Answer These Morality Questions and We'll Guess Your Soul’s True Age

By: Isadora Teich
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Answer These Morality Questions and We'll Guess Your Soul’s True Age
Image: primipil/iStock/Getty Images Plus

About This Quiz

Do you believe that what's right and wrong is absolutely set in stone? Or do you think that morality and ethics are situational, subjective and far more complex than that? There are many ways to approach questions of morality, and many different ethical stances a person can take. However, almost all of them are complicated. When it comes to intense situations, it is often hard to tell what exactly is the most right course of action to take.   

So, take a crack at some challenging moral conundrums, and based on your answers we will tell you just how old your soul is. Are you a sage, ancient spirit who has had lifetimes to think about all of life's moral pitfalls, or is your soul a little bit more green?  Morality can be as complex as your stance on issues and situations where lives are on the line, or as simple as deciding what to do when you find a $20 bill on the ground. Whether big or small, moral dilemmas are a part of most of our lives day in and day out. Your take on some morality issues might just reveal the exact age of your inner soul!

You are married. Someone you are not married to kisses you unexpectedly, but that is as far as it goes. Do you tell your spouse?
Yes, I value honesty.
No, I don't need the hassle.
Yes, I tell them everything.
No, it would upset them.
Someone strikes you in anger. Is it wrong or right to strike back?
Defending yourself is morally right.
Vengeance is wrong.
All violence is wrong.
It's neither wrong nor right.
Your friend has low self-esteem. They find a shirt they really like, but it looks horrible on them. When they ask you what you think, what do you say?
You look great.
I really don't like that shirt.
You look fine.
You look awful.


If you are in a store and you find $50 on the ground, what do you do?
Take it up front
Leave it there
Pocket it
Take half
Do you think it is wrong to steal from a corporation, like Walmart?
It's neither wrong nor right.
I think it's right.
It's wrong to steal from anyone.
Anything illegal is wrong.
If something is illegal, does that also automatically make it immoral?
Law and morality are not the same.
It depends on the situation.


If a sick patient dies under a doctor's care, does that automatically mean that the doctor did something wrong?
Need more information to decide
It's possible.
You have a crush on a friend's partner. Is this wrong?
No, you can't control emotions.
Only if you act on it
It's not great, but not immoral.
You are a billionaire. Millions of kids in your country are starving. Is it wrong for you to not help them?
No. My money, my choice.
It's neither wrong nor right.
That's just how it is.


Where do you think true morality comes from?
Each of us individually
I don't know.
Your partner admits to having cheated on you. Does them admitting to it and being honest make you judge them more favorably?
Not at all
I'm still leaving them.
You have two children, one you get along with and one you don't. Is favoring the first one wrong?
No, that's natural.
Only if you show it
It's wrong.
It's not positive, but not immoral.


Many people consider religion and morality to be intertwined. Do you think they are?
The two are very different.
Religion can inform morality.
Very much so
Does everyone who is in jail deserve to be there, in your opinion?
No, not at all
Prisons are immoral.
Most of them do
Is killing another person always wrong?
Nothing is always wrong.
In self-defense, it's moral.
In most cases


In your opinion, is war ever morally justifiable?
It's a fact of humanity.
Only in defense
In different parts of the world, what is considered moral and immoral can vary a lot. What does that tell you about the nature of morality?
Morality is subjective.
No one is right.
My culture is right, everyone else is wrong.
No one is wrong.
If someone tells you that they are a good person, do you believe them?
No way
I am less likely to.


Is lying always wrong?
Telling the truth isn't always right.
White lies are fine.
Lying is fine.
Someone is driving, and black ice causes them to crash into another car. They kill the other driver. Have they done something immoral?
No, because it was an accident
It's bad, but not immoral.
Yes, killing anyone is immoral.
I don't know.
If someone means to help you, but causes you horrific problems, do their good intentions matter?
Only outcomes matter.
Intention is everything.
Good intentions are not enough.
It makes it worse.


Someone who was really horrible to you passes away. Is it immoral to speak poorly of them?
It's honesty, which is morally right.
It's neither moral nor immoral.
It's immoral to speak ill of the dead.
It's not wrong or right, but it's rude.
Do you think that people owe forgiveness to those who have hurt them?
Depends on the situation
No one owes anyone anything.
Yes, for family
It is moral to forgive.
If a parent was horribly cruel to the child they raised, is it immoral of that child to later cut them out of their life?
It's moral, the parent is immoral.
It's neither moral nor immoral.
Yes, parents are owed respect.
It's a sad situation with no moral right.


A woman is seeing two men, one who is rich and one who is poor. She gets pregnant by the poor man, but if the rich man believes the child is his the child will have a much better life. Does she owe it to the men to be honest with them, or to her child to secure it a comfortable place in the world?
She owes the men honesty.
Her child comes first.
The child needs its real father.
I can't pick.
Is it immoral to eat animal products?
It's not nice, but not immoral.
No, it's the natural order.
It's fine.
Is it moral or immoral to be in the military of any country?
It's more complex than that.
Always moral
Always immoral
Depends on the country


Is the death penalty moral or immoral?
It's ineffective.
It depends on the crimes committed.
A lot of fast fashion is made by sweatshop workers in horrible conditions. If someone doesn't know this, are they doing something wrong by buying fast fashion?
Yes, ignorance is no excuse.
No, because they don't know
No, because it's not their fault
Yes, everyone is wrong.
A single father loses his job and has to take up illegal work so his children don't starve. Is what he is doing wrong?
It's both wrong and right.
It's right.
It's wrong.
It's morally balanced.


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