Are You Actually Politically Conservative?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You Actually Politically Conservative?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

When it comes to America and today's society, there seems to be a lot of lines that have been drawn in the sand. If you say that you are a liberal, then people think a certain something of you, and the same goes for if you say that you are conservative. But what does all of that mean? Some people are really conservative financially but are liberal when it comes to social issues, and then there are some that are the other way around.

The fact of the matter is, there's so much of how we identify ourselves, whether it be politically or another way, it comes from our view of who we are, and as we all know sometimes, that doesn't jive with reality. A conservative tends to believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values, a strong national defense, and that a government's primary role is to give people enough freedom so they can pursue their own goals. Does all of that make sense to you, and what does that all mean anyway? Take this quiz to find out, and we promise if you come up liberal we won't tell anyone.

What do you think of long term welfare?
I think that it is a horrible idea.
I think it is dumb unless people really need it.
I am not sure.
I am in favor of it.


What is your view on the War on Terror?
Terrorists are the biggest threat to the world and we must destroy them at all costs.
I am in favor of what the government is doing.
I am not sure.
It is totally overkill.


Should corporate profits be regulated?
Obviously not.
Probably not.
I don't think so.


What do you think of the U.N.?
It is a total failure.
It is pretty ineffective.
It has done some good.
It has done a lot to help people.


What do you think of the minimum wage?
It should be lowered so businesses can compete.
It should stay the same.
It should go up a little.
It should go up a lot.


Should taxes be lowered?
Yes, that gives people an incentive to work.
Probably a little.
They should stay the same.
No, they should be raised.


How much money should we put into the military?
As much as it takes to be the most powerful country in the world.
A lot.
A fair amount.
Not much.


Do you believe in same-sex marriage?
No, are you kidding me?
No, I am not in favor of that.
I don't think so.
For sure.


Would you make a good social worker?
No. Is that a joke?
I doubt it.


Is it okay for symbols of God to be in public schools?
Why wouldn't it be?
Yes, but I get how tricky that is.
Probably not.
No way.


What would you give a panhandler?
Directions to a place where he could get a job.
A sandwich.


Do you think we should build a wall next to Mexico?
For certain.
Yes, but I worry about the cost.
Probably not.
No way.


What is the best way to ensure we don't get attacked by another country?
Military force.
Reducing our military.


Do you think airport security should be increased?
For certain.
Maybe a little.
No, it is fine.
No, it should be decreased.


When someone you know is in a bad space, do you feel compelled to help?
No. Why?


Do we need more gun control laws?
No, we need way less.
Things are fine as they are.
Maybe a few more.
We need way more.


Should the government help protect people from racial discrimination?
No, why should they do that?
I don't think so.
In some cases, maybe.
For sure.


What do you think of Bernie Sanders?
He is nuts.
I don't like him much.
He is okay.
He is awesome.


Have you ever flown a flag at your house?
Yes, I am doing so right now.
I have in the past.
No, but I have thought of it.
No, that isn't my scene.


Can people create their own success?
Sure they can.
if they try really hard.
Hardly ever.


Do you believe in global warming?
No, that is a joke.
I don't think so.
I am not sure.


Do you believe in the death penalty?
I do, but it makes me uncomfortable.
I am not sure.
Not at all.


Do you think homeless people could turn their life around with hard work?
Yes, anyone could.
Most of them could.
Maybe some of them.
That is ridiculous.


What is your favorite type of music?
Classic rock.


Do you worry about how much fuel we all consume?
Not at all.
I do some.
Not really.
Yes, I do a lot.


What do you think of affirmative action?
It is a joke.
I am not in favor of it.
I don't like it much.
I am in favor of it.


Should college be free?
Of course not, it should be for people who deserve it.
That doesn't make sense to me.
Maybe, but who would pay for it?
For certain.


Do you know all of the amendments by heart?
Sure, doesn't everyone?
I think so.
Probably not.
No, I don't.


What do you think of trade unions?
They are awful.
They cause more problems than they solve.
It depends on the situation.
They are awesome.


What did you think of Ronald Reagan?
He was a great man.
He was a good president.
He was pretty cool.
He was awful.


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