Answer These Kinky Questions and We'll Guess How Many People You'll Sleep With in 2019

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Answer These Kinky Questions and We'll Guess How Many People You'll Sleep With in 2019
Image: Image Source/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The year 2019 is so going to be your year. Why shouldn't it be? It's laid out with all kind of possibilities and no matter what happened last year or the year before, this year is all brand new. A new year represents a new opportunity to make something happen in your life. That could be anything from changing your diet to changing your job. It could also include letting your kinky side take over now and then and get yourself out there with some like-minded individuals for sexy fun times. You're an adult, you're independent, and you know how to have a good time.  

Now just because a year is loaded with potential doesn't really help you figure out exactly how things are going to go down. Sure, you could have some hookups this year. You could win the lottery, too. You need something more substantial! Lucky for you, we're on the scene. All we need you to do is tell us a little about yourself in terms of kink. Share some of your kinky proclivities with us, and we'll do our very best to tell you just how many people you're going to hook up with throughout 2019. What are you waiting for? Put those handcuffs down and take the quiz!

Say it's a relaxing Friday night and you have no plans at all but are feeling a little frisky. What would you do to meet someone new?
I'm not sure, I don't meet people that often.
See what my friends are up to and maybe we'd go to a bar?
I could go to the club.
I might have to hit up Tinder.
Is a "friends with benefits" situation something you'd be open to?
I kind of want more of a commitment.
I guess anything's possible.
I could be into that.
I already have a situation like that!
When you're about to get nasty with someone, do you take it to the bedroom or just let things happen where they happen?
Well, my bed is really comfy.
I'm not above having fun in the shower or wherever.
You have to follow your passion wherever it takes you.
Wherever it happens, it happens. Sometimes I'm not even indoors.


What's the sexiest fabric that an article of clothing can be made out of?
How many times in your life would you say you've had a one-night stand?
I haven't.
Just once or twice
A few times
Was I supposed to keep count?
Could someone ever entice you to engage in some sexy times in the great outdoors?
I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Maybe in a really private place
I could see that happening.
I usually do the enticing.


It's the digital age and everyone is on their phone all the time. Would you be OK with someone scrolling through all of your photos?
I have nothing to hide.
I'd rather that didn't happen.
I have a couple of pics I don't need anyone to see on my phone.
No! Please stay off my phone.
The internet is just loaded with dirty stuff and a lot of it is free. Have you ever paid money for porno?
Nah, the free stuff is fine.
Actually, I have.
What would you say if your partner suggested the two of you film yourself getting dirty?
No, thank you!
Maybe if my face isn't visible.
As long as I knew no one else was going to see it.
I've done it before, so why not?


Are there any circumstances in which you could imagine a third person joining you in the bedroom?
I like the fantasy, but I don't know if I could do it for real.
Never say never, I guess.
Maybe if it was the perfect person.
There are all kinds of circumstances!
A lot of people like role-playing. Which role-playing scenario sounds the most exciting to you?
I find role play kind of awkward.
Two strangers hooking up in a bar
Something with a sexy maid, maybe
A cop and prisoner scenario sounds fun.
Would it cause any anxiety for you if a stranger were to look in the drawer of your nightstand right now?
I don't think so.
I don't keep anything in there that people can't see.
Well, you could say that.
There's some stuff in there you might not want to see.


Would you ever agree to give your significant other a hall pass?
What's a hall pass?
I doubt it.
But what if I want to join in?
Is there a celebrity that you would drop everything to have a chance to sleep with?
I do have a favorite celeb, yes.
A couple of them
I have a few that I think are really sexy.
So, so many
When you're really getting into it, how likely are you to engage in some dirty talk?
I usually just make noises.
I'll pepper a little talk in.
I can get pretty dirty.
I have the filthiest mouth.


What exotic location would inspire you to have a sexy rendez-vous?
A fancy hotel in Europe
The beach
The woods
I don't need exotic locations.
If you're going to shop for some adult toys, where are you going to get them?
Maybe Amazon
There are plenty of stores online.
You know those sex toy parties? I'd go to one of those.
I know a couple of shops in town.
Does ice have any place in your sex life?
I hate being cold!
I could use an ice cube maybe.
I've tried before and it was fun.
That's a fun way to start things. And finish things. And in the middle of other things.


Have you ever made use of some sexy edible things like whipped cream or chocolate syrup when you're having sex?
No, that's too messy.
I've tried before.
Heck yeah, that sounds great!
I'd eat a whole meal's worth of food!
What's your opinion on handcuffs?
They seem good at helping police restrain criminals.
I'm not big on being tied up.
I am into it.
I own some!
Everyone likes going to the movies, right? Would you ever sit in the back row at the theater and do anything that ensures you won't be watching the movie?
I might be too nervous to do anything in public like that.
I'd love to try sometime!
I've had theater fun before.
I rarely remember the movies I've paid to see for this very reason.


Would you ever go to a swinger's club where you could mingle with other couples having sex out in the open?
Oh no. Nothing like that.
Wow, do places like that actually exist?
Maybe in another town
Sign me up!
In your everyday life, do you ever wear anything a little sexy under your normal clothes?
I mean, if I'm at work, then I just want comfy stuff.
I have some pretty sexy underwear.
I'd wear some sexy lingerie.
Usually, I have nothing under my clothes.
Is there a particular place on your body that drives you wild when someone kisses you there?
My lips
My neck
By my ears
Anywhere and everywhere


How often do you put on music when you're getting sexy with someone?
I never usually think about it.
Sometimes I do.
I like something sexy playing.
I love to have sex with a good beat.
How well do you know the backseat of your car?
My car is for passengers and groceries only.
I've gotten frisky in a car before, but not mine.
I know it pretty well.
I broke it in soon after I bought it.
How often do you engage in any kind of bondage play?
I'd be willing to try it!
I like to give it a try every now and then.
I have a few different kinds of restraints handy.


If you come home early from work and find your significant other watching porn, what are you going to do?
That would weird me out.
I wouldn't think anything of it.
I'd totally spy on that.
Heck yeah! Make room for me.
Would you ever have sex if you had company in the house and knew there was a chance you could get caught?
No thanks, I don't need to get caught.
I can lock my door.
I can keep it quiet if need be.
That makes it hotter!
When sexy time is over, what are you going to do with yourself?
Time for bed!
I'll need a drink.
Maybe snuggle and chat
Start again!


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