Answer These Love Questions and We’ll Guess What Kind of Kisser You Are

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Answer These Love Questions and We’ll Guess What Kind of Kisser You Are
Image: Ron Levine / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The ways in which we love, who we love, and why we fall in love are deeply personal. No two people have exactly the same tastes and proclivities - not in romantic partners, not in romantic circumstances, not in the expectations we have of our partners. What will set one person off, making them irate, even at a loved one, is not the same as what will do this with another person. Love springs up in unexpected places, and most people will have romantic relationships with several people, most of them very different from each other. What is it that binds them together, that we can think of them as possible romantic interests?

Similarly, expressions of love are very specific. A healthy marriage might feature someone showing love by always making tea in the morning, or emptying the dishwasher when their partner is picky about tidiness. There are expressions of love that mean a lot more to the person expressing themselves than they do to the person who is the object of the affection. Then, of course, there are expressions of love that mean the same thing to both people, kisses being a perfect example. Still, the question remains: how do you kiss? We think we can figure that out if you tell us what you think about love. What's love got to do with it? Everything!

How long do you date someone before you start referring to them as your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Four dates
Two dates
10 dates
One date
What quality do you prize above all others in a romantic partner?
How much involvement do you have in supporting the career of your significant other?
Loads. We're arm in arm.
Not any
A little
I try to help out where I can.


How often would you like to go on a romantic getaway?
Several times a year
Once a year
A couple of times a year
I prefer staycations.
From where do you draw your dating pool?
Introductions by close friends
Random people I meet in the world
The internet
Which of the following makes you the most uncomfortable?
My significant other publicly discussing really private details of our relationship
My significant other saying I'm boring
My significant other comparing me to all his/her exes
My significant other talking about how inexperienced I am compared to them.


How long do you date someone before you start using terms of affection for them like "honey" or "boo"?
Six months
One date
Six dates
10 dates
From what quality do you flee when you see it in a potential romantic partner?
Childish views on risk
Being uptight
Loose morals
What sort of regular affection do you expect from a partner, at a minimum?
Overlapping responsibility
One phone call every day
Good night texts!


How often would you say "I love you" to a spouse or serious significant other?
Several times a day
Once every day or so
Twice a day
A few times a week
How tolerant are you of a significant other's embarrassing bad habits?
Not at all
A little
How willing are you to stand up to a significant other for their own good?
I will say whatever needs saying if it comes to it.
I will make noises, but I will sooner leave than get into a fight.
I will beg, but not argue.
I will bring up my disagreements, but only in private.


How likely are you to make the first move?
I might
I would
I wouldn't
How often do you initiate the breakup?
All the time
Where do you draw the line on your significant other's pet ownership habits?


How often do your feelings of love transform into religious sentiment?
A couple of times a year
Every day
Very rarely
What is an appropriate Valentine's Day gift?
Basketball tickets
When in love, how often have you despaired at the mere thought of not being in love?
Any time my single friends tell me about their lives
Any time I'm with my significant other
From time to time


How willing are you to endure terrible in-laws?
Not at all
Not very
How do you feel about public displays of affection?
Take them or leave them
They are my favorite thing.
They are pretty nice sometimes.
Ugh! No thanks!
Who were your models for how someone in love should act?
My parents
Movie characters
My first crush
I don't have one


When your love becomes demonstrative, how planned are your actions?
Mostly planned
Totally planned
Not planned at all
A little planned
How often do you show affection to your sweetheart on a daily basis?
Dozens of times
A couple of times
A dozen or so times
Do you see being in a relationship as the main reason to go to nice dinners, etc?
No, but it's a good reason.
Only when I'm broke
For the most part


When you were single, how much of your monthly budget did you spend on dating?
25 percent
80 percent
70 percent
5 percent
How would you greet a significant other you had not seen in ages?
A big hug and a peck on the lips
Spin around with them, dip, and kiss
A deep, French kiss
A kiss on the cheek and a long hug
What kind of treat do you like to receive from a significant other?
Spa day
Surprise trip
A planned night out
A personalized gift, like a pen with an engraving


How much time do you like to spend around your significant other?
14 or more hours
Five hours
12 hours
Three hours
How much career support do you expect from your significant other?
As much as I give
A little
Lots of it
Which of these unfortunate events would you be most willing to attend on behalf of a significant other?
Family funeral
Family wedding (one of the parties isn't well-liked)
Terrible performance art exhibition
Awful violin recital


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