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About This Quiz
Some people think of themselves as all saint, but they are mostly sinner; others are the other way around. Do you accurately assess your own humanity, or are you kidding yourself?
Do you know what emotional labor is?
No, sounds dumb.
No, sounds hard.
Yes, but it's super hard.
Are you good at emotional labor?
I'm very good.
I wouldn't want to be good at something with such a silly name.
Probably not
Not naturally
Did you ever bully anyone as a child?
No, I was bullied.
Yes, it was fun.
I don't think so, but people tell me I did.
Yes, but we made up later and it was OK.
When you see a sad news story, how long do you feel bad?
I don't know those people, why would I feel bad?
A minute
A couple minutes
Do you give to homeless people?
Yes, they need help.
No, they're all on heroin.
No, they're all conmen.
Sometimes, if it's obvious I have money on me.
Do you gossip behind people's backs?
Only if I am really worried about them.
Yes, also to their face.
Yes, it's fun.
Only when someone else started it.
Do you think poor people are generally poor because of bad choices?
Generally no
Yes, obviously.
A few are.
Do you believe in universal healthcare?
Of course
No, screw the poor.
No, because Venezuela that's why! (And also please ignore Scandinavia)
Sure, I just don't know that it's workable in the US.
Do you believe in trying to be like Christ, more than preaching about Christ?
I try!
Preaching is way more fun.
I believe in it but do not do it.
Sure, that sounds like me.
Do you tell people about your charitable giving?
Only if it might get them to give too.
Yes, and I'm lying about it.
Yes, it's rare so I like to make sure they know.
Only sometimes.
If you saw a colleague hiding in the break room looking sad, what do you do?
Offer to talk to them.
Make my coffee and get out.
Smile awkwardly.
Offer them a cookie.
If your friend called with an emergency but you were at work, would you leave?
No, which part of "I'm at work" was confusing?
Depends what time of day - if it's like 2 .pm. then that's good because I can help my friend and still be home early.
Depends which friend
If there were 6 donuts in the box and 5 people, what would you do?
Cut up all the donuts into quarters so everyone gets a fair piece - and they can also taste all the different donuts.
Eat 2
Eat 1
Ask if anyone doesn't feel like a donut, but quietly so I can just take one.
Do you know how to compartmentalize temporarily so you can be there for others?
Yes, it's hard for me.
I do it on a permanent basis, so I can be there for me.
I don't need to do that, do I?
I wish!
If there is a news story about someone dying on the far side of the world, and one about the same thing in your country, do you feel roughly the same empathy for the families?
Of course!
Yes - zero
No, it's sadder if they are more like me.
I know I should, but I don't.
Do you believe in strong international alliances between your country and others?
Yes, that's how peace is preserved and the weak protected.
No, we should colonize the weak.
No, free trade is bad because someone on TV said so.
Yes, that's how our country can be strong.
Do you do anything to ensure your clothing is sweatshop-labor free?
Of course
I would but I'm busy.
A little
Do you do anything to ensure the food you eat is cruelty-free?
Yes of course, and sustainable too.
I prefer it cruel, it tastes better.
I don't personally abuse animals.
I check for a couple labels from groups I trust.
Do you volunteer?
Of course, 10 hours a week
I'm so busy, you know?
Only if someone I want to bang is also doing it.
At Thanksgiving, yes
How often do you do something nice for someone else, just because?
I don't understand the question.
Early in dating, I do it all the time.
A couple times a month
Do you sometimes help people because then they will owe you?
No, that's wrong.
That's the only reason I do.
Yes, I'm afraid so.
I might've.
Have you ever not come through for a friend because you just weren't in the mood?
I'm afraid quite often.
From time to time
Have you ever heard something really sad and just started laughing uncontrollably?
A few times
Which is a higher virtue: generosity or kindness?
Both are for suckers
Both are the same
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