Are You an Internet Troll?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Are You an Internet Troll?
Image: Shutterstock

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Do you go online looking for trouble or do you avoid it? Do you think you're smarter than most people you encounter online? When you use the Internet, are you more likely to hurt someone's feelings or have your feelings hurt by someone else? Bottom line - are you a troll? Let's find out!
What phrase are you most likely to type in a random Internet conversation?
Sorry Lady.
Do you like to confuse people?
Yes, and I am fabulous at it.
Not unless I am mad.
Yeah, I try to do it all the time.
No, why would I do that?
You just wrote something that made someone feel bad. What do you do?
Wind them up further.
Nothing, I have made my point.
I feel psyched!
I would feel awful.


Do you ever get blocked on social media?
Yes, but if they do I just refriend them with a fake profile.
Yes, but only because they can't stand the heat.
Yes, it happens a lot.
No, not ever.
Do you have a Facebook profile under a fake name?
Oh yeah, I do.
No, why would anyone do that?
No, but I am going to do that now.
No, that is creepy.
Do you ever do pranks IRL?
Yeah, I am always messing with people.
Only if people get me first.
I try, but they always blow up in my face.
What is IRL?


Do you have lots of email addresses "just in case"?
Oh yeah, you can never have too many of those.
I have done that before, when I was messing with someone, but I don't use them much.
No, but that is a great idea.
No, why would anyone do that?
If someone insults you on the Internet, what do you do?
I respond in a way meant to confuse them, which will hopefully just make them more angry.
I come right back at them and call them names.
I just keep saying silly things to them until they stop.
I tell them how out of line it was.
Do you sometimes adopt a different persona when you're online?
Yes, I sometimes pretend to be all sorts of different people.
No, I don't need to do that to be effective.
I have tried, but people can always tell.
No, that would be a weird thing to do.


What do you think of the show, Catfish?
It's okay, but I could do better.
It is pretty freaky. If someone messed with me like that, I would put them on blast.
It is a wild show. Can you imagine being able to get away with that?
It is a really bizarre show. Those people are sick.
An Internet troll is...
Someone who is highly intelligent and kills time by messing with dummies on the Internet.
Someone who tries to instigate things and needs to be taken down a notch.
Someone who says funny things.
Someone who is sad and probably mentally ill.
You are a Clinton fan on a Trump page. How do you interact with people?
Pretend to be a Trump fan and say incredibly stupid things.
Say a lot of provocative things about how awful Trump is.
Just keep repeating nonsense to drive them crazy.
I would try to engage them in intelligent debate.


When do you say "derp"?
When I am pretending to be a dumb kid on the net.
Never. I hate lame Internet speak.
All the time - best word ever.
Umm, never?
You are a Yankees fan on a Red Sox board. What do you do?
Pretend to be a Red Sox fan who is depressed because the Yankees are so much better.
Make fun of all the Red Sox fans by talking about how much better the Yankees are.
Just try to be as irritating as I can.
Try to engage in some good baseball talk.
Have you ever used a web proxy?
Of course. Sometimes you have to do things like that.
Once or twice, but only when I was really messing with someone.
No. Are those expensive?
No. Why would anyone need to do that?


Do you often try to friend people you don't know on Facebook?
Yeah, all the time.
No, I don't get the point of that.
Yeah, so many that I get banned sometimes.
No. Isn't that against their policy terms?
How hard is it to not say something online to someone you disagree with?
Not that hard. I am never sincere online.
Really hard. I get in online fights all the time.
Hard. I always try and mess with people that say dumb things.
It isn't hard at all. I try to mind my own business.
Do you feel good when you insult someone and put them in their place?
Not if they know I am doing it.
Yes. Sometimes people really need to be told what is up.
Yeah, I think it is super funny.
No. I find it awful.


When you mess with people online, what is your main goal?
I think it is hilarious to wind people up for my own amusement.
To beat them into submission.
Just to make myself laugh.
I don't mess with people online.
What was the pinnacle of your trolling career?
When I started a fake website as someone else and tricked all sorts of people into believing it was real.
When I took on someone who disagreed with me and made him look foolish.
When I disrupted a raid in World of Warcraft by telling them all that Bill Cosby died over and over again.
I don't ever troll people.
Has anyone ever called you sadistic?
Oh yeah.
Yeah, but it was because I won and he was being a sore loser.
No, I am just silly, not mean.


What do you think of people who believe trolls are sad and have no lives?
Who cares? That is the funny part, they just don't understand me.
They have no idea what they are talking about. I think the same about them.
Ha, that is silly. I am just having fun.
It makes sense to me. Who would do things like that if they were not sad and lonely?
Would you ever try to smear someone through an Internet campaign?
Sure! The Internet is my domain, and if someone wants to play around in it, then they have to be prepared to be screwed with.
Sure, if they had it coming.
Nah, I wouldn't even know how to get started on something like that.
No, of course not.
How much time do you spend gaming, vs. how much time do you spend messing with people?
90 percent messing with people.
I only mess with people when they have it coming, so it depends.
About 50-50.
I just game. I never mess with people.


What do you think about people who call you a noob?
Pfft. Only Nubs say Noobs.
I think they have a lot of nerve messing with me.
I think they are probably just dumb kids.
I don't even know what that means.
Do you ever openly insult people online?
No way. That takes no skill.
Sure, when they have it coming.
Yeah, because it can be so funny.
How often do you type in all caps?
Never. That just draws attention to the fact I am messing with people, and I never do that.
When I get mad I do.
All the time.
Never, that is totally rude.


Do you ever flirt with people online and try to convince them that you really like them?
Of course. Doing that means good times.
No, that isn't my style.
Yeah, but they usually block me.
No, that would be dishonest.
What should people do who don't want to be affected by you?
There is no way for that to happen. I am that good.
Just leave me alone and let me do my thing.
If people ignore me I usually stop.
This doesn't apply to me.
Do you think trolls are mean?
Not at all. I am just having fun. The people I am messing with should be too. I get a rush out of it, but I am not trying to be mean.
I may be mean sometimes, but only because there are so many stupid people in the world.
No. Trolls are silly, not mean.
Of course. Trolls are horrible people.


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