Are You Going to Heaven or Hell?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Are You Going to Heaven or Hell?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Are you heading to the good place or something a lot more painful? While your daily actions and choices make a huge difference, there is always the wild card of being contrite and changing your ways, even after engaging in some highly questionable behavior for years. 

That being said, all we can do is offer some feedback on the path you are currently on. We'll definitely be able to give you a sense if you're heading in the right direction or if a major adjustment to your ways is required.

For example, if you're likely to tell a homeless person begging for money that they should "get a job" and you haven't donated a single penny or moment of your time to help a charitable organization in your life, things aren't looking good for you. This would be compounded if you take pleasure in other people's suffering and you've cheated on your significant other. As we've said, it's not like you have no chance of getting into heaven, but it's likely going to take a miracle to turn things around for you.

Let's head over to the confessional. Just relax, tell the truth, and we'll let you know the fate of your soul. No big deal.

How much is gratitude a part of your life?
It's the cornerstone of my life.
I definitely try to be grateful for things.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be grateful for.
It's not.


Do you pray or meditate on a regular basis?
Heck no, what a waste of time.
I used to, but not anymore.
I could probably do that more often, but I do from time to time.
I meditate and/or pray on a regular basis.


Are you involved in any charity work?
I do a little bit when I can.
I haven't really done anything like that in a long time.
I have a couple of charities that I'm heavily involved with.
Nope, what a waste of time that would be.


How do you generally react when you pass a homeless person begging on the street?
I talk with them and offer to help them however I can.
I ignore them.
I tell them to get a job.
I give them the spare change in my pocket.


Do you believe in God?
I have some serious doubts.
I'm convinced that there is something divine going on.
I absolutely do.


Have you ever cheated on your significant other?
Yeah, I cheat all the time.
Never, and I never would.
I have, but the relationship was already falling apart by then.
I did in the past, but I have asked for forgiveness and changed my ways.


Are you more focused on yourself or others?
I'm pretty much entirely focused on other people.
I take care of my own needs, but I help others as well.
I might do something for another person once in a while, but it's mostly about me.
It's all about me, baby.


How wealthy are you?
I am rolling in the dough.
I am very comfortable.
I get by alright.
I am poor monetarily, but rich in many other ways.


How often do you lie?
I might tell a little white lie to protect someone's feelings once in a while.
I lie a few times a day, at least.
I always tell the truth.
I lie so much that I consider it an art form.


Have you ever had an affair with someone who already had a significant other?
No, I would never do that.
I've done that before, but their relationship was none of my business.
That's a huge turn-on for me. I do that all the time.
I've wanted to before, but I stopped myself.


Would you be willing to put yourself in harm's way to protect a stranger?
I might consider it for someone I loved deeply, but not a stranger.
I might; it just depends on the situation.
No way, why would I do that?
Of course, that is what my soul would demand of me.


Do you attend religious services on a regular basis?
No, I never go.
Yes, I go on a regular basis.
It's been a long time.
I don't go every week, but I try to make it as much as I can.


How regularly do you say things that you later regret?
It's almost unheard of for me to do that.
It definitely happens, but I'm working on it.
I do that a lot.
I say harsh stuff, but I never regret it.


Would you say that you have issues with anger?
Yeah, big time.
My temper can definitely get me in some trouble.
I blow up once in a while, but I'm getting some help with it.
No, I don't have any anger issues.


How common is it for you to make fun of other people?
I did that as a kid, but I stopped doing it long ago.
Yeah, I do that, but only to people who really deserve it.
I don't engage in that kind of behavior.
I love to make fun of others. People are the worst.


Do you believe that people are basically good or basically evil?
We're all good, deep down.
I definitely think that we're our own worst enemies.
People are inherently awful.
I tend to think people are good at heart, but the news makes me question that.


Are you more likely to try to get even or to let something painful go?
I might try to get even, but it would have to be a really horrible thing for me to do that.
I do my best to let things go, but they sometimes linger inside me.
I'm definitely getting even.
As hard as it might be, I let things like that go through prayer.


Which statement is closer to your overall outlook on life?
"Hell is other people".
"Let go and let God".
"I'm gonna get mine".
"I get by with a little help from my friends".


Have you ever stolen anything?
No, I've never stolen anything.
I stole things in the past, but I don't do it anymore.
I might steal some smaller items once in a while.
Yeah, that's how I make a living.


How likely are you to ask for forgiveness?
No way.
It's pretty unlikely, but not out of the question.
It's hard for me to do it, but I sometimes manage to pull it off.
I always ask for forgiveness if I regret anything I've done.


Have you ever derived pleasure from creating suffering in someone else?
I did in the past, but those days are long behind me.
Yeah, but I don't do it all the time.
How awful! I would never do something like that.
That's one of my favorite pastimes.


Is war okay?
No, never.
There are definitely times where it is justified.
It's just part of life. Deal with it.
Only when it comes to self-defense.


Do you strive to keep your life simple or is it basically just total chaos?
I actually thrive off of chaos.
I wish it were simpler than it actually is.
It's total chaos.
I strive to keep things as simple as I possibly can.


Have you read any holy books?
No, that's a waste of time.
Yes, I read my holy book on a regular basis.
I've read a little bit, but I don't remember any of it.
I do turn to my holy book in times of difficulty.


Do you drink or do drugs a lot?
I don't drink or do drugs.
I used to, but I've cut back on that stuff a lot.
Not too much, but I do tend to have a lot of fun on the weekends.
Oh yeah, I'm on a bender right now.


Would you say that your parents are proud of you?
No, I'm totally the black sheep of the family.
I'm not sure, we don't talk very much.
There are some accomplishments that they're proud of.
Yes, my parents are very proud of who I've become.


What kind of relationship do you have with your parents?
We talk on a regular basis.
Our relationship is pretty distant.
We are very close.
We pretty much hate each other.


Do you act as a mentor for younger people?
Yes, that's one of my favorite activities.
I don't really have time for stuff like that.
No, I can't stand kids.
I have in the past, but it's been a while.


How often do you engage in one-night stands?
Honestly, I'll take it where I can get it.
I did that when I was younger, but not anymore.
All the time.
I've never had a one-night stand.


Are you generous or stingy with your money?
What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine too.
I'm very generous with my money.
I give when I have some extra, which is rare.
I'm committed to being more generous with my money going forward.


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