Answer These Very Serious Morality Questions and We'll Guess If You Are Single, Taken or Somewhere In Between!

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
9 min
Answer These Very Serious Morality Questions and We'll Guess If You Are Single, Taken or Somewhere In Between!
Image: PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Can the state of your love life determine whether or not you're an ethical person? In other words, does being single mean that you're more irresponsible than a taken person, or does dating tons of cuties at once mean that you're cruel or dishonest? 

Whether we admit it or not, most people make assumptions about what other people's dating statuses mean about their morality. They think coupled-up people are good and people with secret relationships are bad. They see unhappily single people as being nice and sympathetic and happily single people as somehow being wicked, just because they like to date around. 

But are these stereotypes actually true? We think not ... and we want to put this theory to the test! In this quiz, we're going to give you a bunch of hypothetical situations to respond to, each one involving a moral dilemma. Answer them honestly and we'll guess whether you're in a stable relationship, perpetually single, mired in an "it's complicated" situation or gleefully single. We bet that the results will be more accurate than you'd imagine. Want to see if we can figure out the REAL nature of your love life? Stop sliding into that zaddy's DMs and take this quiz!

Let's say you're at a dinner party at someone else's house. Would you take the last slice of pizza?
No, that's ever so rude!
Yeah. I mean, why waste food?
I'd just stare at it longingly until someone else told me to take it.
I'd say, "Anybody want this?", and if no one admitted it, I'd scarf the darn thing!
Do you feel obligated to let older people tell you long stories, even if they're boring?
Yes. You gotta respect your elders.
I'd listen while sending lots of mean tweets about how bored I was.
I'd allow a painfully bored expression to settle on my face so that the older person would be forced to shut up out of politeness.
I'd interrupt the story with a question about some interesting aspect of it.
Imagine your partner is rude and self-centered, always putting down your friends and projects. In your mind, would that justify cheating on them?
No. Maybe they're just going through a rough patch?
I wouldn't actually cheat, but I might have an emotional affair. You know, by accident.
Um, I would break up with them immediately.


How much Netflix is too much Netflix?
Too much Netflix is more than seven hours in one sitting.
Too much Netflix is more than three hours in one sitting.
There's no such thing!
As long as Netflix doesn't = your plans every Saturday night, who cares?
Would you rather donate $100 to a nonprofit, volunteer for an hour at a community garden or run in your company's charity 5k?
Volunteer for an hour at a community garden
Donate $100 to a nonprofit
Run in my company's charity 5k
Can I say I'm going to run the 5k, then cancel at the last minute?
Upon seeing someone annoying ringing your doorbell, have you ever hidden behind your couch?
No, that's mean.
Yes, duh.
No, that's cowardly.
I did what I did!!!!


Let's say you work with your best friend. She often shirks her responsibilities while expecting you to cover for her. What do you do?
I'd secretly rat her out to my boss.
I'd lecture her on why her behavior isn't fair to others in the office.
I'd say I was covering for her, but I just ... wouldn't.
I'd tell her she had one week to pull it together or else I would go to our manager.
If you hate someone else's political opinions, is it okay to stop talking to them?
No. You should maintain the relationship no matter what.
Yes. Just quietly ghost them
No, but it is okay to talk smack about them behind their back.
Yes, but you should have a conversation where you try to change their mind first.
You're in a band. A record-company executive approaches and tells you he's willing to sign you if you leave the band and go solo. What do you do?
I'd say no. I've gotta be loyal to my band!
I'd say yes. This could be my only shot!
I'd say no, but I'd secretly resent my band for dragging me down.
I'd ask him why and make a decision based on that.


We'd all lie to the cops on behalf of our parents, but would you lie to the cops on behalf of your aunt?
Yes. I love my auntie.
Nah. Who cares about aunts?
Maybe. I mean, gosh, she did break the law!
❤ Aunts 4 Lyfe!
If you learned that your cat Sprinkles was killing local hummingbirds, would you start keeping him inside?
I'd try to keep him in more.
I'd put a clown collar and bell on the cat, so that the birds saw him coming.
One day, by accident, you find out that your ex-bf or ex-gf lied about their financial status to get an important scholarship. How do you handle it?
I let it go. It's none of my business.
I send an anonymous letter to the selection committee. No one dumps me and gets away with it!
I gossip about it with friends but don't notify anyone official.
I tell the school. They should know that a more financially-needy student is losing out on this scholarship.


As a flirtation tactic, is it okay to wait three hours to text someone back, or is that manipulative?
It's too manipulative for me!
Haha, it's fine.
Wait a minute ... Is that a technique that works?
It's kinda rude if you do it on purpose, but it's okay if you do it by accident (which I do all the time.)
What would you do if your sibling asked you to be their pregnancy surrogate?
I'd consider it!
I'd automatically say no.
I'd go back and forth about it for months before finally saying no.
It depends. Is this the only way they can have a child?
A friend is always complaining to you about her troubled love life. You know she had a rough time, but you're getting tired of it. What do you tell her?
"You'll find someone soon."
"Maybe you're turning dates off with your whininess."
"We're in the same boat, sister!"
"Let's go out tonight."


Can you send someone a winky emoji (😉) if you don't mean anything by it, or that totally wrong???
It's so wrong!
If winky emojis are wrong, I don't want to be right.
It's an extremely DARING thing to do.
You shouldn't send one if you don't like the person at all, but if you're not sure, go ahead and send it!
You and ten friends go out to dinner. Most of them drink, but you don't. At the end of the night, they want to split the bill eleven ways, even though they ordered plenty of cocktails. Do you agree?
Yeah. I don't want to make a fuss.
Yes, but I compensate for it by stiffing the waiter.
No. I make a big deal of hauling out my calculator and going over the bill.
I ask if we can knock $20 off my share since I didn't have any expensive drinks.
In your building's laundry room, you find a beautiful pair of designer jeans that fit you like a glove. Do you turn them in to the Lost & Found?
Yes. The owner probably loves them too!
Nope. They're my jeans now.
I'd leave a note on the bulletin board about them.
I'd write down the brand and size so I could save up for a pair of my own.


Let's say your mother has a dairy allergy. Would you feel comfortable scarfing ice cream in front of her?
No. Poor Mommy!
Yes. She can eat tofu ice cream or whatever.
I'd find a non-dairy alternative we both enjoyed, like mango sorbet.
I'd ask her if it was okay, and if she said yes, I'd go for it.
You're out with friends and a dorky pal keeps embarrassing you in front of your crush. Do you look for a chance to ditch them or stick by their side?
I'd stick by their side.
I'd ditch them, pronto.
I'd act openly embarrassed by them in front of my crush.
I'd ask my dorky friend to tone it down.
Imagine you're dating someone with a child. You don't hate the kid, but they prevent you from spending as much time with your partner as you'd like. How do you handle it?
I'd learn to love the child.
I'd hint that I wished the kid spent more time with their other parent.
I'd be slightly mean to the child all the time.
I'd ask my partner to set aside time for one-on-one dates.


Considering all the problems in the world, is it okay under any circumstances to spend more than $400 on a purse?
No. That money could feed starving people.
Yes. A good purse is a thing of beauty and a joy forever.
Well, what if you keep the purse for a long time?
Probably not, unless it was made by a poor young artist.
Would you adopt a very ugly dog if you were told that no one else would take her home?
Probably. I can't resist a sad pooch!
No. I'm sure someone else will adopt it eventually.
Maybe? Is the dog VERY ugly?
Yesssss. I love ugly dogs!
You go to a birthday party. You and your partner are the only people there. How long do you feel obligated to stay?
I'd stay for the duration of the entire party.
I'd leave after 20 minutes on a thin excuse.
I'd stay for an hour.
I'd ask the birthday person if they wanted to go somewhere fun, like a music venue or bowling alley.


Let's say your roommate won't stop stealing your expensive conditioner. What's a good punishment for him?
Nothing. I'd just tolerate it.
I'd swap the conditioner for gravy.
I'd leave him a long, weird note about it.
I'd ask him to buy the next bottle.
If someone offered to donate a million dollars to a children's hospital if you made out with one of your parents' best friends, would you do it?
Ew, no!
Hmm ... Maybe, if no one else found out.
Good grief. I'd do anything but that!
I'd gladly go for it!
How late can a good person stay in bed on Saturday morning?
Until 9 a.m.
Until 10 a.m.
Until 11 a.m.
Until 2 p.m.


You discover your boss is embezzling. He says that if you don't say anything, you've got a job for life. You have a baby at home. What do you do?
I keep my mouth shut, dude!
I start blackmailing my boss.
I keep the job and drop hints about wanting certain "presents."
I leave the company ASAP, then I blow the whistle.
A teenage neighbor keys your car as a joke. You know his family is very poor and can't pay for repairs. Do you report him anyway?
Yep. Wrong is wrong!
I ask the parents to put the cost of repairs on their credit card.
I hem and haw, then do end up going to the police.
I tell the kid I won't tattle on him if he mows my lawn.
Your grandfather buys you a sweater that you HATE. What do you tell him?
"Thanks, Gramps, I love it!"
"Gosh ... You shouldn't have. I mean, you REALLY shouldn't have."
"It's really sweet, and I'll DEFINITELY wear it."
"You know, I don't love this color, but I love this sweater because it reminds me of you."


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