Are You a Fairy, Angel or Dragon?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Are You a Fairy, Angel or Dragon?
Image: Vizerskaya / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The mythical world contains many types of magical and enchanting creatures, some of which include unicorns, mermaids, elves and spirits. But in this quiz, we're exploring angels, dragons and fairies, and they couldn't be more different from each other. So which one does your personality resemble the most? Before we answer this question for you, let's explore a little bit more about these types of creatures.

Fairies are generally perceived as beautiful creatures that can fly, sing and cast magical spells. You might be familiar with Tinker Bell, which is a popular character in the Peter Pan universe. Angels are also a large part of the mythical world, as these guardians typically watch over human souls. In fact, there are many types of angels such as virtues, archangels, thrones and powers. Angels also typically fly through the Heavens above and are considered to be very wise creatures. But if you tend to breathe fire when you become angry, then a dragon probably lurks in your soul. These large creatures are quick to make decisions and typically rely on their instincts and emotions in life. So whether there's magic, fire or light glowing in your soul, take our magical quiz to find out more about your personality!

Within your soul lies the power of a celestial body. But the real question is, which type is it?
Would you describe your personality as more cute and adorable or intimidating and scary?
Cute and adorable
I'm more kind and gentle.
Scary and intimidating
It depends on my mood.
Life challenges can be a difficult thing to face sometimes. Are you more calm or stressed out when it comes to such difficulties?
I'm somewhere in the middle.
I'm good at remaining calm.
I become stressed out pretty easily.
It depends on the life challenge.


When you dress fashionably for a party or a big event, do you really dress to impress yourself or other people?
Other people
I don't really dress in a fashionable manner.
Let's say that you're walking down a street when you notice a gold watch on the ground. Do you keep this watch for yourself or give it to a loved one?
I would keep the watch for myself.
I would give the watch to the police.
I would sell the watch.
I would give the watch to a loved one.
If you were a mythical creature, would you make your presence known to the world or remain out of sight?
I would only tell my friends and family members.
I would remain hidden.
I would definitely make my presence known.
I'm not sure what I would do.


Your wish has been granted! We're giving you a pair of wings, but first you must choose what color they will be!
I want a rainbow of colors.
Would your friends and family members describe you as a mischievous person or are you more well-behaved?
I'm mischevious when no one is looking.
I'm very well-behaved.
I'm 100% mischievous.
It depends on who I'm with.
The world is made up of various types of elements, but which of the following is your inner soul made of?


If you acquired superpowers, would you sell your soul to the dark side of life or remain on the good side?
I would be more neutral.
I would remain on the good side.
I would definitely transition to the dark side of life.
I'm not sure where I would stand.
You now have the option of living within a volcano, a forest or somewhere in the sky. Which do you choose as your new home?
I want to live somewhere else.
When it comes to the seven deadly sins, are you more greedy, lazy or envious of other people?
I would never commit a sin.


Everybody daydreams every now and then. Do you personally daydream about your past or your future?
My future
I don't really daydream that much.
My past
I daydream about the present.
You might be a human, but we secretly know that you're an animal in disguise! But the question is, which animal is within your soul?
Which of these popular TV show titles accurately matches your current lifestyle?
The Flash


If someone gave you an impossible riddle to solve, how would you go about solving it?
I would find a creative solution.
I would ask a friend for help.
I wouldn't be able to solve an impossible riddle.
I would look at the riddle from a different perspective.
Now's your chance to choose a new type of career! Which of the following career paths would you like to embark on?
Computer programmer
When it comes to your memory, are you better at remembering someone's face or name?
I don't have a great memory.


There's no need to be afraid of the darkness! Would you rather glow in the dark or see clearly in the dark?
Can I choose something else?
I'd rather see clearly in the dark.
I'd rather glow in the dark.
Can I choose both?
Fish aren't too different from human beings. Which of these fish resembles your personality the most?
Great white shark
Red lionfish
Would it be fun to sleep for 14 hours on your next day off or do you have better things to do with your time?
Sleeping sounds like the best way to spend a day off.
I have better things to do with my time.
I would definitely sleep in, but I would also be productive.
It depends on what I have to do for the day.


Everyone resembles a certain type of intelligence. Are you more linguistic, intrapersonal or spatial?
I resemble a different type of intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is about understanding and empathizing with other people. What % emotionally intelligent are you?
The human brain works in mysterious ways. Would you describe your way of thinking as more creative, logical or intuitive?
I'm a mix of all of these.


Let's spruce up your name a bit! Which of these epic titles would you attach to the end of your first name?
"The Immortal"
"The Wise"
"The Warrior"
"The Defender"
Would it be more beneficial to learn how to use a sword or a shield when fighting in a battle?
I wouldn't want to fight at all.
Stretch your imagination for a moment. Do you secretly believe that mythical creatures exist or are they all just a fairy tale?
I'm not really sure.
I absolutely believe that mythical creatures exist.
It's all just a fairy tale.
Some mythical creatures exist, but others do not.


If you were a mythical creature, would you want to be friends with human beings or your own kind?
I wouldn't want to be friends with anyone.
I'd want to be friends with everyone.
My own kind
Human beings
Does living in a large castle sound like fun or is this kind of home way too big for you and your family?
It sounds too big for me, but I'll live in one anyway.
That sounds way too big.
That sounds like fun!
I'd want to live in a small castle.
You just noticed a beautiful unicorn in the distance! Are you going to tame it, hug it or leave it alone?
I'll try and talk to it.
Hug it
Tame it
Leave it alone


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