Are You Feeling "The Seven Year Itch?"

By: R. White
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Are You Feeling "The Seven Year Itch?"
Image: tmdb

About This Quiz

When a married man is left home alone and there's a blonde beauty in the apartment upstairs, the urge to scratch that itch becomes almost more than a man can take. Take the quiz to see what you remember about the film!
The opening describes whose rituals and traditions?
People who ride the subway
The American business man
The New York Yankees
The Manhattan tribe of Indians
The ritual of sending wives and children away in July so the Indian men can stay behind and set traps, fish, and hunt. It highlights how over the centuries, nothing has changed.
Richard Sherman takes his wife and son to the train station. Where are they going for the summer?
New Hampshire
This is a common practice of married men when the city is too hot in July. The husbands stay behind to work.
Where does Richard Sherman have dinner the first night his wife is gone?
At a jazz lounge alone
At his house with the neighbor
At a diner with his boss
Alone at a restaurant
He has a vegetarian meal as a commitment to his wife that he would eat "properly." The waitress tells him his meal was only 260 calories.


Who talks to Sherman about nudist camps and says, "Clothes are the enemy"?
Sherman's secretary, Miss Morris
Sherman's janitor, Mr. Kruhulik
Sherman's boss
The waitress at the restaurant
The waitress at the vegetarian restaurant tells him all tips go toward the nudist camp. She is played by Doro Merande who appeared in many shows and movies, including "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" and "The Twilight Zone."
On which book cover does Sherman suggest the neckline should be dropped on the women?
"Pride and Prejudice"
"Gone with the Wind"
"Little Women"
He shows a sample to Miss Morris and waves his pencil in the air to draw a lower neckline. Spicing up the visual appeal will sell more books.
Grimm's Fairy Tales
When Sherman first meets the beautiful neighbor, what does she have in her hands?
A dog collar and a hair dryer
A fan and a grocery bag
She buzzes the door to get in because her hands are full. The fan's cord gets stuck in the door and Sherman helps her.
A movie script and a can of peas
A hat and a frying pan


Whose apartment is the neighbor upstairs staying in for the summer?
The Riggleman's
The Sanderson's
The Kauffman's
The Kauffmans collect African art and have an apartment without air conditioning. Their apartment is separated from Sherman's by a fake ceiling at the top of the stairs.
The Crawford's
What item in the apartment gives away the fact that Sherman has a child?
A kite
A baseball glove and ball
A toy train
A roller skate
Sherman falls on the skate more than once. He pretends to be single, but his neighbor tells him she likes married men.
Which drink does Sherman NOT ever offer or give the girl from upstairs?
Gin martini
A raspberry soda
The first drink he makes her is a gin martini. She brings the champagne, and later he makes them both a Tom Collins. He drinks a raspberry soda when he is alone.
Tom Collins


When Sherman is psychoanalyzed in his office by Dr. Brubaker, what is he told?
"You need to sleep with someone other than your wife."
"Do not attempt it again...on a piano bench."
Sherman tells the doctor he "terrorized" the woman while they were sitting on a piano bench. They fell over when he tried to kiss her.
"Be sure there's always access to a lemon twist."
"Take a warm, relaxing bath with bubbles."
Sherman wants to rename the title of Dr. Brubaker's book. What is the new title?
Man's Beast Within
"What Women Really Want"
"The Secret Weapons of Love"
"Of Sex and Violence"
Brubaker's book is about the repressed urges in middle-aged men. He is upset about the new title Sherman proposes.
What does Sherman's wife often tell him?
"You are a dreamboat."
You are a lion among men."
"You have a great imagination."
In his imagined scenarios, his wife appears ghost-like and laughs at his imaginary explanations of things. He conjures several visions painting himself as a lady's man.
"You have the heart of a king."


What is unusual about the girl from upstairs?
She can identify any dog from its bark.
Her name is never revealed.
Sherman introduces himself, but she never reciprocates. She does reveal she is 22 years old to his 38 years.
Her middle name is Fred.
She is from the same town Sherman just sent his wife and son to.
Which Addams Family television series actor also played in this film?
John Astin
Carolyn Jones
Carolyn Jones played Miss Finch, a nurse who tries to seduce Ewell's character in the hospital. She is part of a series of imaginary lovers that Ewell conjures up.
Jackie Coogan
Ted Cassidy
The neighbor mentions she was kicked out of a club. Why?
She did a risque photo shoot that was published.
She posed in a bikini on the beach with driftwood. The photo appeared in US Camera; she offers to autograph his book with the photo.
She was a poor singer.
She dated a married man.
She had too much to drink and became rowdy.


What is the name of the publishing agency for which Sherman works?
Brady and Company
Brady and Company puts out 25 cent versions of books. Ewell helps make the books more appealing by sensationalizing the covers.
Lowell and Company
Simpson and Company
Brickman and Company
Why does Sherman ask for two weeks off from work?
He wants to go watch the neighbor on a film shoot in California.
He plans a trip with the pretty neighbor.
His wife asked if he could join her in Maine.
He needs to get away from the temptation of the pretty neighbor.
Sherman does not trust himself. The boss will not allow him to take time off, but instead encourages the idea of hanky-panky because his wife is also out of town.
Sherman thinks playing Rachmaninoff's 2nd Concerto will appeal to the neighbor. What does she prefer?
Eddie Fisher
Everything Sherman does to set a mood is in direct contrast with her tastes. The age and sophistication difference between them is apparent.
Frank Sinatra
Patti Page
Doris Day


Who says, "Isn't she a living doll!" regarding Monroe's character?
Richard Sherman
Sherman's boss
Mr. Kruhulik, the janitor
Ewell tries to shoo Mr. Krukulik out of his apartment, but the janitor sees Monroe's leg and comes in. He is bowled over by her physical appeal.
A stranger who whistles at her
While Monroe wore many white outfits in the movie, when she first comes down to Sherman's apartment, what color outfit is she wearing?
She wears a modest pink pantsuit for her drinks with Sherman, but she bares more as the story progresses.
What comment does Sherman make that ruins the mood of the first evening with the neighbor?
"My wife will not approve of this."
"I'm a happily married man."
"I'm going to take you in my arms and kiss you very quickly and hard."
Ewell imagined this scene and gets a chance to use this line, but it upsets the neighbor.
"Perhaps you'd like to have dinner with me?"


Why does the janitor, Mr. Kruhulik, keep dropping by the apartment?
He needs to pick up the rugs.
Mrs. Sherman asked him to get the rugs so the moths didn't get at them. The neighbor is there and Richard keeps turning him away to avoid scandal.
He needs to put up a shelf.
He has to plaster a spot on the ceiling.
He wants to see the neighbor.
Sherman tells his secretary he can manage his own breakfast. What does he say he made for himself?
A peanut butter sandwich and two whiskey sours
Sherman is struggling to be alone and wants to show he is behaving and able to care for himself while his wife is away.
A boiled egg and a shot of bourbon
Cinnamon toast and a glass of wine
a banana and a beer
What item does the neighbor NOT keep in the ice box?
Her underwear
Potato chips
Her nail polish
She tells Sherman she keeps her underwear in there to stay cool. The champagne and chips are her groceries.


The neighbor does commercials for what product?
Lovelylather lotion
Supersuds soap
Happy Home kitchen appliances
Dazzledent toothpaste
In the commercial, Monroe's character says, "I stay kissing sweet, the Dazzledent way." It opens the door for Sherman to kiss her to test it out.
Sherman takes his neighbor to see "The Creature from the Black Lagoon." What does she say about it?
"I feel like a creature from the Black Lagoon sometimes"
"Every has a little bit of monster inside of them, don't you think?"
"There has to be a backstory for the poor creature."
"I felt sorry for the creature."
She says the creature wasn't all bad. They are walking from the theater right before the scene where Monroe's dress billows in the subway breeze.
Monroe's character tells Sherman she thinks he's what?
It is clear that Monroe's character could fall for Sherman. She admires his loyalty to his wife.


The famous white dress blowing up from the subway grate scene was filmed on Lexington Ave. and 52nd Street but was later filmed on a movie set. Why?
Joe DiMaggio did not approve of the public setting.
The weather would not cooperate.
The breeze from the subway was not strong enough.
Too many spectators were whistling and making noise.
The shot was done more than 10 times on the New York City streets. The blowing dress has become iconic.
Why does the neighbor say she likes married men?
They can't ask her to marry them.
This is a surprise to Sherman, but puts him at ease for a little while. He does manage a few kisses throughout their friendship.
They shower her with gifts and flowers.
They are the most honest.
They compliment her.
What is the name of the man Sherman's wife mentions she is spending time with while in Maine?
Bill McCullen
Tom McKenzie
Sherman imagines his wife might be having an affair with McKenzie. He stops by the apartment to pick up Ricky's paddle to take back to Maine.
James McCaffrey
William McDonald


Mr. Kruhulik comments, "I wish ________________________"
..I was dead.
Kruhulik comes to collect the rugs from Sherman's apartment and realizes a woman is there. He becomes embararassed by the intrusion and awkwardly tries to find an out.
...I was that lucky.
...I was single.
...I was young again.
What is the message Monroe's character has for Sherman's wife?
"One drink and a cigarette is not so bad."
She hugs Sherman tightly and for a long time.
"You married a keeper, so keep him."
She kisses Richard.
The kiss is as much for Sherman as it is for herself. It puts closure on things before he heads off to Maine to join his wife.
What other major event occurred in Monroe's life the year the movie was filmed (1954)?
She married baseball player Joe DiMaggio.
Monroe's marriage to DiMaggio lasted only from 1954-1955. They remained friends until her death.
She married playwright Arthur Miller.
She won an Academy Award.
Her mother died.


Where did "The Seven Year Itch" first appear?
On television in 1948
In a short story in 1950
On Broadway in 1952
The play was later adapted to a movie version starring Bob Ewell and Marilyn Monroe. Ewell starred in the Broadway version and earned a Tony Award for the role.
On the big screen with Marilyn Monroe in 1955
What is one major difference between the play and the movie?
In the play, Mrs. Sherman comes home early to find the neighbor cooking in her kitchen.
In the play, Sherman and the neighbor actually have an affair.
Restrictions based on the Hays Code dictated appropriate behavior in films. It would have violated the rule "adultery must never be the subject of comedy or laughter."
In the play, Mrs. Sherman announces she wants a divorce because she is having an affair.
In the play, the whole thing has been imagined by Sherman.
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