Are You R2-D2 or C-3PO?

By: Joshua Laurent
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You R2-D2 or C-3PO?
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

Sure, you're a droid, but what kind of droid are you? Do you come off as a shiny human-like worrier or are you more a trashcan-shaped robot? It's time to find out.
You're at the cantina from Episode 4. What do you do when somebody asks if you want dessert?
I decline, not wanting to put them to any troubles
I usually don't want dessert
I happily accept.
I take it and tell them how good it is even if it takes like garbage
What is your favorite Periodic Table element?
How polite would you be in the face of rebel danger?
Extremely. It's how society functions
As polite as I need to be, not one bit more
I try to set an example for others
I'm honest


What is your favorite kind of code?
The bro
Red Mountain Dew
The weather report says "Mostly Cloudy." How do you prepare?
I bring an umbrella in case.
If it rains it rains. Nothing special needed.
I think I have a hoodie around here somewhere
I watch the sky carefully
Which was the best Star Wars movie?
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 7


When Han Solo is jumping to light speed what do you do?
Hold on tight
Think the optical illusion of stars stretching is cool
Thank God we can outrun slower spaceships
Marvel at the advanced technology
What did the Star Wars series need more of?
Better dialogue
Cheesy effects
What time do you wake up every morning?
Before 6 a.m.
7 a.m. on the dot
I don't have a set time


Which of the following sounds the scariest?
Rock climbing
Wake boarding
Bungee jumping
Who is your favorite athlete named Michael?
What do you think about professional wrestling?
It's compelling theater
I don't understand how people watch something so fake
It's awesome
It's a fun, temporary escape from reality


How do you get all those channels?
I don't own a TV
Dish Network
How do you respond to bullies like Darth Vader?
I go along with what they say, it's just easier that way
I challenge them to a fight
I prove I'm smarter, regardless the outcome
In a lot of ways, I am a bully
Luke Skywalker says "Let's Go!" What do you think?
Here we go again
I'm ready for battle
It always gets dangerous when he says that
I hope this is exciting


When you hear "Save money for a rainy day" what do you think it means?
A day negative things happen
A day when you are bored
Be smart with your money
The other person disagrees with how I spend my money
When a sage like Yoda proves you are wrong, how do you handle it?
I admit my error and move on
I refuse to give in despite knowing I'm wrong
I am embarrassed
I act like it isn't a big deal I was wrong
What do you immediately think when you're phone rings?
Who would want to talk to me?
More proof I'm popular
This is probably a bill collector
I'll let it go to voicemail


If you caught your son or daughter taking dirty photos with there phone, what would you do?
Find out who has seen them
Take the phone away for a month
Express my displeasure then get on with my life
Calmly explain the potential ripple effects
What was the worst Star Wars movie?
Episode 1
Episode 6
Episode 2
Episode 7
What percentage of people do you think would say you are more negative than positive?


Who is your favorite Star Trek character?
Mr. Spock
Captain Kirk
Dr. McCoy
Where in California would you prefer to live?
San Francisco
Los Angeles
Palm Springs
San Diego
What do you think about Black Friday?
I will stay at home and order online
It's a fun, chaotic time
It gets me in the holiday spirit
The deals are amazing


Which of the following do you use the most
You're stranded on Tatooine, but you've prepared. How many days worth of food did you store in your hut?
One day
Three days to a week
Two weeks
A month
What has surprised you most about your life?
I haven't died yet
All of the amazing places I've been
I can make things happen when I try hard
How much fun it has been


Which is your favorite science fiction TV show of the following?
Lost in Space
Star Trek TNG
Battlestar Gallactica
Doctor Who
What is your favorite catch phrase from a science fiction movie?
I see dead people
Beam me up, Scotty
They're here
Hasta la vista, baby
What makes your heart ache?
Sad children
A heart attack
People dying
Nothing. I feel nothing.


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