93% of People Can't Name all of These Common Aquarium Fish From a Photo! Can you?

By: Jacqueline Samaroo
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
93% of People Can't Name all of These Common Aquarium Fish From a Photo! Can you?
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Popular since Roman times, aquaria have become pretty common in homes nowadays. If you like to spend time gazing in through the glass of their tank, do you think you can name each of these common aquarium fish from just one image? Take our quiz and find out!
Black Neon Tetra
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Black Neon Tetra
The Black Neon Tetra is a freshwater native of southern Brazil. It has a pair of white-over-black stripes running from head to tail and a pair of red-over-yellow stripes across the top of its eyes.
Common Hatchetfish
Bloodfin Tetra
Three Spot Gourami
Dwarf Spotted Danio
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Buenos Aires Tetra
Red-Bellied Piranha
Dwarf Spotted Danio
Sometimes referred to as simply Dwarf Danio or Spotted Danio, this fish grows to about one and half inches in length. The Dwarf Spotted Danio is a small, peaceful, schooling species and has a lifespan of 3 years.
Bandit Cory
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Bubble Eye Goldfish
Gold Barb
Selective breeding has led to aquaria Guppy with a wide range of amazing color variations. In the wild, however, female Guppies are a plain gray color.


Upside-Down Catfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Zebra Barb
Red Hook
Upside-Down Catfish
The coloration of the Upside-Down Catfish has led to it commonly being called the Blotched Upside-Down Catfish. This fish swims in an upside-down position and likes to feed from the surface of the water.
Zebra Danio
Pearl Gourami
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Three-Lined Cory
Pearl Gourami
Adult Pearl Gourami grow to about 4 inches long. Pearl Gourami are peaceful, hardy, easy-to-care-for fish. They are omnivores and have a lifespan of roughly 8 years.
Blue Dot Grouper
Silver Angelfish
Black Phantom Tetra
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Giant Danio
Dwarf Gourami
Black Molly
Black Phantom Tetra
These peaceful, schooling fish originate in Brazil and thrive in well-planted aquaria. Black Phantom Tetra females have smaller fins than their male counterparts.


Bristlenose Pleco
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Kissing Gourami
Bristlenose Pleco
The Bristlenose Pleco or Brushy Nose Pleco is commonly found in South American rivers and tributaries. They are algae eaters and so are often kept as tank cleaner fish.
Black Banded Leporinus
Black Ruby Barb
Black Telescope Goldfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Black Telescope Goldfish
Other names for the Black Telescope Goldfish include Blackamoor, Black Moor and simply Moor. They originated in China and are now popular, easy-to-care-for aquaria fish.
Harlequin Rasbora
Pompom Goldfish
White Cloud
Marbled Hatchetfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Marbled Hatchetfish
In the wild, this predatory freshwater fish is found throughout the Amazon Basin. The Marbled Hatchetfish are omnivores that like to stay close to the surface of the water. They will not venture to the bottom of the tank so they need to be fed food that floats.
Moonlight Gourami
Blind Cave Fish


Giant Danio
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Bubble Eye Goldfish
Siamese Algae Eater
Marble Angelfish
Giant Danio
These easy-to-care-for and peaceful omnivores originate in India. The Giant Danio belong to the minnow family and are among the largest types of minnow. They can grow to roughly 4 inches long.
Black Widow Tetra
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Pompom Goldfish
Black Widow Tetra
Also called the Black Skirt Tetra, this hardy, translucent fish likes to have places in the aquarium where it can hide. The Black Widow Tetra is distinguished by its color, which transitions from gray to near-black from its mid-section to its tail fin.
Convict Cichlid
Silver Dollar
Black Molly
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Black Molly
Black Molly are popular aquarium fish that grow to a maximum size of 3 inches. They are prolific breeders that bear live young.
Bala Shark
Buenos Aires Tetra


Bandit Cory
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Veiltail Goldfish
Zebra Angelfish
Bandit Cory
The Bandit Cory is also called the Masked Cory, with both names attributed to the black band running from gill to gill and over both eyes. These egg-layers can grow to be 2 inches long and have a lifespan of 5 years.
Harlequin Rasbora
Black Banded Leporinus
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Blind Cave Fish
Black-Banded Leporinus
Black-Banded Leporinus originate in Central and South America. They are large fish and can grow to be 12 inches long in their lifespan of 5 years and more. The Black-Banded Leporinus are herbivores but they can become quite aggressive toward other fish.
Black Ruby Barb
Red-Bellied Piranha
Three Lined Cory
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Gold Barb
Three-Lined Cory
This South American freshwater fish inhabits forest pools, creeks and tributaries. They thrive in aquaria that replica their natural habitat – dimly lit, with soft substrate, plants and hiding places.
Blue Dot Grouper


Bleeding Heart Tetra
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Zebra Danio
Chocolate Gourami
Bala Shark
Bleeding Heart Tetra
The distinctive coloring of the Bleeding Heart Tetra is best revealed when the fish feel secure and are raised in a group of similar fish. This egg-laying fish can survive for approximately 5 years.
Siamese Algae Eater
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Marble Angelfish
Blushing Angelfish
Siamese Algae Eater
The Siamese Algae Eater is a tropical freshwater fish in the carp family. It is a bottom-feeder that gets along well with other types of fish and thrives in a planted aquarium.
White Cloud
Bala Shark
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Bala Shark
The Bala Shark isn’t really a shark but rather a member of the family that includes barbs, minnows and carps. Bala Shark can grow to just over a foot long and are generally peaceful. Smaller fish placed in an aquarium with it, however, are in danger of being eaten.
Red Hook
Cardinal Tetra


Red Bellied Piranha
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Black Neon Tetra
Marbled Hatchetfish
Red-Bellied Piranha
Red-Bellied Piranha can be fed live food or food that that is either still fresh or frozen. They can go a day or more without being fed, but will turn on each other when hungry.
Moonlight Gourami
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Moonlight Gourami
Moonlight Gourami are native to Thailand and central Cambodia. They have silver color with a slightly green tinge and are able to breathe air directly.
Three Spot Gourami
Black Ruby Barb
Giant Danio
Zebra Danio
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Chocolate Gourami
Silver Dollar
Marble Angelfish
Zebra Danio
The Zebra Danio, a type of minnow, is often referred to as the Zebrafish. This active fish is normally colored either silver or gold with five blue-purple stripes running from its gills to the tip of its tail. The Zebra Danio is noted for its ability to regenerate various body parts while in the larval stage.


Harlequin Rasbora
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Cardinal Tetra
Harlequin Rasbora
This beautiful metallic-colored fish is also called the Red Rasbora. It is a popular aquarium fish since it is easy to care for and peaceful. The Harlequin Rasbora is an egg layer, but breeding may prove difficult for fish hobbyists.
Moonlight Gourami
Blushing Angelfish
Gold Barb
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Dwarf Gourami
Black Telescope Goldfish
Gold Barb
This hardy freshwater fish grows to a maximum size of 3 inches, although most are half that size. These schooling fish thrive when kept in groups (of at least 6).
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Silver Angelfish
These attractively colored members of the carp family are prized among fish hobbyists. The word “koi” is a homophone for “affection” or “love” in Japanese.
Veiltail Goldfish


Kissing Gourami
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Kissing Gourami
Also called Green Kisser and Pink Kisser, the Kissing Gourami is a generally peaceful fish which originates in Thailand and Indonesia. The Kissing Gourami will “kiss” other fish, plants and inanimate objects in the aquarium.
Pompom Goldfish
Giant Danio
Red Hook
Blind Cave Fish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Black Phantom Tetra
Three Spot Gourami
Blind Cave Fish
The Blind Cave Fish has no eyes because over the course of evolution it lost the need for them. They are very capable of finding their way around and will very rarely bump into other fish or objects
Black Widow Tetra
Pompom Goldfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Zebra Danio
Three-Lined Cory
Pompom Goldfish
The Pompom Goldfish, like all other goldfish, is type of small carp. It is named for and distinguished by the balls of loose flesh that grow on either side of its nose.
Bristlenose Pleco


Zebra Barb
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Chocolate Gourami
Zebra Barb
The Zebra Barb can grow to be around 4 inches long and has a lifespan of at least 5 years. They are peaceful, schooling fish who need plenty of room to swim around in.
Moonlight Gourami
Upside-Down Catfish
Silver Angelfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Silver Angelfish
The Silver Angelfish originates in the Amazon river basin. They are distinguished by their 3 dark vertical bands, one of which runs through the eye. They are peaceful fish which should not be kept with aggressive fish who could potentially nip their fins.
Buenos Aires Tetra
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Gold Barb
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Zebra Angelfish
The hardy, colorful Platy can grow to two and a half inches in length. They are prolific breeders, with the ability to produce 50 fry monthly. Care must be taken by the fish hobbyist, however, as the Platy will eat their young.
Black Molly


Black Ruby Barb
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Bristlenose Pleco
Black Ruby Barb
The Black Ruby Barb originates in mountain streams of Sri Lanka. While the young have a yellowish gray body lined by vertical black stripes, the adults have the distinctive coloring that the Black Ruby Barb is named for.
Convict Cichlid
Common Hatchetfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Dwarf Spotted Danio
Bandit Cory
Bloodfin Tetra
Common Hatchetfish
This tropical, freshwater fish from South America is named for the shape of its protruding abdomen. The Common Hatchetfish has a 5-year lifespan and thrives in the company of similar fish.
Dwarf Gourami
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Black Neon Tetra
Pearl Gourami
Dwarf Gourami
The coloring on this fish leads to its other common names, some of which are Flame Gourami, Sunset Gourami, Powder Blue Gourami and Red Gourami. The name Dwarf Gourami comes from the fact that this fish rarely grows past 2 inches in length
Silver Dollar


Buenos Aires Tetra
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Marbled Hatchetfish
Bala Shark
Buenos Aires Tetra
The Buenos Aires Tetra is an easy-to-care-for fish which can grow up to 3 inches long. Its distinctive orange-red fins have made it a popular aquarium fish.
Bubble Eye Goldfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Blind Cave Fish
Bubble Eye Goldfish
This very delicate fish has a fluid-filled bladder under each eye. The sac punctures easily when nipped at or if the fish bumps into sharp aquarium decorations. While the Bubble Eye Goldish will grow back the sac, there is the risk of infection setting in.
Black Widow Tetra
White Cloud
Convict Cichlid
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Upside-Down Catfish
Kissing Gourami
Siamese Algae Eater
Convict Cichlid
The distinctive vertical black bands on the Convict Cichlid cause it to also be known as the Zebra Cichlid. Due to their aggressive nature, it is recommended that the Convict Cichlid be kept with other aggressive fish which are similar in size or bigger.


Blushing Angelfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Blushing Angelfish
The blushing appearance of this fish comes from the fact that the skin in the area of its cheek lacks pigmentation. The redness seen is actually the gills of the Blushing Angelfish.
Pearl Gourami
Black-Banded Leporinus
Blue Dot Grouper
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Black Phantom Tetra
Common Hatchetfish
The Swordtail is a hardy aquarium fish. Only the male sword has the distinctive elongated tail, but both sexes are brilliantly colored, making them aquarium favorites.
Cardinal Tetra
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Cardinal Tetra
The iridescent line running from nose to tail on the Cardinal Tetra helps it to stand out in the aquarium. The Cardinal Tetra has a lifespan of approximately 5 years and can reach 2 inches in length.
Zebra Barb
Red-Bellied Piranha
Marbled Hatchetfish


Veiltail Goldfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Black Telescope Goldfish
Dwarf Spotted Danio
Veiltail Goldfish
The Veiltail Goldfish is rare, delicate and difficult to breed. Its flowing tail, however, makes it a prized addition to aquaria.
Harlequin Rasbora
Chocolate Gourami
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Bubble Eye Goldfish
Chocolate Gourami
This gourami variety can be difficult to care for. There must be consistently good water quality in the aquarium to keep the Chocolate Gourami free of skin parasites and bacterial infections.
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Black-Banded Leporinus
Bloodfin Tetra
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Kissing Gourami
Silver Angelfish
Bloodfin Tetra
The Bloodfin Tetra is a popular choice among novice fish hobbyists since it is an extremely hardy fish and very easy to care for. Bloodfin Tetra thrive in the company of similar fish.


White Cloud
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Dwarf Gourami
Black Widow Tetra
White Cloud
This hardy freshwater, cold-water fish is called the White Cloud Mountain Minnow after the mountain range in China where it is found. White Cloud are a good and popular choice for beginner fish hobbyists.
Cardinal Tetra
Red Hook
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Zebra Barb
Black Telescope Goldfish
Siamese Algae Eater
Red Hook
The Red Hook fish can reach up to 15 inches in length. They get along well with fish of similar size but will eat much smaller fish in the aquarium.
Zebra Angelfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Upside-Down Catfish
Zebra Angelfish
Zebra Angelfish can have between four and six black stripes, with one running through the eyes. Some Zebra Angelfish will have darker stripes than others.
Bandit Cory
Pearl Gourami


Which common aquarium fish is this?
Betta fish are more formally known as Siamese Fighting Fish. They are members of the gourami family with a lifespan of about 3 years. When offered for sale, however, the Betta may already be a year old since the vendor would have waited for their beautiful coloring to develop.
Blushing Angelfish
Common Hatchetfish
Three-Lined Cory
Three Spot Gourami
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Veiltail Goldfish
Three-Spot Gourami
The Three-Spot or Blue Gourami has two dark spots on each side of its body. The spots are in line with its eye which is considered the third spot. The Three-Spot Gourami originate in southeast Asia where they are used both as food and sold as aquarium fish.
Bristlenose Pleco
Zebra Angelfish
Marble Angelfish
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Marble Angelfish
The marbling pattern on the Marble Angelfish can range from between 50% to 95% coverage. The fins of the Marble Angelfish display a striped pattern.
Bloodfin Tetra
Black Neon Tetra


Blue Dot Grouper
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Blue Dot Grouper
These hardy fish are quite aggressive. They feed on smaller fish and so should be kept with similarly-sized or larger tankmates.
Black Phantom Tetra
Convict Cichlid
Silver Dollar
Which common aquarium fish is this?
Black Molly
Silver Dollar
These white fish are popular additions to aquaria since they are easy to care for and very peaceful. They are herbivores and can reach up to 6 inches in length.
Dwarf Spotted Danio
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