Are You More Jesus or Judas?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You More Jesus or Judas?
Image: Wiki Commons by Didgeman

About This Quiz

Back in the day, Jesus had 12 disciples he trusted completely. One of them was Judas. While Jesus was spending his time being a good guy to all, Judas took some money from the religious authorities to betray him. Jesus even knew that Judas was going to do it but he didn't do anything to stop him.  Over the years, Jesus has been held up as the epitome of someone who is a good person, but if you're called a "Judas" it's definitely an insult.

When you think about the way that you live your life, which one of these two men are you most like?  Don't get us wrong, if you come out more Jesus on this quiz that doesn't mean you're going to be able to turn water into wine (although that would be a cool trick) and if you come out like Judas it doesn't mean you're a bad person. It just means you have a bit more work to do on yourself, just like the rest of us do.

Answer some questions and we'll tell you whether you're more like Jesus or Judas. if you're busy healing the sick or something like that, don't worry, we can wait.

When you're out with friends, do you worry a lot about if they're having a good time?
I worry constantly.
I worry but only if I really like them.
I worry sometimes.
No, I never think about that.


How many of the people you were dating have you told that you loved?
Two to five
Five to 10
More than 10


Do you have any of your old stuffed animals from when you were a kid?
Yes, I have a lot of them.
I have one.
I wish I did.
No, that's pretty weird.


Are you a big fan of man's best friend?
I love dogs.
They're pretty cool.
They're OK, I guess.
I don't like dogs at all.


Holidays are awesome. Which one is your favorite?
4th of July


Do you think people are inherently good or inherently bad?
Mostly good
Mostly bad


When it comes to helping other people in need, what are your feelings?
Everyone should help as much as they can.
People should help if they can.
It depends on the situation.
Meh, I am down with the whole survival of the fittest thing.


Which of these classes sounds most interesting to take?
Comparative Religion
Military History


If you and your friends are going out for the night, who decides what to do?
My friends do
My friends usually do.
I usually do.
I always do.


Would you ever cheat on your significant other?
Never, not in a million years
No, I would be afraid that I would get caught.
I might, but I'm sure I would regret it.
Of course


Have you ever made out with someone you just met at a party?
No, that sounds awkward.
No, that sounds wrong.
I wish
Yes and it was fun.


Do you ever talk smack about your best friend when they aren't around?
I would never do that.
Only if they have it coming
I sometimes do that.
Sure, all the time


Are you brand loyal when it comes to clothes?
Yes, I always buy from the same companies.
I try to be.
No, but I do have my habits.
No, I would buy anything.


Do you know your close friends'​ phone numbers by heart?
Yes, all of them
Some of them
I might know one of them.
I don't know any of them.


Are you still friends with anyone from high school?
Yes, I still have lots of high school friends.
I am friends with a few of them.
I only have one friend from high school.
I don't hang out with anyone from back then.


How easy is it for you to forgive someone who has done you wrong?
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Not very easy
Not easy at all


Have you ever ghosted someone you were dating?
No, that would be wrong.
No, I wish.
No, but I came close.
Yes, it was easy.


In which of these sports would you most like to compete?
Long distance running


Do you have many houseplants?
Yes, and they're thriving.
Yes. thanks for the reminder. I need to water them.
I have some but they always die.
I don't have any plants.


Do you always remember your loved ones' birthdays?
Of course, that's easy to do.
I almost always do.
Sometimes I do.
Pretty much never


How many Christmas cards do you send out each year?
50 or more
20 to 50
One to 20


You like a band but your friends think they stink. Do you stick up for the band?
Yes, I am a true fan.
I might, but probably not.
I doubt it.
I would never mention the band around my friends again.


When was the last time you did any sort of volunteer work?
Within the last month
Within the last year
Within the last 10 years
It's been more than 10 years.


Someone you work with is a single mother and applying for the same promotion for which you are applying. What are your thoughts?
I hope she gets it.
I wouldn't be mad if she gets it.
I would understand if she gets it.
I would be totally mad if she gets it.


Have you ever vandalized anything in your life?
No, that's wrong.
Yes, when I was a kid
Yes, but I felt bad.
Yes. What a blast that was.


If you truly loved someone, could you be faithful in a long distance relationship?
Yes, without a doubt
Yes, but it would be hard.
I doubt it.
No way


How good would you be on a show like "Survivor"?
I would be awful; I am such a bad liar.
I doubt I would be good.
I would do OK.
I would win for sure.


Which of the following is your favorite kind of nonfiction book to read?
Self Help
True Crime


Would you risk your life to save someone you love?
Certainly, it would be easy.
I would hope so.
I might if I got up enough courage.
There's no way I would do that.


If someone offered you $20,000 to never speak with your best friend again, would you take it?
For certain


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