Are you a Winter Person or a Summer Person?

By: David Copper
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Are you a Winter Person or a Summer Person?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

The seasons have been known to bring out different aspects of our personalities. Some lack the stamina for summer. Others can't take the icy chill of winter. Which of the these two seasons is a better fit you? Take the quiz and find out!
You find a hundred dollar bill on the sidewalk. What's the first thing you do?
Put it in the bank
Go to the mall!
Nothing -- let the person who lost it find it.
Go in search of the person who lost it
How do you feel about dance clubs?
A wast of time
Tons of fun!
They're great when I'm bored.
They're fine when I'm looking for love.
What's your favorite furry animal?
A polar bear
A lion
A fox
A hamster


Your favorite footwear?
My work boots
My dancing shoes!
My high heels
None -- I like to go barefoot!
How do you feel about hunting?
I love it!
It's cruel!
It's not nice, but it's a necessity.
It looks like fun -- but I've never done it.
A penny saved is...?
A penny earned.
Only a penny -- so who cares?
Not much, but a good start.
Not as much fun as a penny earned.


What's your favorite movie genre?
Spy thrillers
Romantic comedies
War movies
How do you feel about education?
It's necessary in today's world.
It's fine, but it gets a little boring.
Nobody really needs it.
It was lots of fun for me.
Which of these careers could you see yourself having?
Police officer
Child care worker


What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
Bought flowers
Gone dancing
Bought an expensive gift
Sang a song to my sweetheart
What's your favorite beverage?
Hot cocoa
what's your favorite US state for a vacation?


How do you feel about makeup on a girl?
A girl must be older than twelve before she's allowed to wear makeup.
Girls should wear makeup at any age.
I don't like it at any age.
Makeup is fun!
Which of these have you never ridden?
A horse
A snowmobile
A motorcyle
A ski lift
How do you feel about politics?
Voting doesn't matter.
Voting is very important!
I know it matters, but I don't vote anyway.
I know it doesn't matter, but I vote anyway.


What are you most likely doing at a party?
Having a deep conversation
Joking around
Alone in the corner
Dancing like a fool!
Your favorite water animal?
A shark
A dolphin
A whale
A goldfish
Love is...?
A necessary evil.
The most amazing thing!
Something I try to avoid.
Something I hunt down with a passion.


Your most artistic quality?
I write short stories.
I tell jokes.
I cook.
I dance.
What can you make?
I can build a shack.
I can make clothes.
I can make furniture.
I can make a plate.
What is the best way to help people?
Let them figure things out themselves.
Give them what they need.
Do everything to make them happy.
Teach them to help themselves.


How do you feel about sports?
I find them boring.
I love watching, but not participating.
I have great sports skills.
Playing is fun -- even if you don't have talent!
Where is most of your knowledge?
In technology
In history
In fixing things
In understanding people
Your biggest hobby?
Working on my car
Spending time with my family


Who do you like to cook for most?
Only myself
My kids
My significant other -- although I hate it.
My significant other -- and I love it.
What are you best at doing?
Making plans
Making people laugh
Getting people to follow orders
Getting people to have fun
Your favorite kind of music?
Rock and roll
Dance music


Which of these is a great night out?
Going to a book reading
Getting drunk with friends
Going to a quiet jazz club
Babysitting a large group of kids
Your favorite school subject?
Your favorite game?
Trivial pursuit


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