in a while.
Nope, but they do interrupt me and cut me off all the time.
That is a pretty common thing in our relationship.


Would you say that your major life goals are in harmony?
I think we want radically different things out of life.
We definitely are heading in a very similar direction.
It's a little hard to say at this point.
Our goals may not be exactly the same, but they do compliment each other very well.


What does a day without your partner feel like to you?
It feels empty.
It's kind of a bummer.
It's no big deal.
What a relief!


Which legendary love story most resembles yours?
"Romeo and Juliet," but more tragic and less romantic.
We've got a bit of a "Casablanca" vibe going on.
We've got kind of a "Ghost" thing happening.
"The Notebook" fits our love story the best.


Would you consider yourself to be high or low-maintenance?
I like things a certain way, but I'm not over the top about it.
I guess I'm pretty particular about the way things are done.
I'm super low-maintenance. It doesn't take much to keep me happy.
I have to admit that I'm very high-maintenance.


Would you consider your partner to be high or low-maintenance?
My partner is very easy to please and low-maintenance.
There are a number of preferences to keep track of, but it's not too bad.
My partner is a high-maintenance nightmare.
My partner does have some quirks, but they are mostly pretty easy to please.


How well do each of you deal with challenging circumstances?
I struggle with stress, but my partner is a rock through difficult circumstances.
I do very well while in stressful circumstances, but my partner is not as good at handling it.
We both tend to fall apart under stress.
We are both able to handle stress pretty well.


How optimistic or pessimistic are the two of you?
We're both very pessimistic people.
We are both extremely optimistic in our outlook on things.
I'm more pessimistic, but my partner is the eternal optimist.
I tend to be very optimistic, but my partner is definitely a pessimist.


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